658 research outputs found

    COVID-19 and the impact on the cranio-oro-facial trauma care in Italy: An epidemiological retrospective cohort study

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has deeply modified the organization of hospitals, health care centers, and the patient’s behavior. The aim of this epidemiological retrospective cohort study is to evaluate if and how the COVID-19 pandemic has determined a modification in cranio-oro-facial traumatology service. Methods: The dataset included hospital emergency room access of a six-month pre-pandemic period and six months into pandemic outbreak. The variables collected were: patient age, gender, type of emergency access with relative color code, Glasgow Coma Scale Score, type of discharge. Results: 537 vs 237 (pre-pandemic vs pandemic) patients accessed the hospital emergency room and the mean age decreased from 60.79 ± 25.34 to 56.75 ± 24.50 year. Yellow and green code access went from 28.9% and 66.1% to 37.5% and 57.7% (pre-pandemic vs pandemic). Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) shows an increase of 16.6% vs 27.8% of 15 grade score, a 28.7% vs 28.5% of the 14 grade score and reduction of 13 and 12 grade 40.2% and 14.5% vs 37.1 and 9.7% (pre-pandemic vs pandemic). Conclusions: Since the COVID-19 outbreak continues, epidemiological data are still necessary to perform public health intervention strategies and to appropriately predict the population needs, in order to properly manage the COVID-19 related to oral pathologies as well as the most common health problems

    Modeling sand slides by a mechanics-based degenerate parabolic equation

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    Avalanching plays a crucial role in granular materials dynamics, in particular in the evolution of the shape of the leeward side of sand dunes. This paper presents a physically-based mathematical model capable of reproducing the kinematic evolution of the surface of sand piles and to obtain eventually the stationary configurations, in the presence of external sources as well. Simulation results with different boundary conditions and geometries are reported in order to show the high flexibility of the model. The model is also validated by means of comparison with the experimental results of different authors

    A Mathematical Model For Evaluating Energy Consumptions In Life Cycle Assessment.

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    This paper takes up the ecobalance topic giving prominence to a calculation procedure of necessary energy consumptions for the production of a product in the different phases of a whole life cycle. Are used to identify all stages of the life cycle are determined and simplified formulas for the calculation of specific energy consumption. Is also examined a case where the components of the final product are up to 8. The model is valid for any type of product and through operations research (ie, placing constraints on the variables) you could get to optimal solutions minimizing the objective function

    comparison between thermal energy and acoustic emission for the fatigue behavior of steels

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    Abstract The paper is focused on the study of fatigue materials, using an energy approach, with the support of two different non-destructive techniques. Indeed, the analysis of the energy behavior was conducted by the simultaneous application of Acoustic Emission (AE) and Thermography (TH). The purpose of the paper was to compare and integrate the results obtained by the two methodologies to assess the fatigue behavior of materials. The experimental tests were carried out on flat steel specimens of steels commonly used for metal carpentry either under static loading or under sequences of increasing cyclic loading. The results allow to define the fatigue limit either by the thermography or by the acoustic emission and they are encouraging to continue the comparison and the integration between the two energetic methodologies

    Identification of the microorganisms responsible for periodontopathy by Multiplex RT-PCR

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    The aim of our research was to identify by bacterial genomicDNA analysis the prevalence of five different species of periodontopathogenic bacteria present in the subgingival biofilm,specifically: Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (Aa), Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), Prevotella intermedia (Pi), Bacterioides forsytus (Bf), Treponema denticola (Td).For the analysis we used the systematic Multiplex-PCR-microdentkit with species-specific primers. We studied a group of 48 subjects, 18 males and 30 females, from 18 to 78 years of age. Theinitial clinical screening enabled us to select, among the groupanalysed, 24 subjects with signs of active periodontopathy (GroupA) and 24 patients without identifiable clinical evidence of the disease used as the control group (Group B). Within the two experimental groups (A and B), the test was found to be positive in 75%of subjects from group A, whereas the test was found to be negative in all the subjects from group B. Our research shows thatthe Multiplex-PCR system is reliable. Furthermore, the sensitivity and simplicity of this technique, as well as the decrease inworking times and the possibility of identifying non-culturablebacteria, since the presence of viable organisms is not essential,make this technique indicated for the simultaneous identificationof periodontopathogenic bacteria and might, in perspective, pro-vide a more effective clinical alternative to the techniques of bacterial typing of the subgingival plaque

    Hydroadenocarcinoma, a rare tumor to be kept in mind

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    Background: Nowadays, the incidence of skin cancer has increased, especially in the elderly population, probably due to increasing longevity and lifestyle changes. Sun exposure plays a pivotal role in the development of the skin tumors, among these basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most frequent with an incidence 4 times higher than that of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and it is 20 times more common than melanoma. On the other hand, skin adnexal tumors are extremely rare and hydroadenocarcinoma (HC) is generally considered a malignancy of eccrine cutaneous sweat glands. It occurs in 0.01% of skin cancers and often it can mimic other skin cancers, particulary BCC. Case presentation: An 84-year-old woman come to our attention for a neoformation on the upper lip. Seeing as she had previously undergone operations for removal of basaliomas on the face, the lesion was believed to be a recurrence. Facial and neck MRI and CT-scan analysis revealed that the lesion appeared in correspondence of the midline and paramedian site of the upper lip with extension into the left nasal cavity, not dissociable from the surrounding tissues. For this reason, the patient underwent an \u201cen bloc\u201d resection instead of Mohs' surgery. The definitive histological diagnosis concluded that the lesion was a hydroadenocarcinoma. Conclusion: In front of a nodular lesion of the skin it is always advisable to perform a biopsy to type the neoformation and also exclude rare tumors such us hydroadenocarcinoma
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