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    Thin-film fixed-bed reactor (TFFBR) for solar photocatalytic inactivation of aquaculture pathogen Aeromonas hydrophila

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    Background: Outbreaks of infectious diseases by microbial pathogens can cause substantial losses of stock in aquaculture systems. There are several ways to eliminate these pathogens including the use of antibiotics, biocides and conventional disinfectants, but these leave undesirable chemical residues. Conversely, using sunlight for disinfection has the advantage of leaving no chemical residue and is particularly suited to countries with sunny climates. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is a photocatalyst that increases the effectiveness of solar disinfection. In recent years, several different types of solar photocatalytic reactors coated with TiO2 have been developed for waste water and drinking water treatment. In this study a thin-film fixed-bed reactor (TFFBR), designed as a sloping flat plate reactor coated with P25 DEGUSSA TiO2, was used. Results: The level of inactivation of the aquaculture pathogen Aeromonas hydrophila ATCC 35654 was determined after travelling across the TFFBR under various natural sunlight conditions (300- 1200 W m-2), at 3 different flow rates (4.8, 8.4 and 16.8 L h-1). Bacterial numbers were determined by conventional plate counting using selective agar media, cultured (i) under conventional aerobic conditions to detect healthy cells and (ii) under conditions designed to neutralise reactive oxygen species (agar medium supplemented with the peroxide scavenger sodium pyruvate at 0.05% w/v, incubated under anaerobic conditions), to detect both healthy and sub-lethally injured (oxygen-sensitive) cells. The results clearly demonstrate that high sunlight intensities (≄600 W m-2) and low flow rates (4.8 L h-1) provided optimum conditions for inactivation of A. hydrophila ATCC 3564, with greater overall inactivation and fewer sub-lethally injured cells than at low sunlight intensities or high flow rates. Low sunlight intensities resulted in reduced overall inactivation and greater sub-lethal injury at all flow rates.Conclusions: This is the first demonstration of the effectiveness of the TFFBR in the inactivation of Aeromonas hydrophila at high sunlight intensities, providing proof-of-concept for the application of solar photocatalysis in aquaculture systems

    Kontribusi Kemampuan Manajerial Kepala Sekolah, Disiplin Kerja, Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Guru Tik Pada Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Di Kecamatan Karangasem

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besaran kontribusi dari: (1) kemampuan manajerial kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru TIK, (2) disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja guru TIK, (3) motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja guru TIK, (4) secara bersama-sama antara kemampuan manajerial kepala sekolah, disiplin kerja, motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja guru TIK. Penelitian ini tergolong ex-post facto dengan rancangan korelasional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh guru TIK pada Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) di Kecamatan Karangasem dengan sampel sebanyak 27 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan dokumen, kuesioner dan lembar observasi. Pengolahan data dianalisis dengan regresi sederhana, dan regresi ganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) terdapat kontribusi yang signifikan dari kemampuan manajerial kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru TIK melalui persamaan garis regresi = -7,395 + 1,116X1 dengan Freg = 182,742, kontribusi 88,0% dan sumbangan efektif sebesar 31,0%, (2) Terdapat kontribusi yang signifikan dari disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja guru TIK melalui persamaan garis regresi = 1,683 + 1,083X2 dengan Freg = 122,379, kontribusi sebesar 83,0% dan sumbangan efektif sebesar 32,0%, (3) terdapat kontribusi yang signifikan dari motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja guru TIK melalui persamaan garis regresi = 8,501 + 1,096X3 dengan Freg = 250,686, kontribusi sebesar 90,9% dan sumbangan efektif sebesar 33,9%, dan (4) Terdapat kontribusi yang signifikan secara bersama-sama dari kemampuan manajerial kepala sekolah, disiplin kerja, dan motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja guru TIK melalui persamaan garis regresi = -23,976 + 0,392X1 + 0,422X2 + 0,407X3 dengan Freg = 244,561, kontribusi sebesar 97,0% dan sumbangan efektif sebesar 96,9%. Berdasarkan hasil analisis tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa variabel kemampuan manajerial kepala sekolah, disiplin kerja, dan motivasi kerja dapat dijadikan prediktor tingkat kinerja guru TIK pada Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) di Kecamatan Karangasem.Kata Kunci : Manajerial, Disiplin, Motivasi, Kinerja Guru This study aimed, to find out the contribution of (1) school principles' managerial ability towards ICT teachers' performance, (2) the work discipline towards ICT teachers' performance, (3) the work motivation towards ICT teachers' performance, (4) the simultaneous of contribution of school principles' managerial ability, work discipline, and work motivation towards ICT teachers' performance. This study was belong to the ex-post facto with the correlation project. The population of this study were ICT teachers' at Junior Hight School in Karangasem district with the sample of 27 person. The data were collected by using document, Questionnaire, and observation sheet. The data processed to be analysed with simple regression, and multiple regression. The results showed that, (1) There was a significant contribution of school principals' managerial ability towards ICT teachers' performance. It was reflected through the linear regression equation = -7,395 + 1,116X1, with Freg = 182,742, the contribution of 88,0% and the effective contribution of 31,0%. (2) There was a significant contribution of work discipline towards ICT teachers' performance. It was showed through the linear regression equation = 1,683 + 1,083X2, with Freg = 122,379, the contribution of 83,0% and the effective contribution of 32,0%. (3) There was a significant contribution of work motivation towards ICT teachers' performance. It can be seen through the linear regression equation = 8,501 + 1,096X3, with Freg = 250,686, the contribution of 90,9% and the effective contribution of 33,9%. and (4) There was a significant effect to the simultaneous of contribution of school principals' managerial ability, work discipline, and work motivation towards ICT teachers' performance. It was find out by the linear regression equation = -23,976 + 0,392X1 + 0,422X2 + 0,407X3, with Freg = 244,561, the contribution of 97,0%, and the effective contribution of 96,9%. Based on the result of this study, it can be concluded that school principles' managerial ability, work discipline, and work motivation can be used as predictors of the level of ICT teachers' performance at Junior Hight School in Karangasem Distric

    Pengaruh Implementasi Pembelajaran Kontekstual Berbantuan Multimedia Interaktif Tehadap Penurunan Miskonsepsi (Studi Kuasi Eksperimen Dalam Pembelajaran Cahaya Dan Alat Optik Di SMP Negeri 2 Amlapura)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan profil miskonsepsi siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran kontekstual berbantuan multimedia interaktif dan siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran konvensional, (2) mendeskripsikan konsep-konsep pada materi cahaya dan optik yang bersifat resisten dalam pembelajaran, dan (3) menguji perbedaan proporsi penurunan miskonsepsi secara antara siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran kontekstual berbantuan multi media interaktif dan siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran konvensional. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMP N 2 Amlapura tahun pelajaran 2013/2014 dengan populasi siswa kelas VIII yang berjumlah 243 orang. Sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIIIC, dan VIIIE sebagai kelompok eksperimen, serta kelas VIIIA dan kelas VIIIG sebagai kelompok kontrol. Penelitian ini dirancang dalam bentuk kuasi eksperimen dengan menggunakan rancangan The non-equivalent pretest posttest control group design.. Instrumen pengambilan data berupa tes diagnostik miskonsepsi. Teknik analisis data adalah uji proporsi dengan uji Z pada taraf signifikan α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : (1) pengetahuan awal yang dimiliki kelompok eksperimen 87,9% masih memiliki miskonsepsi sedangkan pengetahuan awal yang dimiliki kelompok kontrol 88,0% masih memiliki miskonsepsi. Namun setelah mendapatkan proses pembelajaran, siswa kelompok eksperimen telah berhasil menurunkan miskonsepsinya sebesar 88,1%, sedangkan kelompok kontrol hanya berhasil menurunkan miskonsepsinya sebesar 50%. (2) konsep-konsep yang resisten menimbulkan miskonsepsi kaitannya dengan konsep cahaya dan alat optik diantaranya konsep rambatan cahaya pada suatu medium, proses melihat benda, sifat bayangan pada cermin datar, syarat minimal tinggi cermin datar untuk melihat seluruh tubuh, sifat bayangan pada cermin cembung, pembiasan cahaya pada benda Bening, pembiasan pada lensa, menggambarkan proses pembentukan bayangan pada lensa, menentukan sifat bayangan pada mata, pembesaran bayangan pada lup, dan sifat bayangan pada lup. (3) Dari hasil pengujian hipotesis dengan menggunakan uji z diperoleh nilai zhitung (1,804) lebih besar dari nilai ztabel (1,645) pada taraf signifikansi 5%, yang berarti proporsi penurunan miskonsepsi siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran kontekstual berbantuan multimedia interaktif lebih besar daripada proporsi penurunan miskonsepsi siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran konvensional.Kata Kunci : Pembelajaran Konstektual, Multimedia Interaktif, Miskonsepsi, Cahaya dan Alat optik. This study aims to (1) describe the profile of misconceptions students who follow the learning by contextual learning with an interactive multimedia and the students who follow the learning by conventional learning , (2) describe the concepts of light and optical instruments that are resistant to misconceptions, and (3) test the differences decline in the proportion of misconceptions among students who take contextual learning with interactive multimedia and students who take conventional learning. The study was conducted in SMP N 2 Amlapura in academic year 2013/2014 with a student population of class VIII a mounting 243 students. The sample of this study were students of VIIIC and VIIIE as the experimental class whereas class VIIIA and VIIIG as the control class. The study is designed in the form of a quasi-experimental research design using the non-equivalent pretest posttest control group design. Data collection instrument in the form of a diagnostic tests misconceptions. Techniques of data analysis was the proportion of trials with a Z test at significance level α = 0.05. The results showed that : (1) prior knowledge of experimental group 87.9 % were still had misconceptions while the control group was 88.0 % still had misconceptions . But after getting the learning process , students in experimental group have been successful in reducing their misconceptions by 88.1 % , while the control group only succes in reducing their misconceptions 50 %. (2) the concepts of light and optical instruments that are resistant to misconceptions such as the concept of the light propagation in a medium, the process of seeing objects, properties of the images formed by a plane mirror, high minimum requirements of the plane mirror to see the whole body, properties of the images formed by a convex mirror , refraction of light on clear objects, refraction on the lens, describes the process of forming the images on the lens, determine properties of the images on eye, the magnification of the image formed by a magnifying glass, and properties of the images formed by a magnifying glass. (3) From the results of hypothesis testing using z test zhitung values obtained (1.804) is greater than the value ztabel (1.645) at significance level of 5 % , which means the proportion of students who take the decline misconception contextual learning aided interactive multimedia greater than the proportion of misconception students who take conventional learning

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Terhadap Self-efficacy Dan Emotional Intelligence Siswa SMA

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki efek Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah terhadap self efficacy dan emotional intelligence siswa. Subyek penelitian ini adalah 146 siswa kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Denpasar tahun pelajaran 2013/2014 yang terbagi dalam empat kelompok kelas yang diambil secara acak. Disain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design. Dua dari empat kelas kemudian dipilih secara acak sebagai kelompok eksperimen yang mengikuti pembelajaran berbasis masalah, dan dua kelas lainnya sebagai kelompok kontrol yang mengikuti pembelajaran langsung. Self Efficacy dan emotional intelligence siswa diukur dengan kuesioner Physics Self-Efficacy Scale (PSES) dan kuesioner emotional intelligence yang diberikan saat pre-test dan post-test. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan meliputi analisis deskriptif dan analisis varian multivariat satu jalur (MANOVA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antar model pembelajaran terhadap self efficacy dan emotional intelligence ( F=38,243;

    Studi Penerapan Good Farming Practice pada Usaha Pemeliharaan Kambing Peranakan Ettawa (PE) di Ud Muda Bakti Barokah Lombok Tengah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi tentang Penerapan Good Farming Practice Pada Usaha Pemeliharaan Kambing Peranakan Ettawa (PE) di UD Muda Bakti Barokah (UD MBB) Lombok Tengah, Aspek Teknis Faktor Penentu Good Dairy Farming Practice Ternak Kambing Perah disamping untuk mengetahui performen produksi kambing PE yang diusahakan dengan peliharaan yang sedang diterapkan. Penelitian akan menggunakan metode survei, observasi, pengamatan dan pengukuran langsung di Peranakan UD MBB. Alat yang digunakan mengambil data adalah kuisioner dan atau Petunjuk Teknis Daftar Kesesuaian GDFP Budidaya Kambing (Kementan, 2001). Pengumpulan data menggunakan Teknik wawancara langsung dengan pengusaha peternakan kambing PE dan pengukuran sampel konsumsi pakan, produksi susu, perubahan bobot badan induk dan kualitas susu. Data yang diperoleh ditabulasi dan dianalisis menggunakan Arithematic Mean dan Standar deviasi (Mean±STDEV) dengan menggunakan Spreadsheet Microsoft Excel 2007, selanjutnya dibahas secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata hasil evaluasi kesesuaian GDFP Kambing Perah PE pada UD MBB tergolong ke dalam kategori III (Cukup Baik) dengan Aspek yang telah terselenggara dengan baik sebesar 60.12 %, meliputi aspek Prasarana dan Sarana. (78.49 %), Cara Budidaya/Pemeliharaan (70.00) dan  Kesehatan Hewan (70.00) Aspek yang belum terselenggara dengan baik sebanyak 41.67 % antara lain Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup (50 %) dan Pencatatan atau Recording (33.33 %). Jadi Peternakan UD MBB layak untuk diusulkan dan mendapatkan sertifikat dari Dinas Peternakan. Rata-rata Skor Nilai Aspek Teknis Faktor Penentu Good Dairy Farming Practice Ternak Kambing Perah di UD MBB “Cukup Baik” dengan Aspek yang telah terselenggara dengan baik sebesar nilai 2.81, meliputi aspek Bibit dan Reproduksi (2.86), Kandang dan Peralatan (3.00), Kesehatan Ternak (3.00) dan Kesejahteraan Ternak (3.29). Aspek yang belum terselenggara dengan baik hanya pada aspek Manajemen Pakan dan Air Minum dengan skor 1.89. Performen produksi susu perubahan bobot badan induk dan kualitas susu kambing PE yang diusahakan dengan GDFP yang sedang diterapkan pada peternakan di UD MBB sudah termasuk cukup baik, yaitu rata-rata produksi susu dan PBBH selama penelitian masing-masing sebesar 1454.17±116.73 ml/ekor/hari dan 35.71±20.36 gram/hari. Begitu pula kualitas susu kambing PE yang dihasilkan dapat dinyatakan sudah baik dan lebih tinggi dari syarat standar yang ditetapkan pada SNI, Dirjen Peternakan, Milk Codex dan Thai Agriculture standar

    Female genital tuberculosis in Pakistan - A retrospective review of 10-year laboratory data and analysis of 32 cases

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    Background: Female genital tuberculosis (FGTB) is an underobserved clinical entity owing to diagnostic challenges stemming from difficulty of obtaining diagnostic specimens and paucibacillary nature of the disease. Yet, FGTB is a cause of infertility, pelvic pain, or menstrual irregularities in high-burden countries. To assess laboratory and microbiology diagnostic utilization for FGTB in Pakistan, we have collected data from 2007 to 2016 to inform the need for improved laboratory diagnostics. The objectives of this study were to determine the proportion of FGTB as culture-confirmed extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) and to describe the characteristics of women with culture-confirmed FGTB in a nationwide laboratory network in Pakistan.Method: A retrospective database was established by accessing laboratory archives and analyzed by sex and source to determine extrapulmonary cases among women. Data were checked for quality, and after removing patient identifiers and duplicate samples, frequencies were calculated in MS Excel. Clinical characteristics of patients were derived from a linked hospital database for those patients who were diagnosed and managed at the affiliated university hospital in Karachi, Pakistan.Results: Over 10 years, 410,748 mycobacterial cultures were received from multiple geographic sites throughout Pakistan and processed at the study laboratory. The overall mean culture positivity rate was 5.9% ± 3.5%, while the mean culture positivity rate among females was 2.8% ± 0.8%. Among female culture-confirmed tuberculosis cases, the pulmonary-to-EPTB ratio of infection was 5. Over 10 years, a total of 32 FGTB cases were reported on the basis of positive cultures for Mycobacterium tuberculosis; 3 (9.4%) were rifampin resistant.Conclusions: FGTB currently constitutes a small but significant proportion of culture-confirmed EPTB. A fewer number of laboratory requisitions suggest the need to increase awareness and testing. The advent of high-sensitivity molecular testing on extrapulmonary specimens has the potential to improve diagnostic accuracy and improved detection of FGTB cases in high-burden regions

    Evaluation of the London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy in a United States population of women

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    Copyright @ 2012 Morof et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Objective: To evaluate the reliability and validity of the London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy (a U.K.-developed measure of pregnancy intention), in English and Spanish translation, in a U.S. population of women. Methods: A psychometric evaluation study of the London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy (LMUP), a six-item, self-completion paper measure was conducted with 346 women aged 15–45 who presented to San Francisco General Hospital for termination of pregnancy or antenatal care. Analyses of the two language versions were carried out separately. Reliability (internal consistency) was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha and item-total correlations. Test-retest reliability (stability) was assessed using weighted Kappa. Construct validity was assessed using principal components analysis and hypothesis testing. Results: Psychometric testing demonstrated that the LMUP was reliable and valid in both U.S. English (alpha = 0.78, all item-total correlations .0.20, weighted Kappa = 0.72, unidimensionality confirmed, hypotheses met) and Spanish translation (alpha = 0.84, all item-total correlations .0.20, weighted Kappa = 0.77, unidimensionality confirmed, hypotheses met). Conclusion: The LMUP was reliable and valid in U.S. English and Spanish translation and therefore may now be used with U.S. women.The study was funded by an anonymous donation
