1,023 research outputs found

    Large scale excitation of the ISM in NGC 1068

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    Researchers have shown that photoionization by the continuum of the hidden Seyfert I nucleus in NGC 1068 can have a significant effect on the ionization state and energetics of this disk's Interstellar Medium (ISM). Photoionization models with appropriate power law spectra can produce (NII) lambda lambda 6538, 6584/H alpha line ratios of 1.25 for ionization parameters Q approx. 10 (exp -12). However the data indicate large regions where the (NII)/H alpha ratio is 1 to 3. Since the abundances are known to be solar, there must be additional heating sources. Hardening of the incident radiation field by intervening absorption should be able to raise T sub e, thereby raising the (NII)/H alpha ratio. Heating with moderate efficiency by the intense starburst ring should also be a significant factor in raising the temperature of the ISM. The photoionization models with additional heating predict enhanced emission from other forbidden lines including (OII) lambda 3727 and (SII) lambda 6731

    The dynamical equivalence of modified gravity revisited

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    We revisit the dynamical equivalence between different representations of vacuum modified gravity models in view of Legendre transformations. The equivalence is discussed for both bulk and boundary space, by including in our analysis the relevant Gibbons-Hawking terms. In the f(R) case, the Legendre transformed action coincides with the usual Einstein frame one. We then re-express the R+f(G) action, where G is the Gauss-Bonnet term, as a second order theory with a new set of field variables, four tensor fields and one scalar and study its dynamics. For completeness, we also calculate the conformal transformation of the full Jordan frame R+f(G) action. All the appropriate Gibbons-Hawking terms are calculated explicitly.Comment: 17 pages; v3: Revised version. New comments added in Sections 3 & 5. New results added in Section 6. Version to appear in Class. Quantum Gravit

    Wired for behaviors: from development to function of innate limbic system circuitry

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    The limbic system of the brain regulates a number of behaviors that are essential for the survival of all vertebrate species including humans. The limbic system predominantly controls appropriate responses to stimuli with social, emotional, or motivational salience, which includes innate behaviors such as mating, aggression, and defense. Activation of circuits regulating these innate behaviors begins in the periphery with sensory stimulation (primarily via the olfactory system in rodents), and is then processed in the brain by a set of delineated structures that primarily includes the amygdala and hypothalamus. While the basic neuroanatomy of these connections is well-established, much remains unknown about how information is processed within innate circuits and how genetic hierarchies regulate development and function of these circuits. Utilizing innovative technologies including channel rhodopsin-based circuit manipulation and genetic manipulation in rodents, recent studies have begun to answer these central questions. In this article we review the current understanding of how limbic circuits regulate sexually dimorphic behaviors and how these circuits are established and shaped during pre- and post-natal development. We also discuss how understanding developmental processes of innate circuit formation may inform behavioral alterations observed in neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism spectrum disorders, which are characterized by limbic system dysfunction

    Ablation of solids by femtosecond lasers: ablation mechanism and ablation thresholds for metals and dielectrics

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    The mechanism of ablation of solids by intense femtosecond laser pulses is described in an explicit analytical form. It is shown that at high intensities when the ionization of the target material is complete before the end of the pulse, the ablation mechanism is the same for both metals and dielectrics. The physics of this new ablation regime involves ion acceleration in the electrostatic field caused by charge separation created by energetic electrons escaping from the target. The formulae for ablation thresholds and ablation rates for metals and dielectrics, combining the laser and target parameters, are derived and compared to experimental data. The calculated dependence of the ablation thresholds on the pulse duration is in agreement with the experimental data in a femtosecond range, and it is linked to the dependence for nanosecond pulses.Comment: 27 pages incl.3 figs; presented at CLEO-Europe'2000 11-15 Sept.2000; papers QMD6 and CTuK11

    Effect of strontium and cooling rate upon eutectic temperatures of A319 aluminum alloy

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    DTA analysis was used to investigate the solidification reactions of alloy A319 with either 12 or 136 ppm of Sr added. Strontium does not affect primary solidification of (Al) dendrites but modifies the kinetics of the (Al)–Si eutectic. The effects of Sr level and of cooling rate on the characteristic temperatures for the (Al)–Si and other eutectic reactions are described

    Topological derivatives for networks of elastic strings

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    International audienceWe consider second order problems on metric graphs under given boundary and nodal conditions. We consider the problem of changing the topology of the underlying graph in that we replace a multiple node by an imported subgraph, or, in reverse, concentrate a subgraph to a single node or delete or add edges, respectively. We wish to do so in some optimal fashion. More precisely, given a cost function we may look at such operations in order to find an optimal topology of the graph. Thus, finally we are looking into the topological gradient of an elliptic problem on a graph

    Creation of the universe with a stealth scalar field

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    The stealth scalar field is a non-trivial configuration without any back-reaction to geometry, which is characteristic for non-minimally coupled scalar fields. Studying the creation probability of the de Sitter universe with a stealth scalar field by the Hartle and Hawking's semi-classical method, we show that the effect of the stealth field can be significant. For the class of scalar fields we consider, creation with a stealth field is possible for a discrete value of the coupling constant and its creation probability is always less than that with a trivial scalar field. However, those creation rates can be almost the same depending on the parameters of the theory.Comment: 7 pages; v2, references added; v3, creation of the open universe adde

    The Universality of Einstein Equations

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    It is shown that for a wide class of analytic Lagrangians which depend only on the scalar curvature of a metric and a connection, the application of the so--called ``Palatini formalism'', i.e., treating the metric and the connection as independent variables, leads to ``universal'' equations. If the dimension nn of space--time is greater than two these universal equations are Einstein equations for a generic Lagrangian and are suitably replaced by other universal equations at bifurcation points. We show that bifurcations take place in particular for conformally invariant Lagrangians L=Rn/2gL=R^{n/2} \sqrt g and prove that their solutions are conformally equivalent to solutions of Einstein equations. For 2--dimensional space--time we find instead that the universal equation is always the equation of constant scalar curvature; the connection in this case is a Weyl connection, containing the Levi--Civita connection of the metric and an additional vectorfield ensuing from conformal invariance. As an example, we investigate in detail some polynomial Lagrangians and discuss their bifurcations.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, (Extended Version), TO-JLL-P1/9

    A second order minimality condition for the Mumford-Shah functional

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    A new necessary minimality condition for the Mumford-Shah functional is derived by means of second order variations. It is expressed in terms of a sign condition for a nonlocal quadratic form on H01(Γ)H^1_0(\Gamma), Γ\Gamma being a submanifold of the regular part of the discontinuity set of the critical point. Two equivalent formulations are provided: one in terms of the first eigenvalue of a suitable compact operator, the other involving a sort of nonlocal capacity of Γ\Gamma. A sufficient condition for minimality is also deduced. Finally, an explicit example is discussed, where a complete characterization of the domains where the second variation is nonnegative can be given.Comment: 30 page

    Determinant-Gravity: Cosmological implications

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    We analyze the action d4xdetBgμν+CRμν\int d^4x \sqrt{\det||{\cal B} g_{\mu\nu}+ {\cal C} R_{\mu\nu}}|| as a possible alternative or addition to the Einstein gravity. Choosing a particular form of B(R)=R{\cal B}(R)= \sqrt {R} we can restore the Einstein gravity and, if B=m2{\cal B}=m^2, we obtain the cosmological constant term. Taking B=m2+B1R{\cal B} = m^2 + {\cal B}_1 R and expanding the action in 1/m2 1/m^2, we obtain as a leading term the Einstein Lagrangian with a cosmological constant proportional to m4m^4 and a series of higher order operators. In general case of non-vanishing B{\cal B} and C{\cal C} new cosmological solutions for the Robertson-Walker metric are obtained.Comment: revtex format, 5 pages,8 figures,references adde