20 research outputs found

    Organoleptic and Quality Characteristics of Malagousia Variety, Grapes Fermented with Selected Indigenous Yeast Strains

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    Commercial Malagousia varietal wines, which are produced in almost all Greek viticultural zones, representa relatively important part of Greek wine activity. This study presents the results of a profile compilation ofvolatile aroma compounds of Malagousia musts fermented under identical conditions with selected yeaststrains. In total, 62 volatile aroma compounds were identified and separated into their chemical classes(aldehydes, higher alcohols, volatile phenols, terpenes, C13-norisoprenoids, lactones, esters, fatty acids,sulphur compounds, other compounds, and other alcohols). Alcohols and higher alcohols, such as cis-hexen-1-ol and geraniol, terpenes like linalool, esters such as ethyl isovalerate, ketones such us betadamascenone,beta-ionone and zingerone, and fatty acids such as geranic acid and phenylacetaldehyde, were found inall the samples. Among them, linalool and phenylacetaldehyde had the strongest effect on the volatilecompound profile of Malagousia wines. The same wine samples were subjected to sensorial analysis by atrained panel of 10 wine tasters, and a statistical analysis of both analyses presents similarities betweenthe two analysis approaches. It is hoped that the results will contribute to a better understanding of thequality potential of the Malagousia variety so as to evaluate possible differences on the basis of the detectedaroma concentrations

    Analysis of Two Novel Midgut-Specific Promoters Driving Transgene Expression in Anopheles stephensi Mosquitoes

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    Background: Tissue-specific promoters controlling the expression of transgenes in Anopheles mosquitoes represent a valuable tool both for studying the interaction between these malaria vectors and the Plasmodium parasites they transmit and for novel malaria control strategies based on developing Plasmodium-refractory mosquitoes by expressing anti-parasitic genes. With this aim we have studied the promoter regions of two genes from the most important malaria vector, Anopheles gambiae, whose expression is strongly induced upon blood feeding. Results: We analysed the A. gambiae Antryp1 and G12 genes, which we have shown to be midgut-specific and maximally expressed at 24 hours post-bloodmeal (PBM). Antryp1, required for bloodmeal digestion, encodes one member of a family of 7 trypsin genes. The G12 gene, of unknown function, was previously identified in our laboratory in a screen for genes induced in response to a bloodmeal. We fused 1.1 kb of the upstream regions containing the putative promoter of these genes to reporter genes and transformed these into the Indian malaria vector A. stephensi to see if we could recapitulate the expression pattern of the endogenous genes. Both the Antryp1 and G12 upstream regions were able to drive femalepredominant, midgut-specific expression in transgenic mosquitoes. Expression of the Antryp1-driven reporter in transgenic A. stephensi lines was low, undetectable by northern blot analysis, and failed to fully match the induction kinetics of the endogenous Antryp1 gene in A. gambiae. This incomplete conservation of expression suggests either subtle differences i

    A Rapid and Highly Sensitive Method of Non Radioactive Colorimetric In Situ Hybridization for the Detection of mRNA on Tissue Sections

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    Background: Non Radioactive colorimetric In Situ Hybridization (NoRISH) with hapten labeled probes has been widely used for the study of gene expression in development, homeostasis and disease. However, improvement in the sensitivity of the method is still needed to allow for the analysis of genes expressed at low levels. Methodology/Principal Findings: A stable, non-toxic, zinc-based fixative was tested in NoRISH experiments on sections of mouse embryos using four probes (Lhx6, Lhx7, ncapg and ret) that have different spatial patterns and expression levels. We showed that Z7 can successfully replace paraformaldehyde used so far for tissue fixation in NoRISH; the morphology of the cryosections of Z7-fixed tissues was excellent, and the fixation time required for tissues sized 1 cm was 1 hr instead of 24 hr for paraformaldehyde. The hybridization signal on the sections of the Z7-treated embryos always appeared earlier than that of the PFA-fixed embryos. In addition, a 50–60 % shorter detection time was observed in specimen of Z7-treated embryos, reducing significantly the time required to complete the method. Finally and most importantly, the strength of the hybridization signal on the sections of the Z7-treated embryos always compared favorably to that of the sections of PFAfixed embryos; these data demonstrate a significant improvement of the sensitivity the method that allows for the analysis of mRNAs that are barely or not detected by the standard colorimetric NoRISH method. Conclusions/Significance: Our NoRISH method provides excellent preservation of tissue morphology, is rapid, highl

    Tempo and Mode in Evolution of Transcriptional Regulation

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    Perennial questions of evolutionary biology can be applied to gene regulatory systems using the abundance of experimental data addressing gene regulation in a comparative context. What is the tempo (frequency, rate) and mode (way, mechanism) of transcriptional regulatory evolution? Here we synthesize the results of 230 experiments performed on insects and nematodes in which regulatory DNA from one species was used to drive gene expression in another species. General principles of regulatory evolution emerge. Gene regulatory evolution is widespread and accumulates with genetic divergence in both insects and nematodes. Divergence in cis is more common than divergence in trans. Coevolution between cis and trans shows a particular increase over greater evolutionary timespans, especially in sex-specific gene regulation. Despite these generalities, the evolution of gene regulation is gene- and taxon-specific. The congruence of these conclusions with evidence from other types of experiments suggests that general principles are discoverable, and a unified view of the tempo and mode of regulatory evolution may be achievable

    Short Report: A Multiplex PCR Assay for Simultaneous Genotyping of kdr and ace-1 Loci in Anopheles gambiae

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    The selection of insecticide-resistant genotypes in Anopheles gambiae, the most important malaria vector in Africa, makes disease control problematic in several endemic areas. The early detection and monitoring of resistance associated mutations in field mosquito populations is essential for the application of successful insecticide-based control interventions. Currently, the surveillance of these mutations is performed using individual assays, some of which require sophisticated and expensive equipment. Here we describe a novel multiplex polymerase chain reaction-based assay for detecting simultaneously the five single nucleotide polymorphisms in the voltage-gated sodium channel and the ace-l genes, which have been associated with the mosquito response to most commonly used insecticides

    Spatial distribution of the full-length members of the Grg family during embryonic neurogenesis reveals a “Grg-mediated repression map” in the mouse telencephalon

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    The full-length members of the Groucho/Transducin-like Enhancer of split gene family, namely Grg1-4, encode nuclear corepressors that act either directly, via interaction with transcription factors, or indirectly by modifying histone acetylation or chromatin structure. In this work we describe a detailed expression analysis of Grg1-4 family members during embryonic neurogenesis in the developing murine telencephalon. Grg1-4 presented a unique, complex yet overlapping expression pattern; Grg1 and Grg3 were mainly detected in the proliferative zones of the telencephalon, Grg2 mainly in the subpallium and finally, Grg4 mainly in the subpallial post mitotic neurons. In addition, comparative analysis of the expression of Grg1-4 revealed that, at these stages, distinct telencephalic progenitor domains or structures are characterized by the presence of different combinations of Grg repressors, thus forming a “Grg-mediated repression map”