7,417 research outputs found

    Gender, change and periodisation

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    Topology Changing Transitions in Bubbling Geometries

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    Topological transitions in bubbling half-BPS Type IIB geometries with SO(4) x SO(4) symmetry can be decomposed into a sequence of n elementary transitions. The half-BPS solution that describes the elementary transition is seeded by a phase space distribution of fermions filling two diagonal quadrants. We study the geometry of this solution in some detail. We show that this solution can be interpreted as a time dependent geometry, interpolating between two asymptotic pp-waves in the far past and the far future. The singular solution at the transition can be resolved in two different ways, related by the particle-hole duality in the effective fermion description. Some universal features of the topology change are governed by two-dimensional Type 0B string theory, whose double scaling limit corresponds to the Penrose limit of AdS_5 x S^5 at topological transition. In addition, we present the full class of geometries describing the vicinity of the most general localized classical singularity that can occur in this class of half-BPS bubbling geometries.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Frequency based localization of structural discrepancies

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    The intent of modal analysis is to develop a reliable model of a structure by working with the analytical and experimental modal properties of frequency, damping and mode shape. In addition to identifying these modal properties, it would be desirable to determine spatially which parts of the structure are modelled poorly or well. It is shown how the pattern of discrepancies in the analytical and experimental test values for the pole and the driving point zero frequencies of a structure can be linked to discrepancies in the mass or stiffness of the structural elements. The success of the procedure depends on the numerical conditioning of a modal reference matrix. Strategies to insure adequate numerical conditioning require a formulation which avoids geometric and energy storage symmetries of the structure, and ignores structural elements which contribute negligibly small potential or kinetic energy to the excited modes. Physical insight into the numerical conditioning problem is provided by a numerical example and by localization of a mass discrepancy in a real structure based on lab tests

    Efficient placement of structural dynamics sensors on the space station

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    System identification of the space station dynamic model will require flight data from a finite number of judiciously placed sensors on it. The placement of structural dynamics sensors on the space station is a particularly challenging problem because the station will not be deployed in a single mission. Given that the build-up sequence and the final configuration for the space station are currently undetermined, a procedure for sensor placement was developed using the assembly flights 1 to 7 of the rephased dual keel space station as an example. The procedure presented approaches the problem of placing the sensors from an engineering, as opposed to a mathematical, point of view. In addition to locating a finite number of sensors, the procedure addresses the issues of unobserved structural modes, dominant structural modes, and the trade-offs involved in sensor placement for space station. This procedure for sensor placement will be applied to revised, and potentially more detailed, finite element models of the space station configuration and assembly sequence

    Problematizing progress: building a postcapitalist present

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    In the past three decades, the term post-capitalism has found its way into several disciplines ranging from economics to feminist studies. Over these years, its use and definition have made a noticeable shift, from a focus on grassroots resistance meant to carve out noncapitalist spaces within a capitalist system to a focus on utilizing modern technology like automation and universal basic income to demand more freedom for the working class. This project traces the academic discourses of postcapitalism in the United States today. I analyze who is using the term and how to understand postcapitalism’s place in a larger movement/series of conversations meant to ignite our imaginations and to build a brighter future. I also analyze the word itself and the implications of a postcapitalist future. The project pulls from a wide and varied list of sources from scholars who use Anthropology and Sociology to scholars who use Marxist or Black Feminist Stand-point theory to best interrogate and historicize the term and its use in academic circles

    Structural response and input identification

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    Three major goals were delineated: (1) to develop a general method for determining the response of a structure to combined base and acoustic random excitation: (2) to develop parametric relationships to aid in the design of plates which are subjected to random force or random base excitation: (3) to develop a method to identify the individual acoustic and base input to a structure with only a limited number of measurement channels, when both types of excitation act simultaneously

    Multiple Charge State Beam Acceleration at Atlas

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    A test of the acceleration of multiple charge-state uranium beams was performed at the ATLAS accelerator. A 238U+26 beam was accelerated in the ATLAS PII linac to 286 MeV (~1.2 MeV/u) and stripped in a carbon foil located 0.5 m from the entrance of the ATLAS Booster section. A 58Ni9+ 'guide' beam from the tandem injector was used to tune the Booster for 238U+38. All charge states from the stripping were injected into the booster and accelerated. Up to 94% of the beam was accelerated through the Booster linac, with losses mostly in the lower charge states. The measured beam properties of each charge state and a comparison to numerical simulations are reported in this paper.Comment: LINAC2000, MOD0

    Direct-write, focused ion beam-deposited,7 K superconducting C-Ga-O nanowire

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    We have fabricated C-Ga-O nanowires by gallium focused ion beam-induced deposition from the carbon-based precursor phenanthrene. The electrical conductivity of the nanowires is weakly temperature dependent below 300 K, and indicates a transition to a superconducting state below Tc = 7 K. We have measured the temperature dependence of the upper critical field Hc2(T), and estimate a zero temperature critical field of 8.8 T. The Tc of this material is approximately 40% higher than that of any other direct write nanowire, such as those based on C-W-Ga, expanding the possibility of fabricating direct-write nanostructures that superconduct above liquid helium temperaturesComment: Accepted for AP
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