23,666 research outputs found

    Outbursts of Young Stellar Objects

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    We argue that the outbursts of the FU Orionis stars occur on timescales which are much longer than expected from the standard disc instability model with \alpha_{c} \gtrsim 10^{-3}. The outburst, recurrence, and rise times are consistent with the idea that the accretion disc in these objects is truncated at a radius R_{i} \sim 40 \rsun. In agreement with a number of previous authors we suggest that the inner regions of the accretion discs in FU Ori objects are evacuated by the action of a magnetic propeller anchored on the central star. We develop an analytic solution for the steady state structure of an accretion disc in the presence of a central magnetic torque, and present numerical calculations to follow its time evolution. These calculations confirm that a recurrence time that is consistent with observations can be obtained by selecting appropriate values for viscosity and magnetic field strength.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Near Infrared Observations of a Redshift 4.92 Galaxy: Evidence for Significant Dust Absorption

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    Near-infrared imaging and spectroscopy have been obtained of the gravitationally lensed galaxy at z=4.92 discovered in HST images by Franx et al. (1997). Images at 1.2, 1.6 and 2.2 microns show the same arc morphology as the HST images. The spectrum with resolution \lambda / \Delta\lambda ~ 70 shows no emission lines with equivalent width stronger than 100 A in the rest frame wavelength range 0.34 to 0.40 microns. In particular, [OII]3727 A and [NeIII]3869 A are not seen. The energy distribution is quite blue, as expected for a young stellar population with the observed Ly alpha flux. The spectral energy distribution can be fit satisfactorily for such a young stellar population when absorption by dust is included. The models imply a reddening 0.1 mag < E(B-V) < 0.4 mag. The stellar mass of the lensed galaxy lies in the range of 2 to 16 x 10^9 Msun. This is significantly higher than estimates based on the HST data alone. Our data imply that absorption by dust is important to redshifts of ~5.Comment: LaTeX with ApJ journal format, 2 postscript figures, ApJL, accepte

    Characterisation of the porous structure of Gilsocarbon graphite using pycnometry, cyclic porosimetry and void-network modeling

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    file: :C:/pdf/1-s2.0-S000862231400164X-main.pdf:pdfThe cores of the fourteen Advanced Gas-cooled nuclear Reactors (AGRs) within the UK comprise Gilsocarbon graphite, a manufactured material surrounded predominantly by CO2 at high pressure and temperature to provide heat exchange. The intense ionising radiation within the reactors causes radiolytic oxidation, and the resulting mass loss is a primary factor in determining reactor lifetime. The void structure of the porous Gilsocarbon graphite affects the permeability and diffusion of the carbon dioxide, and the sites of oxidation. To model this void structure, the porosities and densities of ten virgin Gilsocarbon graphite samples have been measured by powder and helium pycnometry. For comparison, results are also presented for highly ordered pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), and a fine-grained Ringsdorff graphite. Samples have been examined at a range of magnifications by electron microscopy. Total porosities and percolation characteristics have been measured by standard and cyclic mercury porosimetry up to an applied mercury pressure of 400MPa. Inverse modelling of the cyclic intrusion curves produces simulated void structures with characteristics which closely match those of experiment. Void size distributions of the structures are presented, together with much Supplementary Information. The simulated void networks provide the bases for future simulations of the radiolytic oxidation process itself

    The steady-state structure of accretion discs in central magnetic fields

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    We develop a new analytic solution for the steady-state structure of a thin accretion disc under the influence of a magnetic field that is anchored to the central star. The solution takes a form similar to that of Shakura and Sunyaev and tends to their solution as the magnetic moment of the star tends to zero. As well as the Kramer's law case, we obtain a solution for a general opacity. The effects of varying the mass transfer rate, spin period and magnetic field of the star as well as the opacity model applied to the disc are explored for a range of objects. The solution depends on the position of the magnetic truncation radius. We propose a new approach for the identification of the truncation radius and present an analytic expression for its position.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted by MNRA

    A Luminous Companion to SGR 1806-20

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    We have obtained infrared spectra of the star suggested to be the counterpart of the soft gamma-ray repeater (SGR) 1806-20. We found strong emission lines similar to those seen in the spectra of the rare Luminous Blue Variables and B[e] stars. A He I absorption line is also seen, from which we infer a spectral type O9--B2. This classification, in combination with the minimum distance of \simgt6 kpc inferred from its extinction, makes the star one of the most luminous in the Galaxy. We infer that it is a companion to SGR 1806-20, and suggest that the presence of a companion is somehow related to the SGR phenomenon.Comment: 5 pages, AASTEX text+table and 2 PostScript figures (needs LaTeX style files aaspptwo.sty, epsf.sty and rotate.sty). In case of problems, contact [email protected]. Postscript file of complete article available on request. (Replaced because first version had one wrong reference in it

    Magnetic Field Structure around Low-Mass Class 0 Protostars: B335, L1527 and IC348-SMM2

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    We report new 350 micron polarization observations of the thermal dust emission from the cores surrounding the low-mass, Class 0 YSOs L1527, IC348-SMM2 and B335. We have inferred magnetic field directions from these observations, and have used them together with results in the literature to determine whether magnetically regulated core-collapse and star-formation models are consistent with the observations. These models predict a pseudo-disk with its symmetry axis aligned with the core magnetic field. The models also predict a magnetic field pinch structure on a scale less than or comparable to the infall radii for these sources. In addition, if the core magnetic field aligns (or nearly aligns) the core rotation axis with the magnetic field before core collapse, then the models predict the alignment (or near alignment) of the overall pinch field structure with the bipolar outflows in these sources. We show that if one includes the distorting effects of bipolar outflows on magnetic fields, then in general the observational results for L1527 and IC348-SMM2 are consistent with these magnetically regulated models. We can say the same for B335 only if we assume the distorting effects of the bipolar outflow on the magnetic fields within the B335 core are much greater than for L1527 and IC348-SMM2. We show that the energy densities of the outflows in all three sources are large enough to distort the magnetic fields predicted by magnetically regulated models.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Limitation of Trypanosoma brucei parasitaemia results from a combination of density-dependent parasite differentiation and parasite killing by the host immune response

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    In the bloodstream of its mammalian host, the "slender" form of Trypanosoma brucei replicates extracellularly, producing a parasitaemia. At high density, the level of parasitaemia is limited at a sublethal level by differentiation to the non-replicative "stumpy" form and by the host immune response. Here, we derive continuous time equations to model the time-course, cell types and level of trypanosome parasitaemia, and compare the best fits with experimental data. The best fits that were obtained favour a model in which both density-dependent trypanosome differentiation and host immune response have a role in limiting the increase of parasites, much poorer fits being obtained when differentiation and immune response are considered independently of one another. Best fits also favour a model in which the slender-to-stumpy differentiation progresses in a manner that is essentially independent of the cell cycle. Finally, these models also make the prediction that the density-dependent trypanosome differentiation mechanism can give rise to oscillations in parasitaemia level. These oscillations are independent of the immune system and are not due to antigenic variation

    Multiprotein DNA looping

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    DNA looping plays a fundamental role in a wide variety of biological processes, providing the backbone for long range interactions on DNA. Here we develop the first model for DNA looping by an arbitrarily large number of proteins and solve it analytically in the case of identical binding. We uncover a switch-like transition between looped and unlooped phases and identify the key parameters that control this transition. Our results establish the basis for the quantitative understanding of fundamental cellular processes like DNA recombination, gene silencing, and telomere maintenance.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Coplanar Circumbinary Debris Disks

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    We present resolved Herschel images of circumbinary debris disks in the alpha CrB (HD139006) and beta Tri (HD13161) systems. We find that both disks are consistent with being aligned with the binary orbital planes. Though secular perturbations from the binary can align the disk, in both cases the alignment time at the distances at which the disk is resolved is greater than the stellar age, so we conclude that the coplanarity was primordial. Neither disk can be modelled as a narrow ring, requiring extended radial distributions. To satisfy both the Herschel and mid-IR images of the alpha CrB disk, we construct a model that extends from 1-300AU, whose radial profile is broadly consistent with a picture where planetesimal collisions are excited by secular perturbations from the binary. However, this model is also consistent with stirring by other mechanisms, such as the formation of Pluto-sized objects. The beta Tri disk model extends from 50-400AU. A model with depleted (rather than empty) inner regions also reproduces the observations and is consistent with binary and other stirring mechanisms. As part of the modelling process, we find that the Herschel PACS beam varies by as much as 10% at 70um and a few % at 100um. The 70um variation can therefore hinder image interpretation, particularly for poorly resolved objects. The number of systems in which circumbinary debris disk orientations have been compared with the binary plane is now four. More systems are needed, but a picture in which disks around very close binaries (alpha CrB, beta Tri, and HD 98800, with periods of a few weeks to a year) are aligned, and disks around wider binaries (99 Her, with a 50 yr period) are misaligned, may be emerging. This picture is qualitatively consistent with the expectation that the protoplanetary disks from which the debris emerged are more likely to be aligned if their binaries have shorter periods.Comment: accepted to MNRA
