742 research outputs found

    Collective Dynamics and Strong Pinning near the Onset of Charge Order in La1.48_{1.48}Nd0.4_{0.4}Sr0.12_{0.12}CuO4_{4}

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    The dynamics of charge-ordered states is one of the key issues in underdoped cuprate high-temperature superconductors, but static short-range charge-order (CO) domains have been detected in almost all cuprates. We probe the dynamics across the CO (and structural) transition in La1.48_{1.48}Nd0.4_{0.4}Sr0.12_{0.12}CuO4_{4} by measuring nonequilibrium charge transport, or resistance RR as the system responds to a change in temperature and to an applied magnetic field. We find evidence for metastable states, collective behavior, and criticality. The collective dynamics in the critical regime indicates strong pinning by disorder. Surprisingly, nonequilibrium effects, such as avalanches in RR, are revealed only when the critical region is approached from the charge-ordered phase. Our results on La1.48_{1.48}Nd0.4_{0.4}Sr0.12_{0.12}CuO4_{4} provide the long-sought evidence for the fluctuating order across the CO transition, and also set important constraints on theories of dynamic stripes.Comment: final version: 5 pages, 3 figures; includes Supplemental Material (3 pages, 7 figures

    Current-voltage characteristics and vortex dynamics in highly underdoped La2x_{2-x}Srx_{x}CuO4_{4}

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    The temperature dependence of the nonlinear current-voltage (II-VV) characteristics in highly underdoped La2x_{2-x}Srx_{x}CuO4_{4} (x=0.07x=0.07 and 0.08) thick films has been studied in both zero and perpendicular magnetic fields HH. Power-law behavior of V(I)V(I) is found for both H=0H=0 and H0H \neq 0. The critical current IcI_{c} was extracted, and its temperature and magnetic field dependences were studied in detail. The Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless physics dominates the nonlinear II-VV near the superconducting transition at H=0H=0, and it continues to contribute up to a characteristic temperature Tx(H)T_x(H). Nonlinear II-VV persists up to an even higher temperature Th(H)T_{h}(H) due to the depinning of vortices.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; Superstripes 2015 conferenc

    The influence of gravitational lensing on the spectra of lensed QSOs

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    We consider the influence of (milli/micro)lensing on the spectra of lensed QSOs. We propose a method for the observational detection of microlensing in the spectra of lensed QSOs and apply it to the spectra of the three lensed QSOs (PG 1115+080, QSO 1413+117 and QSO 0957+561) observed with Hubble Space Telescope (HST). We find that the flux ratio between images A1 and A2 of PG 1115+080 is wavelength-dependent and shows differential magnification between the emission lines and the continuum. We interpret this magnification as arising from millilensing. We also find that the temporal variations in the continuum of image C of QSO 1413+117 may be caused by microlensing, while the temporal variation observed in QSO 0957+561 was probably an intrinsic one.Comment: 11 pages, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Geometric origin of scaling in large traffic networks

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    Large scale traffic networks are an indispensable part of contemporary human mobility and international trade. Networks of airport travel or cargo ships movements are invaluable for the understanding of human mobility patterns\cite{Guimera2005}, epidemic spreading\cite{Colizza2006}, global trade\cite{Imo2006} and spread of invasive species\cite{Ruiz2000}. Universal features of such networks are necessary ingredients of their description and can point to important mechanisms of their formation. Different studies\cite{Barthelemy2010} point to the universal character of some of the exponents measured in such networks. Here we show that exponents which relate i) the strength of nodes to their degree and ii) weights of links to degrees of nodes that they connect have a geometric origin. We present a simple robust model which exhibits the observed power laws and relates exponents to the dimensionality of 2D space in which traffic networks are embedded. The model is studied both analytically and in simulations and the conditions which result with previously reported exponents are clearly explained. We show that the relation between weight strength and degree is s(k)k3/2s(k)\sim k^{3/2}, the relation between distance strength and degree is sd(k)k3/2s^d(k)\sim k^{3/2} and the relation between weight of link and degrees of linked nodes is wij(kikj)1/2w_{ij}\sim(k_ik_j)^{1/2} on the plane 2D surface. We further analyse the influence of spherical geometry, relevant for the whole planet, on exact values of these exponents. Our model predicts that these exponents should be found in future studies of port networks and impose constraints on more refined models of port networks.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Mesoscopic Behavior Near a Two-Dimensional Metal-Insulator Transition

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    We study conductance fluctuations in a two-dimensional electron gas as a function of chemical potential (or gate voltage) from the strongly insulating to the metallic regime. Power spectra of the fluctuations decay with two distinct exponents (1/v_l and 1/v_h). For conductivity σ0.1e2/h\sigma\sim 0.1 e^{2}/h, we find a third exponent (1/v_i) in the shortest samples, and non-monotonic dependence of v_i and v_l on \sigma. We study the dependence of v_i, v_l, v_h, and the variances of corresponding fluctuations on \sigma, sample size, and temperature. The anomalies near σ0.1e2/h\sigma\simeq 0.1 e^{2}/h indicate that the dielectric response and screening length are critically behaved, i.e. that Coulomb correlations dominate the physics.Comment: Revised according to referee remark

    Optical Emission Lines and the X-Ray Properties of Type 1 Seyfert Galaxies

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    In this contribution we report on the study of the optical emission lines and X-ray spectra of a sample of Type 1 AGNs, collected at the Sloan Digital Sky Survey database and observed by the XMM Newton satellite. Exploiting the different instruments carried onboard XMM, we identify the spectral components of the soft and hard energy bands (in the range from 0.3 keV up to 10 keV). The properties of the X-ray continuum and of the Fe Kalpha line feature are investigated in relation to the optical broad emission line profiles and intensity ratios. The resulting picture of emission, absorption and reflection processes is interpreted by means of a BLR structural model that was developed on the basis of independent optical and radio observations.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of the VIII Serbian Conference on Spectral Line Shapes in Astrophysics, accepted for publication on Baltic Astronomy. Corrected typos in V

    Tuning from failed superconductor to failed insulator with magnetic field

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    Do charge modulations compete with electron pairing in high-temperature copper-oxide superconductors? We investigated this question by suppressing superconductivity in a stripe-ordered cuprate compound at low temperature with high magnetic fields. With increasing field, loss of three-dimensional superconducting order is followed by reentrant two-dimensional superconductivity and then an ultra-quantum metal phase. Circumstantial evidence suggests that the latter state is bosonic and associated with the charge stripes. These results provide experimental support to the theoretical perspective that local segregation of doped holes and antiferromagnetic spin correlations underlies the electron-pairing mechanism in cuprates.Comment: 20 pp, 4 figs.; accepted version; for open-access published version, click on DOI belo

    Are Boltzmann Plots of Hydrogen Balmer lines a tool for identifying a subclass of S1 AGN?

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    It is becoming clear that we can define two different types of nearby AGN belonging to the Seyfert 1 class (S1), on the basis of the match of the intensities of their Broad Balmer Lines (BBL) with the Boltzmann Plots (BP). These two types of S1 galaxies, that we call BP-S1 and NoBP-S1, are characterized, in first approximation, by Broad Line Regions (BLR) with different structural and physical properties. In this communication, we show that these features can be well pointed out by a multi-wavelength analysis of the continuum and of the broad recombination Hydrogen lines, that we carry out on a sample of objects detected at optical and X-ray frequencies. The investigation is addressed to verify whether BP-S1 are the ideal candidates for the study of the kinematical and structural properties of the BLR, in order to derive reliable estimates of the mass of their central engine and to constrain the properties of their nuclear continuum spectrum.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures (1 multi-paged). Accepted for publication on Advances in Space Research. Contribution to the IX SCSLS

    Detailed Analysis of Balmer Lines in a Sloan Digital Sky Survey Sample of 90 Broad Line Active Galactic Nuclei

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    In order to contribute to the general effort aiming at the improvement of our knowledge about the physical conditions within the Broad Line Region (BLR) of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), here we present the results achieved by our analysis of the spectral properties of a sample of 90 broad line emitting sources, collected at the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) database. By focusing our attention mainly onto the Balmer series of hydrogen emission lines, which is the dominant feature in the optical wavelength range of many BLR spectra, we extracted several flux and profile measurements, which we related to other source properties, such as optical continuum luminosities, inferred black hole masses, and accretion rates. Using the Boltzmann Plot method to investigate the Balmer line flux ratios as a function of the line profiles, we found that broader line emitting AGN typically have larger H_alpha / H_beta and smaller H_gamma / H_beta and H_delta / H_beta line ratios. With the help of some recent investigations, we model the structure of the BLR and we study the influence of the accretion process on the properties of the BLR plasma.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, fixes the wrong names of 4 objects; published on Ap