187 research outputs found

    Hysteresis and competition between disorder and crystallization in sheared and vibrated granular flow

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    Experiments on spherical particles in a 3D Couette cell vibrated from below and sheared from above show a hysteretic freezing/melting transition. Under sufficient vibration a crystallized state is observed, which can be melted by sufficient shear. The critical line for this transition coincides with equal kinetic energies for vibration and shear. The force distribution is double-peaked in the crystalline state and single-peaked with an approximately exponential tail in the disordered state. A linear relation between pressure and volume (dP/dV>0dP/dV > 0) exists for a continuum of partially and/or intermittently melted states over a range of parameters

    Friction of a slider on a granular layer: Non-monotonic thickness dependence and effect of boundary conditions

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    We investigate the effective friction encountered by a mass sliding on a granular layer as a function of bed thickness and boundary roughness conditions. The observed friction has minima for a small number of layers before it increases and saturates to a value which depends on the roughness of the sliding surface. We use an index-matched interstitial liquid to probe the internal motion of the grains with fluorescence imaging in a regime where the liquid has no significant effect on the measured friction. The shear profiles obtained as a function of depth show decrease in slip near the sliding surface as the layer thickness is increased. We propose that the friction depends on the degree of grain confinement relative to the sliding surfaces.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Slow flows of yield stress fluids: complex spatio-temporal behaviour within a simple elasto-plastic model

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    A minimal athermal model for the flow of dense disordered materials is proposed, based on two generic ingredients: local plastic events occuring above a microscopic yield stress, and the non-local elastic release of the stress these events induce in the material. A complex spatio-temporal rheological behaviour results, with features in line with recent experimental observations. At low shear rates, macroscopic flow actually originates from collective correlated bursts of plastic events, taking place in dynamically generated fragile zones. The related correlation length diverges algebraically at small shear rates. In confined geometries bursts occur preferentially close to the walls yielding an intermittent form of flow localization.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Flow rule, self-channelization and levees in unconfined granular flows

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    Unconfined granular flows along an inclined plane are investigated experimentally. During a long transient, the flow gets confined by quasistatic banks but still spreads laterally towards a well-defined asymptotic state following a nontrivial process. Far enough from the banks a scaling for the depth averaged velocity is obtained, which extends the one obtained for homogeneous steady flows. Close to jamming it exhibits a crossover towards a nonlocal rheology. We show that the levees, commonly observed along the sides of the deposit upon interruption of the flow, disappear for long flow durations. We demonstrate that the morphology of the deposit builds up during the flow, in the form of an underlying static layer, which can be deduced from surface velocity profiles, by imposing the same flow rule everywhere in the flow.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Transverse Instability of Avalanches in Granular Flows down Incline

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    Avalanche experiments on an erodible substrate are treated in the framework of ``partial fluidization'' model of dense granular flows. The model identifies a family of propagating soliton-like avalanches with shape and velocity controlled by the inclination angle and the depth of substrate. At high inclination angles the solitons display a transverse instability, followed by coarsening and fingering similar to recent experimental observation. A primary cause for the transverse instability is directly related to the dependence of soliton velocity on the granular mass trapped in the avalanche.Comment: 3 figures, 4 pages, submitted to Phys Rev Let

    Subdiffusion and cage effect in a sheared granular material

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    We investigate experimentally the diffusion properties of a bidimensional bidisperse dry granular material under quasistatic cyclic shear.The comparison of these properties with results obtained both in computer simulations of hard spheres systems and Lenard-Jones liquids and experiments on colloidal systems near the glass transition demonstrates a strong analogy between the behaviour of granular matter and these systems. More specifically, we study in detail the cage dynamics responsible for the subdiffusion in the slow relaxation regime, and obtain the values of relevant time and length scales.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PR

    Velocity Correlations in Dense Gravity Driven Granular Chute Flow

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    We report numerical results for velocity correlations in dense, gravity-driven granular flow down an inclined plane. For the grains on the surface layer, our results are consistent with experimental measurements reported by Pouliquen. We show that the correlation structure within planes parallel to the surface persists in the bulk. The two-point velocity correlation function exhibits exponential decay for small to intermediate values of the separation between spheres. The correlation lengths identified by exponential fits to the data show nontrivial dependence on the averaging time \dt used to determine grain velocities. We discuss the correlation length dependence on averaging time, incline angle, pile height, depth of the layer, system size and grain stiffness, and relate the results to other length scales associated with the rheology of the system. We find that correlation lengths are typically quite small, of the order of a particle diameter, and increase approximately logarithmically with a minimum pile height for which flow is possible, \hstop, contrary to the theoretical expectation of a proportional relationship between the two length scales.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figure

    Erosion waves: transverse instabilities and fingering

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    Two laboratory scale experiments of dry and under-water avalanches of non-cohesive granular materials are investigated. We trigger solitary waves and study the conditions under which the front is transversally stable. We show the existence of a linear instability followed by a coarsening dynamics and finally the onset of a fingering pattern. Due to the different operating conditions, both experiments strongly differ by the spatial and time scales involved. Nevertheless, the quantitative agreement between the stability diagram, the wavelengths selected and the avalanche morphology reveals a common scenario for an erosion/deposition process.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PR

    Effective boundary conditions for dense granular flows

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    We derive an effective boundary condition for granular flow taking into account the effect of the heterogeneity of the force network on sliding friction dynamics. This yields an intermediate boundary condition which lies in the limit between no-slip and Coulomb friction; two simple functions relating wall stress, velocity, and velocity variance are found from numerical simulations. Moreover, we show that this effective boundary condition corresponds to Navier slip condition when GDR MiDi's model is assumed to be valid, and that the slip length depends on the length scale that characterises the system, \emph{viz} the particle diameter.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Flow of wet granular materials

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    The transition from frictional to lubricated flow of a dense suspension of non-Brownian particles is studied. The pertinent parameter characterizing this transition is the Leighton number Le=ηsγ˙σLe = \frac{\eta_s \dot{\gamma}}{\sigma}, which represents the ratio of lubrication to frictional forces. The Leighton number LeLe defines a critical shear rate below which no steady flow without localization exists. In the frictional regime the shear flow is localized. The lubricated regime is not simply viscous: the ratio of shear to normal stresses remains constant, as in the frictional regime; moreover the velocity profile has a single universal form in both frictional and lubricated regimes. Finally, a discrepancy between local and global measurements of viscosity is identified, which suggests inhomogeneity of the material under flow.Comment: Accepted for publication by Physical Review Letters (december 2004
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