246 research outputs found

    Gating kinetics and pharmacological properties of small conductance calcium-activated potassium channels.

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    peer reviewedSmall conductance calcium-activated potassium (SK) channels are a promising treatment target in atrial fibrillation. However, the functional properties that differentiate SK inhibitors remain poorly understood. The objective of this study was to determine how two unrelated SK channel inhibitors, apamin and AP14145, impact SK channel function in excised inside-out single channel recordings. Surprisingly, both apamin and AP14145 exert much of their inhibition by inducing a class of very long-lived channel closures (apamin: τ c,vl=11.8±7.1 s, and AP14145: τ c,vl=10.3±7.2 s), which were never observed under control conditions. Both inhibitors also induced changes to the three closed and two open durations typical of normal SK channel gating. AP14145 shifted the open duration distribution to favor longer open durations, whereas apamin did not alter open state kinetics. AP14145 also prolonged the two shortest channel closed durations (AP14145: τ c,s=3.50±0.81 ms, and τ c,i=32.0±6.76 ms vs. control: τ c,s=1.59±0.19 ms, and τ c,i=13.5±1.17 ms), thus slowing overall gating kinetics within bursts of channel activity. In contrast, apamin accelerated intra-burst gating kinetics by shortening the two shortest closed durations (τ c,s=0.75±0.10 ms and τ c,i=5.08±0.49 ms), and inducing periods of flickery activity. Finally, AP14145 introduced a unique form of inhibition by decreasing unitary current amplitude. SK channels exhibited two clearly distinguishable amplitudes (control: Ahigh=0.76±0.03 pA, and Alow=0.54±0.03 pA). AP14145 both reduced the fraction of patches exhibiting the higher amplitude (AP14145: 4/9 patches vs. control: 16/16 patches), and reduced the mean low amplitude (0.38±0.03 pA). Here we have demonstrated that both inhibitors introduce very long channel closures, but that each also exhibits unique effects on other components of SK gating kinetics and unitary current. The combination of these effects is likely to be critical for understanding the functional differences of each inhibitor in the context of cyclical Ca2+-dependent channel activation in vivo

    M-type channels selectively control bursting in rat dopaminergic neurons.

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    Midbrain dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, pars compacta and ventral tegmental area are critically important in many physiological functions. These neurons exhibit firing patterns that include tonic slow pacemaking, irregular firing and bursting, and the amount of dopamine that is present in the synaptic cleft is much increased during bursting. The mechanisms responsible for the switch between these spiking patterns remain unclear. Using both in-vivo recordings combined with microiontophoretic or intraperitoneal drug applications and in-vitro experiments, we have found that M-type channels, which are present in midbrain dopaminergic cells, modulate the firing during bursting without affecting the background low-frequency pacemaker firing. Thus, a selective blocker of these channels, 10,10-bis(4-pyridinylmethyl)-9(10H)-anthracenone dihydrochloride, specifically potentiated burst firing. Computer modeling of the dopamine neuron confirmed the possibility of a differential influence of M-type channels on excitability during various firing patterns. Therefore, these channels may provide a novel target for the treatment of dopamine-related diseases, including Parkinson's disease and drug addiction. Moreover, our results demonstrate that the influence of M-type channels on the excitability of these slow pacemaker neurons is conditional upon their firing pattern.Supported by grant no. 9.4560.03 from the F.R.S.‐FNRS (V.S. and J.‐F.L.), by a grant from the Belgian Science Policy (IAP 6/31) (V.S.), and by grants from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (T.J.S.), BAEF‐Fulbright (M.B.) and NSF‐NIH (CRCNS) (T.J.S. and M.B.). J.‐F. L. is Research Director of the F.R.S.‐FNRS

    Ancient DNA Resolves Identity and Phylogeny of New Zealand's Extinct and Living Quail (Coturnix sp.)

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    BACKGROUND: The New Zealand quail, Coturnix novaezealandiae, was widespread throughout New Zealand until its rapid extinction in the 1870's. To date, confusion continues to exist concerning the identity of C. novaezealandiae and its phylogenetic relationship to Coturnix species in neighbouring Australia, two of which, C. ypsilophora and C. pectoralis, were introduced into New Zealand as game birds. The Australian brown quail, C. ypsilophora, was the only species thought to establish with current populations distributed mainly in the northern part of the North Island of New Zealand. Owing to the similarities between C. ypsilophora, C. pectoralis, and C. novaezealandiae, uncertainty has arisen over whether the New Zealand quail is indeed extinct, with suggestions that remnant populations of C. novaezealandiae may have survived on offshore islands. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using fresh and historical samples of Coturnix sp. from New Zealand and Australia, DNA analysis of selected mitochondrial regions was carried out to determine phylogenetic relationships and species status. Results show that Coturnix sp. specimens from the New Zealand mainland and offshore island Tiritiri Matangi are not the New Zealand quail but are genetically identical to C. ypsilophora from Australia and can be classified as the same species. Furthermore, cytochrome b and COI barcoding analysis of the New Zealand quail and Australia's C. pectoralis, often confused in museum collections, show that they are indeed separate species that diverged approximately 5 million years ago (mya). Gross morphological analysis of these birds suggests a parallel loss of sustained flight with very little change in other phenotypic characters such as plumage or skeletal structure. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Ancient DNA has proved invaluable for the detailed analysis and identification of extinct and morphologically cryptic taxa such as that of quail and can provide insights into the timing of evolutionary changes that influence morphology

    Full mitochondrial genome sequences of two endemic Philippine hornbill species (Aves: Bucerotidae) provide evidence for pervasive mitochondrial DNA recombination

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although nowaday it is broadly accepted that mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) may undergo recombination, the frequency of such recombination remains controversial. Its estimation is not straightforward, as recombination under homoplasmy (i.e., among identical mt genomes) is likely to be overlooked. In species with tandem duplications of large mtDNA fragments the detection of recombination can be facilitated, as it can lead to gene conversion among duplicates. Although the mechanisms for concerted evolution in mtDNA are not fully understood yet, recombination rates have been estimated from "one per speciation event" down to 850 years or even "during every replication cycle".</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we present the first complete mt genome of the avian family Bucerotidae, i.e., that of two Philippine hornbills, <it>Aceros waldeni </it>and <it>Penelopides panini</it>. The mt genomes are characterized by a tandemly duplicated region encompassing part of <it>cytochrome b</it>, 3 tRNAs, <it>NADH6</it>, and the control region. The duplicated fragments are identical to each other except for a short section in domain I and for the length of repeat motifs in domain III of the control region. Due to the heteroplasmy with regard to the number of these repeat motifs, there is some size variation in both genomes; with around 21,657 bp (<it>A. waldeni</it>) and 22,737 bp (<it>P. panini</it>), they significantly exceed the hitherto longest known avian mt genomes, that of the albatrosses. We discovered concerted evolution between the duplicated fragments within individuals. The existence of differences between individuals in coding genes as well as in the control region, which are maintained between duplicates, indicates that recombination apparently occurs frequently, i.e., in every generation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The homogenised duplicates are interspersed by a short fragment which shows no sign of recombination. We hypothesize that this region corresponds to the so-called Replication Fork Barrier (RFB), which has been described from the chicken mitochondrial genome. As this RFB is supposed to halt replication, it offers a potential mechanistic explanation for frequent recombination in mitochondrial genomes.</p

    Postglacial Colonisation Patterns and the Role of Isolation and Expansion in Driving Diversification in a Passerine Bird

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    Pleistocene glacial cycles play a major role in diversification and speciation, although the relative importance of isolation and expansion in driving diversification remains debated. We analysed mitochondrial DNA sequence data from 15 great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) populations distributed over the vast Eurasian breeding range of the species, and revealed unexpected postglacial expansion patterns from two glacial refugia. There were 58 different haplotypes forming two major clades, A and B. Clade A dominated in Western Europe with declining frequencies towards Eastern Europe and the Middle East, but showed a surprising increase in frequency in Western and Central Asia. Clade B dominated in the Middle East, with declining frequencies towards north in Central and Eastern Europe and was absent from Western Europe and Central Asia. A parsimonious explanation for these patterns is independent postglacial expansions from two isolated refugia, and mismatch distribution analyses confirmed this suggestion. Gene flow analyses showed that clade A colonised both Europe and Asia from a refugium in Europe, and that clade B expanded much later and colonised parts of Europe from a refugium in the Middle East. Great reed warblers in the eastern parts of the range have slightly paler plumage than western birds (sometimes treated as separate subspecies; A. a. zarudnyi and A. a. arundinaceus, respectively) and our results suggest that the plumage diversification took place during the easterly expansion of clade A. This supports the postglacial expansion hypothesis proposing that postglacial expansions drive diversification in comparatively short time periods. However, there is no indication of any (strong) reproductive isolation between clades and our data show that the refugia populations became separated during the last glaciation. This is in line with the Pleistocene speciation hypothesis invoking that much longer periods of time in isolation are needed for speciation to occur

    Living in the Past: Phylogeography and Population Histories of Indo-Pacific Wrasses (Genus Halichoeres) in Shallow Lagoons versus Outer Reef Slopes

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    Sea level fluctuations during glacial cycles affect the distribution of shallow marine biota, exposing the continental shelf on a global scale, and displacing coral reef habitat to steep slopes on oceanic islands. In these circumstances we expect that species inhabiting lagoons should show shallow genetic architecture relative to species inhabiting more stable outer reefs. Here we test this expectation on an ocean-basin scale with four wrasses (genus Halichoeres): H. claudia (N = 194, with ocean-wide distribution) and H. ornatissimus (N = 346, a Hawaiian endemic) inhabit seaward reef slopes, whereas H. trimaculatus (N = 239) and H. margaritaceus (N = 118) inhabit lagoons and shallow habitats throughout the Pacific. Two mitochondrial markers (cytochrome oxidase I and control region) were sequenced to resolve population structure and history of each species. Haplotype and nucleotide diversity were similar among all four species. The outer reef species showed significantly less population structure, consistent with longer pelagic larval durations. Mismatch distributions and significant negative Fu’s F values indicate Pleistocene population expansion for all species, and (contrary to expectations) shallower histories in the outer slope species. We conclude that lagoonal wrasses may persist through glacial habitat disruptions, but are restricted to refugia during lower sea level stands. In contrast, outer reef slope species have homogeneous and well-connected populations through their entire ranges regardless of sea level fluctuations. These findings contradict the hypothesis that shallow species are less genetically diverse as a consequence of glacial cycles

    The Role of DNA Barcodes in Understanding and Conservation of Mammal Diversity in Southeast Asia

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    Southeast Asia is recognized as a region of very high biodiversity, much of which is currently at risk due to habitat loss and other threats. However, many aspects of this diversity, even for relatively well-known groups such as mammals, are poorly known, limiting ability to develop conservation plans. This study examines the value of DNA barcodes, sequences of the mitochondrial COI gene, to enhance understanding of mammalian diversity in the region and hence to aid conservation planning.DNA barcodes were obtained from nearly 1900 specimens representing 165 recognized species of bats. All morphologically or acoustically distinct species, based on classical taxonomy, could be discriminated with DNA barcodes except four closely allied species pairs. Many currently recognized species contained multiple barcode lineages, often with deep divergence suggesting unrecognized species. In addition, most widespread species showed substantial genetic differentiation across their distributions. Our results suggest that mammal species richness within the region may be underestimated by at least 50%, and there are higher levels of endemism and greater intra-specific population structure than previously recognized.DNA barcodes can aid conservation and research by assisting field workers in identifying species, by helping taxonomists determine species groups needing more detailed analysis, and by facilitating the recognition of the appropriate units and scales for conservation planning

    Monoculture of Leafcutter Ant Gardens

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    Background -- Leafcutter ants depend on the cultivation of symbiotic Attamyces fungi for food, which are thought to be grown by the ants in single-strain, clonal monoculture throughout the hundreds to thousands of gardens within a leafcutter nest. Monoculture eliminates cultivar-cultivar competition that would select for competitive fungal traits that are detrimental to the ants, whereas polyculture of several fungi could increase nutritional diversity and disease resistance of genetically variable gardens. Methodology/Principal Findings -- Using three experimental approaches, we assessed cultivar diversity within nests of Atta leafcutter ants, which are most likely among all fungus-growing ants to cultivate distinct cultivar genotypes per nest because of the nests' enormous sizes (up to 5000 gardens) and extended lifespans (10–20 years). In Atta texana and in A. cephalotes, we resampled nests over a 5-year period to test for persistence of resident cultivar genotypes within each nest, and we tested for genetic differences between fungi from different nest sectors accessed through excavation. In A. texana, we also determined the number of Attamyces cells carried as a starter inoculum by a dispersing queens (minimally several thousand Attamyces cells), and we tested for genetic differences between Attamyces carried by sister queens dispersing from the same nest. Except for mutational variation arising during clonal Attamyces propagation, DNA fingerprinting revealed no evidence for fungal polyculture and no genotype turnover during the 5-year surveys. Conclusions/Significance -- Atta leafcutter ants can achieve stable, fungal monoculture over many years. Mutational variation emerging within an Attamyces monoculture could provide genetic diversity for symbiont choice (gardening biases of the ants favoring specific mutational variants), an analog of artificial selection.The research was supported by National Science Foundation awards DEB-0920138, DEB-0639879, and DEB-0110073 to UGM; DEB-0949689 to T.R. Schultz, N. Mehdiabadi, and UGM; and a Fellowship (02/05) from the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico to AR. The funding agencies had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Biological Sciences, School o