2,102 research outputs found

    The existence of a 2Po excited state for the e+Ca system

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    The Configuration Interaction method is used to demonstrate that there is an electronically stable state of positronic calcium with an orbital angular momentum of L=1. This prediction relies on the use of an asymptotic series to estimate the variational limit of the energy. The best estimate of the binding energy is 37 meV. A discussion of the structure of the system is also presented.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, in press PR

    A Hybrid N-body--Coagulation Code for Planet Formation

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    We describe a hybrid algorithm to calculate the formation of planets from an initial ensemble of planetesimals. The algorithm uses a coagulation code to treat the growth of planetesimals into oligarchs and explicit N-body calculations to follow the evolution of oligarchs into planets. To validate the N-body portion of the algorithm, we use a battery of tests in planetary dynamics. Several complete calculations of terrestrial planet formation with the hybrid code yield good agreement with previously published calculations. These results demonstrate that the hybrid code provides an accurate treatment of the evolution of planetesimals into planets.Comment: Astronomical Journal, accepted; 33 pages + 11 figure

    Kinematics of the swimming of Spiroplasma

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    \emph{Spiroplasma} swimming is studied with a simple model based on resistive-force theory. Specifically, we consider a bacterium shaped in the form of a helix that propagates traveling-wave distortions which flip the handedness of the helical cell body. We treat cell length, pitch angle, kink velocity, and distance between kinks as parameters and calculate the swimming velocity that arises due to the distortions. We find that, for a fixed pitch angle, scaling collapses the swimming velocity (and the swimming efficiency) to a universal curve that depends only on the ratio of the distance between kinks to the cell length. Simultaneously optimizing the swimming efficiency with respect to inter-kink length and pitch angle, we find that the optimal pitch angle is 35.5∘^\circ and the optimal inter-kink length ratio is 0.338, values in good agreement with experimental observations.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Line Emission from an Accretion Disk around a Rotating Black Hole: Toward a Measurement of Frame Dragging

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    Line emission from an accretion disk and a corotating hot spot about a rotating black hole are considered for possible signatures of the frame-dragging effect. We explicitly compare integrated line profiles from a geometrically thin disk about a Schwarzschild and an extreme Kerr black hole, and show that the line profile differences are small if the inner radius of the disk is near or above the Schwarzschild stable-orbit limit of radius 6GM/c^2. However, if the inner disk radius extends below this limit, as is possible in the extreme Kerr spacetime, then differences can become significant, especially if the disk emissivity is stronger near the inner regions. We demonstrate that the first three moments of a line profile define a three-dimensional space in which the presence of material at small radii becomes quantitatively evident in broad classes of disk models. In the context of the simple, thin disk paradigm, this moment-mapping scheme suggests formally that the iron line detected by the Advanced Satellite for Cosmology and Astrophysics mission from MCG-6-30-15 (Tanaka et al. 1995) is 3 times more likely to originate from a disk about a rotating black hole than from a Schwarzschild system. A statistically significant detection of black hole rotation in this way may be achieved after only modest improvements in the quality of data. We also consider light curves and frequency shifts in line emission as a function of time for corotating hot spots in extreme Kerr and Schwarzschild geometries. Both the frequency-shift profile and the light curve from a hot spot are valuable measures of orbital parameters and might possibly be used to detect frame dragging even at radii approaching 6GM/c^2 if the inclination angle of the orbital plane is large.Comment: 15 pages (LaTex), 7 postscript figures; color plot (Figure 1) available at http://cfata2.harvard.edu/bromley/nu_nofun.html (This version contains a new subsection as well as minor corrections.

    On the Doppler effect for light from orbiting sources in Kerr-type metrics

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    A formula is derived for the combined motional and gravitational Doppler effect in general stationary axisymmetric metrics for a photon emitted parallel or antiparallel to the assumed circular orbital motion of its source. The same formula is derived from eikonal approximation and Killing vector approaches to elucidate connections between observational astronomy and modern Relativity. The formula yields expected results in the limits of a moving or stationary source in the exterior Kerr and Schwarzschild metrics and a moving source in flat space.Comment: Accepted for publication in in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Main Journal 1.23.15. This version has substantially shortened and clarified derivations and added content regarding applicability of the derivation

    Line Emission from an Accretion Disk around a Black hole: Effects of Disk Structure

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    The observed iron K-alpha fluorescence lines in Seyfert-1 galaxies provide strong evidence for an accretion disk near a supermassive black hole as a source of the line emission. These lines serve as powerful probes for examining the structure of inner regions of accretion disks. Previous studies of line emission have considered geometrically thin disks only, where the gas moves along geodesics in the equatorial plane of a black hole. Here we extend this work to consider effects on line profiles from finite disk thickness, radial accretion flow and turbulence. We adopt the Novikov and Thorne (1973) solution, and find that within this framework, turbulent broadening is the dominant new effect. The most prominent change in the skewed, double-horned line profiles is a substantial reduction in the maximum flux at both red and blue peaks. The effect is most pronounced when the inclination angle is large, and when the accretion rate is high. Thus, the effects discussed here may be important for future detailed modeling of high quality observational data.Comment: 21 pages including 8 figures; LaTeX; ApJ format; accepted by ApJ; short results of this paper appeared before as a conference proceedings (astro-ph/9711214

    The Rise and Fall of Debris Disks: MIPS Observations of h and chi Persei and the Evolution of Mid-IR Emission from Planet Formation

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    We describe Spitzer/MIPS observations of the double cluster, h and χ\chi Persei, covering a ∼\sim 0.6 square-degree area surrounding the cores of both clusters. The data are combined with IRAC and 2MASS data to investigate ∼\sim 616 sources from 1.25-24 μm\mu m. We use the long-baseline KsK_{s}-[24] color to identify two populations with IR excess indicative of circumstellar material: Be stars with 24 μm\mu m excess from optically-thin free free emission and 17 fainter sources (J∼\sim 14-15) with [24] excess consistent with a circumstellar disk. The frequency of IR excess for the fainter sources increases from 4.5 μm\mu m through 24 μm\mu m. The IR excess is likely due to debris from the planet formation process. The wavelength-dependent behavior is consistent with an inside-out clearing of circumstellar disks. A comparison of the 24 μm\mu m excess population in h and χ\chi Per sources with results for other clusters shows that 24 μm\mu m emission from debris disks 'rises' from 5 to 10 Myr, peaks at ∼\sim 10-15 Myr, and then 'falls' from ∼\sim 15/20 Myr to 1 Gyr.Comment: 48 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Quantitative complementarity in two-path interferometry

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    The quantitative formulation of Bohr's complementarity proposed by Greenberger and Yasin is applied to some physical situations for which analytical expressions are available. This includes a variety of conventional double-slit experiments, but also particle oscillations, as in the case of the neutral-kaon system, and Mott scattering of identical nuclei. For all these cases, a unified description can be achieved including a new parameter, ν\nu, which quantifies the effective number of fringes one can observe in each specific interferometric set-up.Comment: 11 RevTex pages, 5 figure
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