267 research outputs found

    Nitrosyl chloride addition to cycloalkenyltrimethylsilanes. An unexpected reversal of regiochemistry of addition, and synthesis of β-​aminosilanes

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    5-​12-​Membered cycloalkenyltrimethylsilanes and trimethyl(2-​norbornenyl)​silane undergo stereo- and regioselective addn. of nitrosyl chloride, affording silylated chloronitrosocycloalkane intermediates, the corresponding diazene dioxide dimers and eventually α-​chlorocycloalkanones via oxime intermediacy. The addn. is syn, with chlorine and nitrosyl group adding to C-​1 and C-​2 resp. The products dimerize to diazene dioxides, whose stability depends on the conformational flexibility of the ring, the less flexible being more stable. The less stable adducts convert to oximes and further to 1,​2-​dichloro-​1-​nitrosocycloalkanes. The adducts can be hydrolyzed to α-​chloroketones and reduced to β-​aminosilanes. Other interesting observations include transposition of keto group in α-​chloroketones and x-​ray crystal structure of the amide deriv. N-​acetyl-​3-​chloro-​3-​(trimethylsilyl)​norbornane-​2-​amine (6f)​, which reveals -​(CO)​-​HN...H-​CH2-​(CO)​- hydrogen contact

    Loss Guided Activation for Action Recognition in Still Images

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    One significant problem of deep-learning based human action recognition is that it can be easily misled by the presence of irrelevant objects or backgrounds. Existing methods commonly address this problem by employing bounding boxes on the target humans as part of the input, in both training and testing stages. This requirement of bounding boxes as part of the input is needed to enable the methods to ignore irrelevant contexts and extract only human features. However, we consider this solution is inefficient, since the bounding boxes might not be available. Hence, instead of using a person bounding box as an input, we introduce a human-mask loss to automatically guide the activations of the feature maps to the target human who is performing the action, and hence suppress the activations of misleading contexts. We propose a multi-task deep learning method that jointly predicts the human action class and human location heatmap. Extensive experiments demonstrate our approach is more robust compared to the baseline methods under the presence of irrelevant misleading contexts. Our method achieves 94.06\% and 40.65\% (in terms of mAP) on Stanford40 and MPII dataset respectively, which are 3.14\% and 12.6\% relative improvements over the best results reported in the literature, and thus set new state-of-the-art results. Additionally, unlike some existing methods, we eliminate the requirement of using a person bounding box as an input during testing.Comment: Accepted to appear in ACCV 201

    Self-assembly of cis- and trans-cyclic-1,2-diols. Supramolecular synthon equivalence between cis-1,2-diols and primary amides

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    Inspite of the fact that the self-assembly of compounds containing hydroxyl group has been enormously documented in the literature, our studies with aliphatic cyclic diols have offered the unique opportunity to examine the self-assembly of gauche and anti forms of ethylene glycol. Whereas the cis-diols are found to form dimers that infinitely assemble further to yield tapes, the anti-diols are found to form linear chains that link up further to yield molecular tapes. Notably, both the isomers lead to molecular tapes, which have attracted immense attention since the inception of self-assembly for controlling molecular organization. Quite remarkably, the self-assembly observed with cis-diols establish a formal equivalence between supramolecular synthons associated with cis-1,2-diols and primary amides. Although the assembly of diols is akin to the tape structure adopted by primary amides, we prefer to view the association of diols as a ladder. The structures of 5-cis and 8-cis are both step-ladder assemblies. That formed by 5-trans is a new variant termed as rope-ladder assembly. The ring motifs observed in the crystal packing suggest for further scope in exploiting the polyhydroxyl compounds for self-assembly in a predictive manner

    Addition of NOCl to cyclic vinylsilanes: An unexpected reversal of regiochemistry

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    NOCl adds to cyclic vinylsilanes in a syn manner with NO+ bonding to the β-carbon and Cl- to the α-carbon, which is a reversal of the regiochemistry expected from the β-silicon effect. The adducts dimerize to a single diastereomer containing enantiomeric pairs and/or give secondary products on further reaction. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd

    A needs assessment of people living with diabetes and diabetic retinopathy

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    BACKGROUND: The Kilimanjaro Diabetic Programme was initiated in response to the needs of people living with diabetes (PWLD) to identify barriers to uptake of screening for diabetic retinopathy, to improve management of diabetes, and establish an affordable, sustainable eye screening and treatment programme for diabetic retinopathy. Intervention Mapping was used as the framework for the needs assessment. METHODS: A mixed methods approach was used. Five psychometric measures, Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire, Diabetes Health Beliefs, Self-Efficacy scale, Problem Areas in Diabetes scale, and Hopkins Scale Checklist-25 and a structured interview relating to self-efficacy, addressing disclosure of living with diabetes and life-style changes were used to triangulate the quantitative findings. These were administered to 26 PWLD presenting to rural district hospitals. RESULTS: The interviewees demonstrated low levels of perceived stigma regarding disclosure of living with diabetes and high levels of self-efficacy in raising community awareness of diabetes, seeking on going treatment from Western medicine over traditional healers and in seeking care on sick days. Self-efficacy was high for adjusting diet, although comprehensive dietary knowledge was poor. Negative emotions expressed at diagnosis, changes in life style and altered quality of life were reflected in high levels of anxiety and depression. CONCLUSIONS: Low levels of stigma surrounding living with diabetes were linked to a desire to raise community awareness of diabetes, help others live with diabetes and to secure social support to access hospital services. Confusion over what constituted a healthy diet showed the importance of comprehensive, accessible diabetes education, essential to ensuring good glycaemic control, and preventing diabetic complications, including diabetic retinopathy. Low levels of self-efficacy along with high levels of anxiety and depression may have a negative impact on the uptake of screening for Diabetic Retinopathy. The findings of this needs assessment led to the planning and delivery of a comprehensive health intervention programme for PLWD in Kilimanjaro Region. The programme has provided them with support, resources, education, and screening for diabetic retinopathy at the regional hospital and at district level with mobile digital retinal cameras, an electronic diabetic database and computerised follow up to ensure continuity of care

    Integrating indigenous and exogenous communication channels and capabilities through community-based armyworm forecasting

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    Many development interventions have failed to generate the desired impact among African resource-poor farmers for reasons including the centralised and top-down approach, lack of active community participation, and over-reliance on external information and technology delivery strategies and channels. The migrant African armyworm, Spodoptera exempta, is among the major challenges threatening livelihoods of millions of farmers in East and Southern Africa. Outbreaks occur suddenly and can devastate crops and pasture. National and regional forecasting services have been operational since the 1960s to provide warning of potential outbreaks. This system relies on information from armyworm moth traps usually operated at district level. These centralised services have a number of difficulties and limitations which include: delays in communicating trap catch data to the forecaster; forecasts are not village specific; forecasts do not reach many farmers; lack of responsibility and local ownership of traps. An innovative approach called community-based armyworm forecasting (CBAF) was developed as a response to these limitations. The new approach has been piloted and tested in several East African countries and found to be effective. CBAF establishes a system that allows each village to have its own traps and trained forecasters who collect and interpret data, and provide village specific forecasts. A recent project on CBAF piloted the approach in 10, 5 and 39 villages of Malawi, Zimbabwe and Tanzania, respectively, in the 1 st year, and in a further 25 and 38 villages of Malawi and Tanzania in the 2 nd year. Discussion with stakeholders, field observations and assessments conducted by the authors indicate that the initiative has generated a number of benefits. It built local capacity, and because of the location specific early warning it enabled farmers to combat the pest more effectively. It was noticed by the authors that local communication channels and folk media play an important role in CBAF, complementing and enhancing the effectiveness of exogenous channels. This paper discusses how CBAF makes effective use of different communication channels and capabilities, and highlights preliminary results.Tant d\u2019interventions de d\ue9veloppement n\u2019ont pas pu g\ue9n\ue9rer un impact satisfaisant parmi les fermiers africains sans resources pour de raisons multiples, dont l\u2019utilisation de l\u2019approche coercitive et centralis\ue9e, le manque d\u2019une participation active de la communaut\ue9 et le fait d\u2019avoir plus d\u2019attachement aux informations, aux strat\ue9gies et guides externes de vulgarization de technologies. Spodoptera exempta, une chenille aussi nomm\ue9e \u201cchenille africain migratrice\u201d est parmi les contraintes majeures aux moyens de subsistance de milliers de fermiers d\u2019Afrique orientale et australe. Son \ue9ruption est soudaine et peut d\ue9vaster des cultures ainsi que des pasturages. Les services nationaux et r\ue9gionaux de pr\ue9diction \ue9taient op\ue9rationnels depuis 1960 pour fournir des alertes sur des irruptions potentielles sur base d\u2019informations collect\ue9es sur des pi\ue8ges tendus aux chenilles au niveau du district. Ces services centralis\ue9s pr\ue9sentent un bon nombre de difficult\ue9s et limitations entre autre, le retard dans la communication des donn\ue9es de pi\ue8ges au pr\ue9visioniste, le manqu\ue9 de sp\ue9cificit\ue9 des pr\ue9visions, la lenteur dans la livraison des pr\ue9visions aux fermiers, le manque de responsabilit\ue9 et d\u2019appropriation locale de ces pi\ue8ges. En r\ue9ponse \ue0 ces limitations, une approche innovatrice appell\ue9e pr\ue9diction des chenilles au niveau communautaire (CBAF) \ue9tait initi\ue9e et test\ue9e dans plusieurs pays d\u2019Afrique de l\u2019Est. Cette approche s\u2019\ue9tait av\ue9r\ue9e efficace \ue0 point qu\u2019il avait permis \ue0 chaque village d\u2019avoir ses propres pi\ue8ges et des pr\ue9visionistes form\ue9s pour la collecte et l\u2019interpr\ue9tation des donn\ue9es ainsi que pour fournir des pr\ue9visions sp\ue9cifiques aux villages.Un projet recent sur CBAF avait ex\ue9cut\ue9 cette approche dans 10, 5 et 39 villages de Malawi, Zimbabwe et Tanzanie, respectivement, dans la premi\ue8re ann\ue9e, et dans plus de 25 et 38 villages de Malawi et Tanzanie au cours de la deuxi\ue8me ann\ue9e. Des r\ue9unions avec des partenaires ainsi que des observations et \ue9valuations sur terrain par des auteurs indiquent combien l\u2019initiative avait \ue9t\ue9 b\ue9n\ue9fique. Le renforcement de capacit\ue9 locale avait \ue9t\ue9 realis\ue9 et les alertes localement sp\ue9cifiques ont permis aux fermiers de combattre avec plus d\u2019efficacit\ue9 la peste. Il \ue9tait remarqu\ue9 que les cha\ueenes de communication locale ansi que les \u201cfolk media\u201d jouent un role important dans CBAF par leur compl\ue9mentarit\ue9 et la promotion de l\u2019efficacit\ue9 des cha\ueenes exog\ue8nes. Cet article discute comment CBAF fait bon usage de diff\ue9rentes cha\ueenes de communication et comp\ue9tences, et met en \ue9vidence les r\ue9sultats pr\ue9liminaires