883 research outputs found

    Implications of Results from Z- and WW-Threshold Running

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    One year of Z- and WW-Threshold running of TESLA can provide the possibility to measure electroweak precision observables to an extremely high accuracy. At the Z peak O(10^9) Z bosons and about 6 10^8 b quarks can be collected. We employ the expected uncertainties \Delta MW = 6 MeV and \Delta sin(theta_W,eff) = 0.00001 and demonstrate in this way that very stringent consistency tests of the Standard Model and the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model will be possible. The indirect determination of the Higgs-boson mass within the Standard Model can reach an accuracy of about 5 %. The 6 10^8 b quarks can be used to investigate various b physics topics.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, talk given at LCWS99, Sitges, Spain. Two clarifications, one reference adde

    Non-perturbative effects in semi-leptonic B_c decays

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    We discuss the impact of the soft degrees of freedom inside the B_c meson on its rate in the semi-leptonic decay B_c -> X l nu_l where X denotes light hadrons below the D^0 threshold. In particular we identify contributions involving soft hadrons which are non-vanishing in the limit of massless leptons. These contributions become relevant for a measurement of the purely leptonic B_c decay rate, which due to helicity suppression involves a factor m_l^2 and thus is much smaller than the contributions involving soft hadrons.Comment: LaTeX, 22 pages, 1 figur

    Radiatively corrected shape function for inclusive heavy hadron decays

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    We discuss the non-perturbative and the radiative corrections to inclusive B decays from the point of view known from QED corrections to high energy e^+ e^- processes. Here the leading contributions can be implemented through the so called ``radiator function'' which corresponds to the shape function known in heavy hadron decays. In this way some new insight into the origin of the shape function is obtained. As a byproduct, a parameterization of the radiatively corrected shape function is suggested which can be implemented in Monte Carlo studies of inclusive heavy hadron decays.Comment: LaTeX, uses a4, graphicx and psfrag, 10 pages. The complete paper is also available at http://www-ttp.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/Preprints

    Sequential Flavour Symmetry Breaking

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    The gauge sector of the Standard Model (SM) exhibits a flavour symmetry which allows for independent unitary transformations of the fermion multiplets. In the SM the flavour symmetry is broken by the Yukawa couplings to the Higgs boson, and the resulting fermion masses and mixing angles show a pronounced hierarchy. In this work we connect the observed hierarchy to a sequence of intermediate effective theories, where the flavour symmetries are broken in a step-wise fashion by vacuum expectation values of suitably constructed spurion fields. We identify the possible scenarios in the quark sector and discuss some implications of this approach.Comment: 22 pages latex, no figure

    Two body non-leptonic Λb\Lambda_b decays in quark model with factorization ansatz

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    The two body non-leptonic Λb\Lambda_b decays are analyzed in factorization approximation, using quark model, ξ=1/Nc\xi = 1 / N_c as a free parameter. It is shown that the experimental branching ratio for ΛbΛJ/ψ\Lambda_b \longrightarrow \Lambda {J/\psi} restricts ξ\xi and this ratio can be understood for a value of ξ\xi which lies in the range 0ξ0.5 0 \leq \xi \leq 0.5 suggested by two body B meson decays. The branching ratios for ΛbΛcDs(Ds)\Lambda_b \longrightarrow \Lambda_{c} D^*_s(D_s) are predicted to be larger than the previous estimates. Finally it is pointed that CKM-Wolfenstein parameter ρ2+η2\rho^2 + \eta^2, where η\eta is CP phase, can be determined from the ratio of widths of ΛbΛDˉ\Lambda_b \longrightarrow \Lambda \bar{D} and ΛbΛJ/ψ\Lambda_b \longrightarrow \Lambda {J/\psi} or that of ΛbpDs\Lambda_b \longrightarrow p D_s and ΛbΛcDs\Lambda_b \longrightarrow \Lambda_c D_s independent of the parameter ξ\xi.Comment: 18 pages, latex, 1 figure available on request, please send any questions or comments to [email protected]

    On the Determination of Vub|V_{ub}| from Inclusive Semileptonic Decay Spectra

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    We propose a model independent method to determine Vub|V_{ub}| from the energy spectrum of the charged lepton in inclusive semileptonic BB decays. The method includes perturbative QCD corrections as well as nonperturbative ones.Comment: LaTeX, 19 pages, 8 figures appended after \end{document} as uu-encoded and compressed .eps files, uses epsf, Technion-PH-94/9, CERN-TH.7308/9

    B-Meson Distribution Amplitudes of Geometric Twist vs. Dynamical Twist

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    Two- and three-particle distribution amplitudes of heavy pseudoscalar mesons of well-defined geometric twist are introduced. They are obtained from appropriately parametrized vacuum-to-meson matrix elements by applying those twist projectors which determine the enclosed light-cone operators of definite geometric twist and, in addition, observing the heavy quark constraint. Comparing these distribution amplitudes with the conventional ones of dynamical twist we derive relations between them, partially being of Wandzura-Wilczek type; also sum rules of Burkhardt-Cottingham type are derived.The derivation is performed for the (double) Mellin moments and then re-summed to the non-local distribution amplitudes. Furthermore, a parametrization of vacuum-to-meson matrix elements for non-local operators off the light-cone in terms of distribution amplitudes accompanying independent kinematical structures is derived.Comment: 18 pages, Latex 2e, no figure

    QCD-based description of one-particle inclusive B decays

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    We discuss one-particle inclusive B decays in the limit of heavy b and c quarks. Using the large-N_C limit we factorize the non-leptonic matrix elements, and we employ a short distance expansion. Modeling the remaining nonperturbative matrix elements we obtain predictions for various decay channels and compare them with existing data.Comment: LaTeX, 22 pages, 6 figures (eps); analytical and numerical results unchanged, misrepresentation of experimental data in Fig. 5 corrected, final published versio