87 research outputs found

    Growth and nutritional response of Nemared peach rootstock infected with Pratylenchus vulnus and the mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae

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    Les effets de l'interaction entre #Pratylenchus vulnus et le champignon mycorrhizien #Glomus mosseae sur les porte-greffe de pĂȘcher "Nemared" ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s en microparcelles pendant deux saisons de croissance. Le poids frais des pieds, le diamĂštre de la tige, la longueur des pieds et le poids frais des racines sont significativement plus faibles chez les pieds infestĂ©s par le nĂ©matode - qu'ils soient ou non colonisĂ©s par #G. mosseae−quechezlespiedsnoninfesteˊs.Untauxeˊleveˊdephosphoreaugmentelacroissancedespe^chersdanslecasdeteˊmoinsnonmycorrhizeˊs.Lestraitementsdespiedsinfesteˊspar"P.vulnus - que chez les pieds non infestĂ©s. Un taux Ă©levĂ© de phosphore augmente la croissance des pĂȘchers dans le cas de tĂ©moins non mycorrhizĂ©s. Les traitements des pieds infestĂ©s par "P. vulnus Ă  l'aide de mycorrhizes provoquent une diminution de la population finale du nĂ©matode et du nombre de nĂ©matodes par gramme de racine par rapport aux pieds infestĂ©s par #P. vulnus et non traitĂ©s Ă  l'aide du champignon. La colonisation par les mycorrhizes n'est pas affectĂ©e par la prĂ©sence du nĂ©matode. Chez les pieds infestĂ©s par le nĂ©matode, le Cu est le seul Ă©lĂ©ment dĂ©ficitaire dĂ©tectĂ© par analyse foliaire, quoique des taux faibles de fer y aient Ă©tĂ© observĂ©s. Les taux les plus Ă©levĂ©s de Ma, Mg, Mn et Zn ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©tectĂ©s chez les pieds infestĂ©s par #P. vulnus. Les pieds mycorrhizĂ©s recĂšlent les taux les plus Ă©levĂ©s de Cu et d'Al. #G. mosseae est bĂ©nĂ©fique pour la croissance des pĂȘchers "Nemared" mais ne leur confĂšre aucune protection contre #P. vulnus. (RĂ©sumĂ© d'auteur

    Prevalence of the sternalis muscle in Chilean population: A computed tomography study

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    The sternalis muscle is an anatomic variation that was first described in 1604. It has been studied in different populations worldwide, showing a widespread prevalence. The clinical importance of this muscle depends on mammographic evaluation that can lead to an erroneous diagnosis of breast cancer. Our objective is to determine the prevalence of sternalis muscle in Chilean population, characterizing it by gender and side of presentation using computerized tomography. To our current knowledge, there are no studies determining its prevalence using this method. No institutional review board approval was required for this analysis, which involved data made anonymous from men and women who underwent computerized tomography imaging for diagnostic purpose between January 2012 and February 2014. A retrospective radiological identification of the sternalis muscle was performed in 2288 axial computerized tomographies to determine the overall gender and side distribution. Data were analyzed using chi-square test. The sternalis muscle was present in 20 out of 2288 computerized tomographies, and its prevalence in the Chilean population was 0.87%. This muscle was found in male (12/1064, 1.12%) and female subjects (8/1224, 0.65%), no statistical difference between genders was found. Among people with the sternalis muscle, 12 (0.52%) presented it on the left side, 6 (0.26%) on the right side, and only 2 (0.09%) had bilateral sternalis muscle. The Chilean population has the lowest prevalence of sternalis muscle ever reported

    Historical Everyday Geopolitics on the Chile-Peru Border

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.Geopolitics is increasingly seen by scholars as occurring in everyday spaces and performed by ordinary people. This paper extends this idea to historical work to examine how citizens themselves (re)produce geopolitics at the time of historical events. It does so through a case study of geopolitical tension on the Chile‐Peru border in the 1970s. Through oral histories and newspaper analysis, a historical everyday geopolitics approach reveals how those living in the Chilean border city of Arica played a part in promoting national and border security. This centres the embodied and emotional experiences of those affected by violence and conflict

    Preservice Elementary Science Teachers' Argumentation Competence: Impact of a Training Programme

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    The recent literature has shown the importance of Preservice Elementary Science Teachers (PESTs) having a deep understanding of argumentation, as this factor may affect the nature of the class activities that are taught and what students learn. A lack of understanding of this factor may represent an obstacle in the development of science education programmes in line with the development of scientific competences. This paper presents the results of the design and implementation of a training programme of 6 sessions (12 hours of class participation plus 8 hours of personal homework) on argumentation. The programme was carried out by 57 Spanish PESTs from Malaga, Spain. The training programme incorporates the innovative use of certain strategies to improve competence in argumentation, such as teaching PESTs to identify the elements of arguments in order to design assessment rubrics or by including peer assessment during evaluation with and without rubrics. The results obtained on implementing the training programme were evaluated based on the development of PESTs’ argumentation competence using Toulmin’s argumentative model. Data collection methods involved two tasks carried out at the beginning and the end of the programme, i.e., pre-test and post-test, respectively. The conclusion of the study is that students made significant progress in their argumentation competence on completing the course. In addition, PESTs who followed the training programme achieved statistically better results at the end than those in the control group (n = 41), who followed a traditional teaching programme. A 6-month transfer task showed a slight improvement for the PESTs of the experimental group in relation to the control group in their ability to transfer argumentation to practice, especially to the extent to which they mentioned argumentation in their practice portfolios.This work is part of the “I+D Excelencia” project “Development and evaluation of scientific competences through context based and modelling teaching approaches” case studies (EDU2013-41952-P), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Finance through its 2013 research call

    El "retorno de lo reprimido": el papel de la sexualidad en la recepción del psicoanålisis en el círculo médico chileno, 1910-1940

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