47 research outputs found

    The spatially nonuniform convergence of the numerical solution of flows

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    The spatial distribution of the numerical disturbances that are generated during the numerical solution of a flow is examined. It is shown that the distribution of the disturbances is not uniform. In regions where the structure of a flow is simple, the magnitude of the generated disturbances is small and their decay is fast. However, in complex flow regions, as in separation and vortical areas, large magnitude disturbances appear and their decay may be very slow. The observed nonuniformity of the numerical disturbances makes possible the reduction of the calculation time by application of what may be called the partial-grid calculation technique, in which a major part of the calculation procedure is applied in selective subregions, where the velocity disturbances are large, and not within the whole grid. This technique is expected to prove beneficial in large-scale calculations such as the flow about complete aircraft configurations at high angle of attack. Also, it has been shown that if the Navier-Stokes equations are written in a generalized coordinate system, then in regions in which the grid is fine, such as near solid boundaries, the norms become infinitesimally small, because in these regions the Jacobian has very large values. Thus, the norms, unless they are unscaled by the Jacobians, reflect only the changes that happen at the outer boundaries of the computation domain, where the value of the Jacobian approaches unity, and not in the whole flow field

    Boundary-layer equations in generalized curvilinear coordinates

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    A set of higher-order boundary-layer equations is derived valid for three-dimensional compressible flows. The equations are written in a generalized curvilinear coordinate system, in which the surface coordinates are nonorthogonal; the third axis is restricted to be normal to the surface. Also, higher-order viscous terms which are retained depend on the surface curvature of the body. Thus, the equations are suitable for the calculation of the boundary layer about arbitrary vehicles. As a starting point, the Navier-Stokes equations are derived in a tensorian notation. Then by means of an order-of-magnitude analysis, the boundary-layer equations are developed. To provide an interface between the analytical partial differentiation notation and the compact tensor notation, a brief review of the most essential theorems of the tensor analysis related to the equations of the fluid dynamics is given. Many useful quantities, such as the contravariant and the covariant metrics and the physical velocity components, are written in both notations

    A formulation for the boundary-layer equations in general coordinates

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    This is a working paper in which a formulation is given for solving the boundary-layer equations in general body-fitted curvilinear coordinates while retaining the original Cartesian dependent variables. The solution procedure does not require that any of the coordinates be orthogonal, and much of the software developed for many Navier-Stokes schemes can be readily used. A limited number of calculations has been undertaken to validate the approach

    Modeling on fluid flow and inclusion motion in centrifugal continuous casting strands

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    During the centrifugal continuous casting process, unreasonable casting parameters can cause violent level fluctuation, serious gas entrainment, and formation of frozen shell pieces at the meniscus. Thus, in the current study, a three-dimensional multiphase turbulent model was established to study the transport phenomena during centrifugal continuous casting process. The effects of nozzle position, casting and rotational speed on the flow pattern, centrifugal force acting on the molten steel, level fluctuation, gas entrainment, shear stress on mold wall, and motion of inclusions during centrifugal continuous casting process were investigated. Volume of Fluid model was used to simulate the molten steel-air two-phase. The level fluctuation and the gas entrainment during casting were calculated by user-developed subroutines. The trajectory of inclusions in the rotating system was calculated using the Lagrangian approach. The results show that during centrifugal continuous casting, a large amount of gas was entrained into the molten steel, and broken into bubbles of various sizes. The greater the distance to the mold wall, the smaller the centrifugal force. Rotation speed had the most important influence on the centrifugal force distribution at the side region. Angular moving angle of the nozzle with 8° and keeping the rotation speed with 60 revolutions per minute can somehow stabilize the level fluctuation. The increase of angular angle of nozzle from 8 to 18 deg and rotation speed from 40 to 80 revolutions per minute favored to decrease the total volume of entrained bubbles, while the increase of distance of nozzle moving left and casting speed had reverse effects. The trajectories of inclusions in the mold were irregular, and then rotated along the strand length. After penetrating a certain distance, the inclusions gradually moved to the center of billet and gathered there. More work, such as the heat transfer, the solidification, and the inclusions entrapment during centrifugal continuous casting, will be performed

    Turbulence Modeling of Flows with Extensive Crossflow Separation

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    The reasons for the difficulty in simulating accurately strong 3-D shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interactions (SBLIs) and high-alpha flows with classical turbulence models are investigated. These flows are characterized by the appearance of strong crossflow separation. In view of recent additional evidence, a previously published flow analysis, which attributes the poor performance of classical turbulence models to the observed laminarization of the separation domain, is reexamined. According to this analysis, the longitudinal vortices into which the separated boundary layer rolls up in this type of separated flow, transfer external inviscid air into the part of the separation adjacent to the wall, decreasing its turbulence. It is demonstrated that linear models based on the Boussinesq equation provide solutions of moderate accuracy, while non-linear ones and others that consider the particular structure of the flow are more efficient. Published and new Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) simulations are reviewed, as well as results from a recent Large Eddy Simulation (LES) study, which indicate that in calculations characterized by sufficient accuracy the turbulent kinetic energy of the reverse flow inside the separation vortices is very low, i.e., the flow is almost laminar there

    The High speed unsteady separation around concave bodies can be explained by an inviscid flow mechanism

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    Doctorat en sciences appliquéesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    Normal shock-boundary layer interaction in transonic speed in the presence of streamwise pressure gradient

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    Doctorat en sciences appliquéesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    Transonic Normal Shock-Turbulent Boundary Layer Interaction in Pressure Gradient Flows'À "M AMENICANSOciETY OP MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, Transonic Normal Shock-Turbulent Boundary Layer Interaction in Pressure Gradient Flows

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    A basic theoretical analysis of the interaction of a transonic normal shock wave with a non-separating turbulent boundary layer in a background pressure gradient is given. The method is based on an extension of Inger and Mason's small disturbance analysis to account for both explicit pressure gradients upstream and downstream of the interaction and the implicit pressure gradient effects on the local boundary layer shape plus the back-effect of the interaction-induced boundary layer thickness growth (blockage) that is important in channel flows and turbomachinery applications. The theory predicts the detailed disturbance pressure and skin friction distributions, including lateral pressure gradients, and is readily imbedded locally in a global calculation scheme involving transonic inviscid and boundary layer prediction codes upstream and downstream of the shock. Good agreement is found between the resulting theoretical predictions and experimental results for non-separating flows

    Algebraic Turbulence Modeling for Swept

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