131 research outputs found

    Studies of interrelations between neurotrophic antibodies and individual neurophysiological indices in patients with professional chronic mercury intoxication at the post-exposure period

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    Disturbances in the nervous system during chronic mercury intoxication (CМI) are accompanied by regular changes in the immune system. Diagnostic use of neurospecific protein markers of various pathological changes in the central nervous system is one of the promising areas of modern neuroimmunology. Prolonged exposure to the mercury vapors may cause disturbances of both CNS neurons and peripheral nerves. At the same time, the neuroimmune relationships underlying the evolving disease are not studied to sufficient grade, especially in the later post-contact period of chronic mercury intoxication. The aim of this work was to identify the relationship between the contents of antibodies to neurotrophic proteins of the nervous tissue, and changes of the neurophysiological indices characterizing the state of central and peripheral pathways in the nervous systems of the patients after chronic mercury intoxication (CMI). Our study immunological study included 30 males in the post-contact period of the CМI, who previously worked in contact with metallic mercury vapors. The clinical patterns of patients were dominated by encephalopathy, the main manifestation of which are mental disorders (more often in the form of organic asthenic disorder, or organic personality disorder with cognitive and emotional-volitional disorders of varying severity). The criteria for inclusion in the study were: verified diagnosis in all patients, written informed consent to participate in the study, a history of the harmful effects of metallic mercury vapor under production conditions. Statistical evaluation was carried out using Statistica for Windows 6.0 software. The levels of neurotrophic antibodies (AT), somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP), electroneuromyography (ENMG) data were studied in terms of assessing the relationship between changes in specialized structures of the nervous tissue, and the state of the central and peripheral neural pathways in the patients after chronic mercury exposure. The following correlations were found: those between the concentrations of antibodies to endorphin p ф-END) and changes in central conducting structures, as well as between antibodies to proteins S-100, MBP, GFAP, NF-200, VG calcium channel, MAG, p-END, AH-R, Ser-R, M-OR and the speed of axonal impulse conduction within various peripheral neural structures. The interrelations revealed in this study indicate to pathological changes in specialized structures of the nervous tissue, which may be used as diagnostic indicators for clinical course of CМI in the post-contact period


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    The article presents analysis of human and animal incidence of brucellosis in the Russian Federation in 2016. Epidemiological situation on brucellosis is characterized as unstable. Outlined has been the decrease in the number of newly diagnosed brucellosis cases in humans (15.8 %) against the background of the increasing trend for distress and deterioration of the epizootiological situation on brucellosis among the cattle in the regions with well-developed animal husbandry. Cases of group infection among the population in three constituent entities (Stavropol Region, Samara and Leningrad Regions) have been registered, which are of sporadic nature. According to the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, mid-term forecast of epizootiological situation on brucellosis in Russia is unfavorable, which under the current trend constitutes a real risk of widespread brucellosis among the livestock in the regions of the Central and Volga Federal Districts. In 2017, we can predict maintaining of the unstable situation on the disease, morbidity rates among the population varying within the range of 340–370 cases


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    The article describes the evaluation of efficiency of the temperature-myographic training in the patients with vibration-induced disease after the local vibration exposure based on the data of the thermometry, the dosed cold sample, the rheography of the upper extremities, the algesimetry, the pallaesthesimetry, the psychological examination to control the changes in the neuropathic pain, the electroneuromyography. It was shown that the training effectively influenced the manifestations of the angiodystonic syndrome as well as to restore the nervous-muscular conducti-vity at the upper and. the lower extremities

    Review of Epidemiological Situation on Brucellosis in the Russian Federation in 2015 and Prognosis for 2016

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    Given are the results of assessment of epidemiological and epizootiological situation on brucellosis in the Russian Federation in 2015. It is characterized as challenging. Compared to 2014 (368 cases, intensive index - 0.26), recorded is 5.1 % increase in the number of people infected with brucellosis (393 cases, intensive index - 0.27). The highest incidence rates among the population are registered in the North-Caucasian, Southern and Siberian Federal Districts, where the main source of infection is cattle and small ruminants. Revealed is a significant rise in brucellosis incidence in the Stavropol region too. External epidemiological risks, associated with the intensification of cooperation in the supply of livestock products from the Mediterranean countries, Middle East, and South America, which are endemic as regards cattle brucellosis, will remain pressing. Given the sustained adverse epidemiological and epizootic situation, taking into account the internal and external risks of infection with brucellosis, brucellosis incidence among the population is predicted to be within the range of 390-420 cases

    Improvement of the Epidemiological Surveillance over Brucellosis Using GIS-Technologies

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    Put forward is the method of usage of Arc GIS 10 software product for epidemiological surveillance over brucellosis in the Stavropol region (SR). Designed is the structure of databases on epidemiology and epizootiology of brucellosis in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Constructed are two databases (Epidemiology of brucellosis in the SR and Epizootiology of brucellosis in the SR) compatible with Arc GIS 10. Carried out is the zoning of the SR territories based on assessment of the risk of infecting with brucellosis, using Arc GIS computer program


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    The article shows the opportunity of use of biomonitoring in patients with exogenous toxic encephalopathy in the remote period of chronic mercury intoxication. (CMI) and with, vibration disease caused by local vibration. The efficiency of the biofeedback method was assessed on the basis of the data of electroencephalography, auditory, visual and somatosensoric generated potentials, electroneuromyography, thermometry, dosed cold test and. rheography. Biofeedback training in people with. CMI caused decrease of total brain changes in EEG, improvement of amplitude indices at of the brain generated potentials, in people with vibration disease it caused decrease of manifestation of angiodistonic syndrome and. restoration of neuromuscular conductivity

    Srsf1 and Elavl1 act antagonistically on neuronal fate choice in the developing neocortex by controlling TrkC receptor isoform expression

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    The seat of higher-order cognitive abilities in mammals, the neocortex, is a complex structure, organized in several layers. The different subtypes of principal neurons are distributed in precise ratios and at specific positions in these layers and are generated by the same neural progenitor cells (NPCs), steered by a spatially and temporally specified combination of molecular cues that are incompletely understood. Recently, we discovered that an alternatively spliced isoform of the TrkC receptor lacking the kinase domain, TrkC-T1, is a determinant of the corticofugal projection neuron (CFuPN) fate. Here, we show that the finely tuned balance between TrkC-T1 and the better known, kinase domain-containing isoform, TrkC-TK+, is cell type-specific in the developing cortex and established through the antagonistic actions of two RNA-binding proteins, Srsf1 and Elavl1. Moreover, our data show that Srsf1 promotes the CFuPN fate and Elavl1 promotes the callosal projection neuron (CPN) fate in vivo via regulating the distinct ratios of TrkC-T1 to TrkC-TK+. Taken together, we connect spatio-temporal expression of Srsf1 and Elavl1 in the developing neocortex with the regulation of TrkC alternative splicing and transcript stability and neuronal fate choice, thus adding to the mechanistic and functional understanding of alternative splicing in vivo

    Использование технологий специального назначения в сельскохозяйственной робототехнике

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    The article presents the main results of the analysis of the agriculture automation level in Russia and in the world. The results of the research of the foreign market, structures and compositions of foreign-made unmanned mobile energy vehicles are presented. The main direction of development of foreign companies is the creation of new models of navigation and orientation equipment for agricultural machinery aimed to the implementation of autonomous moving and mission equipment control. Technics automatization is possible due to refitting of already existing samples with specialized attachments. According to this analysis, foreign agricultural machinery is far ahead of domestic manufacturers for the production of crew-unmanned facilities of mechanization for the agricultural sector, and the material intensity of the existing agricultural production in Russia is 3-4 times higher than that of foreign countries. The need for this kind of analysis is explained by the result of a comparison labor productivity: this index in Russia's agriculture is by 2.4 times lower than European one and 3.5 times lower than that of the USA. The Russian agriculture development retard can be eliminate through the use of modern achievements in the field of robotic systems for special purposes. The authors proved the possibility of double use of technologies because of similarity of schemes and structure of robotic systems for the solution of specialized tasks of both directions. The unmanned mobile energy vehicles can be used at sequential and parallel autonomous driving.Изложены основные результаты анализа уровня автоматизации сельского хозяйства в России и мире. Приведены результаты исследования иностранного рынка беспилотных мобильных энергосредств (МЭС), а также данные по структуре и составу МЭС иностранного производства. Отмечено, что ведущим направлением разработок иностранных компаний стала аппаратура для навигации и ориентации сельхозмашин в ходе реализации автономного управления движением и целевым оборудованием. Автоматизация техники возможна путем дооснащения уже существующих образцов специализированным навесным оборудованием. Согласно проведенному анализу, зарубежное сельхозмашиностроение значительно опережает отечественных производителей по выпуску экипажно-безэкипажных средств механизации сельхозсектора, а материалоемкость существующего в России сельхозпроизводства в 3-4 раза выше, чем в других странах. Необходимость такого анализа объясняется итогами сравнения производительности труда в сельском хозяйстве: в России она в среднем в 2,4 раза ниже, чем в Европе, и в 3,5 раза ниже, чем в США. Отставание в развитии сельского хозяйства РФ можно преодолеть, используя современные достижения в области робототехнических комплексов (РТК) специального назначения. Обоснована возможность двойного применения технологий ввиду схожести схем и состава РТК для решения специализированных задач по обоим направлениям. Беспилотные МЭС могут быть задействованы в технологиях последовательного и параллельного автономного вождения.

    Overview of Epizootological and Epidemiological Situation on Brucellosis in the Russian Federation in 2017 and Prognosis for 2018

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    Analysis of brucellosis morbidity rates in humans and animals across the Russian Federation in 2017 is presented. Epidemic situation on the infection is characterized as unstable, the incidence and number of people with brucellosis are reduced in reference to the average long-term indicators by more than 20 %, against the background of epizootic situation aggravation as regards brucellosis of farm animals. There are cases of group outbreaks of brucellosis in the Stavropol Territory, Lipetsk and Penza Regions. According to the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, analysis of the cumulative epizootic state of the population of epidemically significant species of cattle and small cattle in 2017 defines the risk of brucellosis in the Russian Federation as “high.” In 2018, the unstable epidemic situation on brucellosis will remain; there is high probability of outbreaks with cluster human incidence, including in the territory that is free from brucellosis. Predicted for 2018 morbidity rates on brucellosis in humans will be below the level of the average long-term morbidity and may be within the range of 330–360 cases

    Brucellosis Epidemiological Situation and Its Morbidity in the Russian Federation in 2011, and Prognosis for 2012

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    Presented is the analysis of brucellosis morbidity, both in humans and animals, in the Russian Federation in 2007-2011. Evaluated is epizootic and epidemic situation on the disease. Epidemiological situation on brucellosis in the Russian Federation remains unfavorable and has a tendency to deterioration. Moreover, it is expected that the incidence of brucellosis in humans will rise in 2012