614 research outputs found
The geometry of antisymplectic involutions, I
We study fixed loci of antisymplectic involutions on projective hyperkahler manifolds of K3([n])-type. When the involution is induced by an ample class of square 2 in the Beauville-Bogomolov-Fujiki lattice, we show that the number of connected components of the fixed locus is equal to the divisibility of the class, which is either 1 or 2
Coagulation properties and Nostrano di Primiero cheese yield of milk from Brown grazing cows of different k-casein genotype
Propriet\ue0 di coagulazione e resa in Nostrano di Primiero del latte di vacche Brune al pascolo con differente genotipo per la k-caseina \u2013 Il latte prodotto in alpeggio da 16 bovine di razza Bruna Italiana con diverso genotipo per la k-caseina, 8 AA e 8 BB, \ue8 stato analizzato per composizione e caratteristiche reologiche. Lo stesso latte \ue8 stato trasformato in formaggio del tipo Nostrano di Primiero. La composizione del latte e il tempo di coagulazione (r) sono risultati simili tra i due tipi genetici, cos\uec come la composizione del siero e la resa in formaggio. Il tempo di rassodamento del coagulo (k20) e la sua consistenza (a30) sono risultati invece migliori per il tipo genetico BB rispetto all\u2019AA (4,2 min vs 7,9 min e 32,9 mm vs 25,2 mm)
The Hodge numbers of O'Grady 10 via NgĂŽ strings
We determine the Hodge numbers of the hyper-KĂ€hler manifold known as O'Grady 10 by studying some related modular Lagrangian fibrations by means of NÄo strings, which we introduce via a refinement of the NgĂŽ Support Theorem
Machine learning methods for generating high dimensional discrete datasets
The development of platforms and techniques for emerging Big Data and Machine Learning applications requires the availability of real-life datasets. A possible solution is to synthesize datasets that reflect patterns of real ones using a two-step approach: first, a real dataset X is analyzed to derive relevant patterns Z and, then, to use such patterns for reconstructing a new dataset X ' that preserves the main characteristics of X. This survey explores two possible approaches: (1) Constraint-based generation and (2) probabilistic generative modeling. The former is devised using inverse mining (IFM) techniques, and consists of generating a dataset satisfying given support constraints on the itemsets of an input set, that are typically the frequent ones. By contrast, for the latter approach, recent developments in probabilistic generative modeling (PGM) are explored that model the generation as a sampling process from a parametric distribution, typically encoded as neural network. The two approaches are compared by providing an overview of their instantiations for the case of discrete data and discussing their pros and cons. This article is categorized under: Fundamental Concepts of Data and Knowledge > Big Data Mining Technologies > Machine Learning Algorithmic Development > Structure Discover
Adoption of the personas technique in the open source software development process
The growth in the number of non-developer open source software (OSS) application users and the escalating use of these applications have led to the need and interest in developing usable OSS. OSS communities do not generally know how to apply usability techniques and are unclear about which techniques to use in each activity of the development process. The aim of our research is to adopt the Personas usability technique in the PSeInt OSS project and determine the feasibility of adapting the technique for application. To do this, we participated as volunteers in the project. We used the case study research method during technique application and participation in the community. As a result, we identified adverse conditions that were an obstacle to technique application and modified the technique to make it applicable. We can conclude from our experience that these changes were helpful for applying the technique, although it was not easy to recruit OSS users to participate in usability technique applicationThis research has been partly funded by several organizations, including the Government of Ecuadorâs Secretariat of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SENESCYT) through a scholarship and the State Technical University of Quevedo through doctoral training scholarships for university professors. Also this research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports FLEXOR and âRealizando Experimentos en la Industria del Software: ComprensioÌn del Paso de Laboratorio a la Realidadâ projects (TIN2014-52129-R and TIN2014-60490-P, respectively) and the eMadrid-CM âInvesti-gacioÌn y Desarrollo de TecnologiÌas Educativas en la Comunidad de Madridâ project (S2013/ICE-2715
Epoetin alfa increases frataxin production in Friedreich's ataxia without affecting hematocrit.
Objective of the study was to test the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of two single doses of Epoetin alfa in patients with Friedreich's ataxia. Ten patients were treated subcutaneously with 600 IU/kg for the first dose, and 3 months later with 1200 IU/kg. Epoetin alfa had no acute effect on frataxin, whereas a delayed and sustained increase in frataxin was evident at 3 months after the first dose (+35%; P < 0.05), and up to 6 months after the second dose (+54%; P < 0.001). The treatment was well tolerated and did not affect hematocrit, cardiac function, and neurological scale. Single high dose of Epoetin alfa can produce a considerably larger and sustained effect when compared with low doses and repeated administration schemes previously adopted. In addition, no hemoglobin increase was observed, and none of our patients required phlebotomy, indicating lack of erythropoietic effect of single high dose of erythropoietin. © 2010 Movement Disorder Society
Muscle sympathetic nerve activity in patients with acromegaly
Muscle sympathetic nerve activity was measured in nine acromegalic patients (age, 35 +/- 4 yr; body mass index, 28 +/- 2 kg/m2) and eight healthy subjects (age, 32 +/- 3 yr; body mass index, 25 +/- 2 kg/m2) by combining the forearm arterial-venous difference technique with the tracer method [infusion of tritiated norepinephrine (NE)]. Muscle NE release was quantified both at rest and during physiological hyperinsulinemia while maintaining euglycemia (approximately 90 mg/dL) by means of the euglycemic clamp. Arterial plasma NE was similar in the two groups at rest (197 +/- 28 and 200 +/- 27 pg/mL (-1) and slightly increased during insulin infusion. Forearm NE release was 2.33 +/- 0.55 ng x liter(-1) x min(-1) in healthy subjects and 2.67 +/- 0.61 ng x liter(-1) x min(-1) in acromegalic subjects in the basal state and increased to a similar extent during insulin infusion in both groups (3.13 +/- 0.71 and 3.32 +/- 0.75 ng x L(-1) x min(-1), P < 0.05 vs. basal), indicating a normal stimulatory effect of insulin on muscle sympathetic activity. In contrast, insulin-stimulated forearm glucose uptake was markedly lower in acromegalic patients (2.3 +/- 0.4 mg x L(-1) x min(-1)) than in control subjects (7.9 +/- 1.3 mg x L(-1) x min(-1), P < 0.001), indicating the presence of severe insulin resistance involving glucose metabolism. Our data demonstrate that patients with long-term acromegaly have normal sympathetic activity in the skeletal muscle in the basal, postabsorptive state and normal increments in NE spillover in response to the sympatho-excitatory effect of insulin. Thus, the presence of severe insulin resistance in acromegaly is not accounted for by adrenergic mechanisms
Effect of heat stress on dairy cow performance and on expression of protein metabolism genes in mammary cells
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of heat stress on dairy cow performance and on the expression of selected genes involved in milk protein metabolism. Eight Italian Holstein Friesian cows were kept under thermoneutral conditions (temperature\u2013humidity index (THI) 0.05), CSN3 (p > 0.05), HSPA8 (p > 0.05), and STAT5B (p > 0.05) mRNA. Mild heat stress reduced the performance of dairy cows without affecting the expression of genes coding for caseins
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