54 research outputs found

    School Motivation and Learning Strategies and College Readiness of Senior High School Graduates in the Philippines

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    This study presents a new perspective as it makes the premise that college preparedness is related to the cognitive ability of graduates of senior high schools (SHS). It seems to imply that factors other than cognitive ability may impact the preparation of high school graduates for college. In this study, a descriptive-correlation design was used to validate the relationship between school motivation and learning strategies and college readiness of 7,384 K-12 graduates senior high school graduates from public and private schools in the north-eastern part of the Philippines. These graduates came from public and private schools in the north-eastern part of the Philippines. According to the findings, students who graduate from grades K-12 and senior high schools are typically eager to learn and have developed their own learning techniques. Additionally, a considerable majority of them are not prepared academically for college. The examination of the link reveals that the majority of the aspects of academic motivation and learning techniques have a constructive connection to the level of preparedness of high school graduates for college. On the other hand, a substantial inverse connection was shown to exist between being prepared for college and test anxiety. Notably, the influence of these non-cognitive characteristics on college preparedness is just as significant as the influence of intellectual talents. Because of this, it is extremely important that teachers and managers of schools that provide the K-12 program give children opportunity to develop further not only their intellectual capabilities but also their non-cognitive qualities in order to get them ready for college study

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    Ruas Jalan Nasional Batas Kota Manado – Kota Tomohon merupakan salah satu akses jalan utama yang menghubungkan kedua kota tersebut dan daerah sekitarnya. Tujuan penelitian ini  adalah untuk menganalisis tingkat kelaikan fungsi jalan serta perbaikan yang diperlukan agar jalan menjadi laik menurut Uji Laik Fungsi Jalan (ULFJ) berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum nomor.11/PRT/M/2010. Uji laik fungsi jalan adalah kondisi suatu ruas jalan yang memenuhi persyaratan teknis kelaikan jalan untuk memberikan keselamatan bagi penggunanya, dan persyaratan administratif yang memberikan kepastian hukum bagi penyelenggara jalan dan pengguna jalan, sehingga jalan tersebut dapat dioperasikan untuk umum. Analisis uji laik fungsi teknis jalan dilakukan dengan mengukur penyimpangan (deviasi) terhadap kondisi lapangan terhadap standar teknis setiap komponen teknis, meliputi: teknis geometrik jalan, teknis struktur perkerasan jalan, teknis struktur bangunan pelengkap jalan, teknis pemanfaatan ruang bagian-bagian jalan, teknis penyelenggaraan manajemen dan rekayasa lalu lintas, dan teknis perlengkapan jalan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada ruas jalan Batas Kota Manado – Kota Tomohon termasuk dalam kategori laik fungsi dengan perbaikan teknis yang harus dipenuhi (LS). Perbaikan teknis yang harus dipenuhi pada ruas jalan tersebut berupa pemeliharaan rutin dan pengadaan komponen jalan yang belum ada, agar supaya ruas jalan Batas Kota Manado – Kota Tomohon dapat menjadi laik fungsi. Kata Kunci : Laik Fungsi, Standar Teknis, Ruas Jalan, Perbaika

    The Comparative Analysis of Employee Performance Before and After Training at Bank Indonesia in Manado

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    Training is a systematic process, which helps people to learn how to be more effective at work by modifying knowledge, skills or attitudes through learning experience to achieve effective performance. The object of case study from this research is Bank Indonesia in Manado. Research objective is to analyse the differences in employee performance before and after training. Variables which have been used in this research are: quality/ quantity of work, planning/ organizing, initiative/ commitment, teamwork/ cooperation and communication. This study applies with comparative method using paired sample t-test to verify and to prove the research hypothesis. The numbers of respondent are 40 employees who already follow the training. The result shows that quality/ quantity of work, planning/ organizing, initiative/ commitment, teamwork/ cooperation and communication giving a significant difference in employee performance before and after training at Bank Indonesia in Manado. The training program is one of the valuable systems as a way to improve employee performance. Therefore, management of Bank Indonesia also needs to increase the effectiveness of training and enhance the variety of the material and module that would be given in the training program. Keywords: training, employee performanc