501 research outputs found

    PT-symmetry in honeycomb photonic lattices

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    We apply gain/loss to honeycomb photonic lattices and show that the dispersion relation is identical to tachyons - particles with imaginary mass that travel faster than the speed of light. This is accompanied by PT-symmetry breaking in this structure. We further show that the PT-symmetry can be restored by deforming the lattice

    Accurate Vertical Ionization Energy of Water and Retrieval of True Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectra of Aqueous Solutions

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    Ultraviolet (UV) photoelectron spectroscopy provides a direct way of measuring valence electronic structure; however, its application to aqueous solutions has been hampered by a lack of quantitative understanding of how inelastic scattering of low-energy (<5 eV) electrons in liquid water distorts the measured electron kinetic energy distributions. Here, we present an efficient and widely applicable method for retrieving true UV photoelectron spectra of aqueous solutions. Our method combines Monte Carlo simulations of electron scattering and spectral inversion, with molecular dynamics simulations of depth profiles of organic solutes in aqueous solution. Its application is demonstrated for both liquid water, and aqueous solutions of phenol and phenolate, which are ubiquitous biologically relevant structural motifs

    The outer limiting membrane (OLM) revisited: clinical implications

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    PURPOSE: The outer limiting membrane (OLM) is considered to play a role in maintaining the structure of the retina through mechanical strength. However, the observation of junction proteins located at the OLM and its barrier permeability properties may suggest that the OLM may be part of the retinal barrier. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Normal and diabetic rat, monkey, and human retinas were used to analyze junction proteins at the OLM. Proteome analyses were performed using immunohistochemistry on sections and flat-mounted retinas and western blotting on protein extracts obtained from laser microdissection of the photoreceptor layers. Semi-thin and ultrastructure analyses were also reported. RESULTS: In the rat retina, in the subapical region zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1), junction adhesion molecule (JAM), an atypical protein kinase C, is present and the OLM shows dense labeling of occludin, JAM, and ZO-1. The presence of occludin has been confirmed using western blot analysis of the microdissected OLM region. In diabetic rats, occludin expression is decreased and glial cells junctions are dissociated. In the monkey retina, occludin, JAM, and ZO-1 are also found in the OLM. Junction proteins have a specific distribution around cone photoreceptors and Müller glia. Ultrastructural analyses suggest that structures like tight junctions may exist between retinal glial Müller cells and photoreceptors. CONCLUSIONS: In the OLM, heterotypic junctions contain proteins from both adherent and tight junctions. Their structure suggests that tight junctions may exist in the OLM. Occludin is present in the OLM of the rat and monkey retina and it is decreased in diabetes. The OLM should be considered as part of the retinal barrier that can be disrupted in pathological conditions contributing to fluid accumulation in the macula

    Quantum dynamics and breakdown of classical realism in nonlinear oscillators

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    The dynamics of a quantum nonlinear oscillator is studied in terms of its quasi-flow, a dynamical mapping of the classical phase plane that represents the time-evolution of the quantum observables. Explicit expressions are derived for the deformation of the classical flow by the quantum nonlinearity in the semiclassical limit. The breakdown of the classical trajectories under the quantum nonlinear dynamics is quantified by the mismatch of the quasi-flow carried by different observables. It is shown that the failure of classical realism can give rise to a dynamical violation of Bell's inequalities.Comment: RevTeX 4 pages, no figure

    Rare earth doped phosphate fibre amplifier at 1.5 μm for LIDAR

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    The research work reports on the design and fabrication of a compact optical fibre amplifier operating at 1.5 μm. A novel Yb/Er co-doped phosphate glass was developed and the optical fibre preform fabricated by rod-in-tube technique

    Characterization of sub-nanosecond pulsed laser amplification with Er:Yb co-doped phosphate glass fibers

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    We present an experimental characterization of the amplification of sub-nanosecond duration laser pulses at a wavelength of 1538 nm in short custom-made Er:Yb phosphate glass fibers with different core diameters. The fibers vary in their diameter from 100 µm (highly multi-mode) down to 12 µm (single-mode). The peak power, energy per pulse, and spectral shape of the amplified signal are presented. With our input pulses, the measurements show that the large core diameter fibers do not increase the amplification of the 1538 nm signal. We believe this is due to the high re-absorption of the Er3+ ions in the phosphate fiber. The optimal fiber geometry was found to have a core diameter of 20 µm with a length of 14 cm. The maximum peak power is 8.25 kW, corresponding to a net gain of 10.9 dB, with a pulse duration of 0.7 ns and a repetition rate of 40 kHz

    Identification of extracellular vesicles from their Raman spectra via self-supervised learning

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) released from cells attract interest for their possible role in health and diseases. The detection and characterization of EVs is challenging due to the lack of specialized methodologies. Raman spectroscopy, however, has been suggested as a novel approach for biochemical analysis of EVs. To extract information from the spectra, a novel deep learning architecture is explored as a versatile variant of autoencoders. The proposed architecture considers the frequency range separately from the intensity of the spectra. This enables the model to adapt to the frequency range, rather than requiring that all spectra be pre-processed to the same frequency range as it was trained on. It is demonstrated that the proposed architecture accepts Raman spectra of EVs and lipoproteins from 13 biological sources and from two laboratories. High reconstruction accuracy is maintained despite large variances in frequency range and noise level. It is also shown that the architecture is able to cluster the biological nanoparticles by their Raman spectra and differentiate them by their origin without pre-processing of the spectra or supervision during learning. The model performs label-free differentiation, including separating EVs from activated vs. non-activated blood platelets and EVs/lipoproteins from prostate cancer patients versus non-cancer controls. The differentiation is evaluated by creating a neural network classifier that observes the features extracted by the model to classify the spectra according to their sample origin. The classification reveals a test sensitivity of 92.2% and selectivity of 92.3% over 769 measurements from two labs that have different measurement configurations.</p

    Invading interfaces and blocking surfaces in high dimensional disordered systems

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    We study the high-dimensional properties of an invading front in a disordered medium with random pinning forces. We concentrate on interfaces described by bounded slope models belonging to the quenched KPZ universality class. We find a number of qualitative transitions in the behavior of the invasion process as dimensionality increases. In low dimensions d<6d<6 the system is characterized by two different roughness exponents, the roughness of individual avalanches and the overall interface roughness. We use the similarity of the dynamics of an avalanche with the dynamics of invasion percolation to show that above d=6d=6 avalanches become flat and the invasion is well described as an annealed process with correlated noise. In fact, for d5d\geq5 the overall roughness is the same as the annealed roughness. In very large dimensions, strong fluctuations begin to dominate the size distribution of avalanches, and this phenomenon is studied on the Cayley tree, which serves as an infinite dimensional limit. We present numerical simulations in which we measured the values of the critical exponents of the depinning transition, both in finite dimensional lattices with d6d\leq6 and on the Cayley tree, which support our qualitative predictions. We find that the critical exponents in d=6d=6 are very close to their values on the Cayley tree, and we conjecture on this basis the existence of a further dimension, where mean field behavior is obtained.Comment: 12 pages, REVTeX with 2 postscript figure