5,801 research outputs found
Single superpartner production at Tevatron Run II
We study the single productions of supersymmetric particles at Tevatron Run
II which occur in the processes involving R-parity violating
couplings of type \l'_{ijk} L_i Q_j D_k^c. We focus on the single gaugino
productions which receive contributions from the resonant slepton productions.
We first calculate the amplitudes of the single gaugino productions. Then we
perform analyses of the single gaugino productions based on the three charged
leptons and like sign dilepton signatures. These analyses allow to probe
supersymmetric particles masses beyond the present experimental limits, and
many of the \l'_{ijk} coupling constants down to values smaller than the
low-energy bounds. Finally, we show that the studies of the single gaugino
productions offer the opportunity to reconstruct the , , and masses with a good
accuracy in a model independent way.Comment: 47 pages, epsfi
First measurement of elastic, inelastic and total cross-section at √=13 TeV by TOTEM and overview of cross-section data at LHC energies
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.The TOTEM collaboration has measured the proton–proton total cross section at √=13 TeV with a luminosity-independent method. Using dedicated ∗=90 m beam optics, the Roman Pots were inserted very close to the beam. The inelastic scattering rate has been measured by the T1 and T2 telescopes during the same LHC fill. After applying the optical theorem the total proton–proton cross section is tot=(110.6 ± 3.4) mb, well in agreement with the extrapolation from lower energies. This method also allows one to derive the luminosity-independent elastic and inelastic cross sections: el=(31.0 ± 1.7) mb and inel=(79.5 ± 1.8) mb
Diffractive Production at the Tevatron and the LHC
We present predictions for the diffractive production of mesons in the
central rapidity region usually covered by collider detectors. The predicted
cross sections are based on the Bialas-Landshoff formalism for both exclusive
and inclusive production and makes use of the DPEMC Monte-Carlo simulation
adapted with kinematics appropriate for small-mass diffractive production. We
compare generator-level results with a CDF measurement for exclusive
production, and study background and other scenarios including the contribution
of inclusive production. The results agree with the Tevatron data and
are extrapolated, highlighting the exclusive \chic production at LHC
energies. A possible new measurement at the Tevatron using the D{\O}forward
detectors is investigated, taking advantage of the dominance of exclusive
production for high enough diffractive mass fraction.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, added akcnowledgment
Probing new physics in diphoton production with proton tagging at the Large Hadron Collider
The sensitivities to anomalous quartic photon couplings at the Large Hadron
Collider are estimated using diphoton production via photon fusion. The tagging
of the protons proves to be a very powerful tool to suppress the background and
unprecedented sensitivities down to \gev are obtained,
providing a new window on extra dimensions and strongly-interacting composite
states in the multi-TeV range. Generic contributions to quartic photon
couplings from charged and neutral particles with arbitrary spin are also
presented.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Resonant sneutrino production at Tevatron Run II
We consider the single chargino production at Tevatron as induced by the resonant sneutrino
production via a dominant \RPV coupling of type \l'_{ijk} L_i Q_j D_k^c.
Within a supergravity model, we study the three leptons final state. The
comparison with the expected background demonstrate that this signature allows
to extend the sensitivity on the \susyq mass spectrum beyond the present LEP
limits and to probe the relevant \RPV coupling down to values one order of
magnitude smaller than the most stringent low energy indirect bounds. The
trilepton signal offers also the opportunity to reconstruct the neutralino mass
in a model independent way with good accuracy.Comment: 4 page
A new determination of the Pomeron intercept in hard processes
A method allowing for a direct comparison of data with theoreticalpredictions is proposed for forward jet production at HERA. It avoids thereconstruction of multi-parton contributions by expressing the experimentalcuts directly as correction factors on the QCD forward jet cross-section. Anapplication to the determination of the {\it effective} Pomeron intercept inthe BFKL-LO parametrization from data at HERA leads to a good fitwith a significantly higher {\it effective} intercept, than for proton (total and diffractive)structure functions. It is however less than the value of the pomeron interceptusing dijets with large rapidity intervals obtained at Tevatron. We alsoevaluate the rapidity veto contribution to the higher order BFKL corrections.The method can be extended to other theoretical inputs
First computation of Mueller Tang processes using the full NLL BFKL approach
We present the full next-to-leading order (NLO) prediction for the
jet-gap-jet cross section at the LHC within the BFKL approach. We implement,
for the first time, the NLO impact factors in the calculation of the cross
section. We provide results for differential cross sections as a function of
the difference in rapidity and azimuthal angle betwen the two jets and the
second leading jet transverse momentum. The NLO corrections of the impact
factors induce an overall reduction of the cross section with respect to the
corresponding predictions with only LO impact factors.
We note that NLO impact factors feature a logarithmic dependence of the cross
section on the total center of mass energy which formally violates BFKL
factorization. We show that such term is one order of magnitude smaller than
the total contribution, and thus can be safely included in the current
prediction without a need of further resummation of such logarithmic terms.
Fixing the renormalization scale according to the principle of
minimal sensitivity, suggests about 4 times the sum of the transverse
jet energies and provides smaller theroretical uncertainties with respect to
the leading order case
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