38 research outputs found

    Extending the temporal context of ethnobotanical databases: the case study of the Campania region (southern Italy)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ethnobotanical studies generally describe the traditional knowledge of a territory according to a "hic et nunc" principle. The need of approaching this field also embedding historical data has been frequently acknowledged. With their long history of civilization some regions of the Mediterranean basin seem to be particularly suited for an historical approach to be adopted. Campania, a region of southern Italy, has been selected for a database implementation containing present and past information on plant uses.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A relational database has been built on the basis of information gathered from different historical sources, including diaries, travel accounts, and treatises on medicinal plants, written by explorers, botanists, physicians, who travelled in Campania during the last three centuries. Moreover, ethnobotanical uses described in historical herbal collections and in Ancient and Medieval texts from the Mediterranean Region have been included in the database.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>1672 different uses, ranging from medicinal, to alimentary, ceremonial, veterinary, have been recorded for 474 species listed in the data base. Information is not uniformly spread over the Campanian territory; Sannio being the most studied geographical area and Cilento the least one. About 50 plants have been continuously used in the last three centuries in the cure of the same affections. A comparison with the uses reported for the same species in Ancient treatises shows that the origin of present ethnomedicine from old learned medical doctrines needs a case-by-case confirmation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The database is flexible enough to represent a useful tool for researchers who need to store and compare present and previous ethnobotanical uses from Mediterranean Countries.</p

    Educational robotics as an Innovative teaching practice using technology: minimization of risks

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    This research is focused on studying educational robotics, specifically robots which provide functions of educational activity. We have considered the questions of intelligent agents' behavior and have studied their educational opportunities. Educational robotics is a powerful tool of developing person's skills and abilities in various fields of technical creativity and professional activity. The evolutionary development of robotics is connected with development of artificial intelligence, where emotions play a great role in operations. Nowadays the main thing is to form the ability and skills of optimum interaction with social environment when a person, based on gained knowledge, is capable to put goals of the activity in strict accordance with laws and society conditions and using current technology

    Dalla cartografia archeologica digitale al restauro virtuale: recenti casi di studio a Hierapolis di Frigia

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    The paper concerns the recent research conducted at Hierapolis in Phrygia for the creation of the digital archaeological map of the city and surrounding necropolises, which is linked to a GIS. These activities have focused on updating the map with new data from systematic archaeological and topographical surveys, geophysical prospecting, aerial and satellite remote sensing, and from studies regarding the hydrogeology, geomorphology and seismic and tectonic characteristics of the site. In some cases, 3D reconstructions and virtual restorations of monuments are based on the data from this inter/multidisciplinary research on the ancient city. In fact, for several years now a project called Virtual Hierapolis has been in progress and has resulted in the production of 3D models of many monuments in the city, using data from stratigraphic excavations, archaeological and geophysical surveys, and art-historical studies. An example in this regard is the recent reconstructive study of the so-called South Bridge, a monumental viaduct/aqueduct-bridge, probably built in the first century AD, the remains of which are in a deep gorge to the South of the archaeological site. The survey and mapping of the monument, using differential GPS and robotic and motorized total station, have made it possible to obtain a detailed study and the production of 2D and 3D reconstruction

    Sulla tipologia e sulla problematicit\ue0 delle frane nel Genovesato

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    Viene illustrata la tipologia e la problematica delle frane nella zona di Genov

    Le Tombe a Tempio di Norchia: dal rilievo all\u2019anastilosi virtuale e alla ricostruzione tridimensionale

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    Le attivit\ue0 di ricerca presentate in questo contributo sono state essenzialmente finalizzate al rilievo delle facciate delle due tombe presso la necropoli dell\u2019Acqualta e alla documentazione della porzione ovest del frontone della Tomba occidentale (sinistra), conservato al Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze1275. Tali rilievi, effettuati con tecniche indirette, sono stati realizzati, oltre che come basi documentali per lo studio dei due monumenti, anche in funzione della creazione di modelli tridimensionali, che sono stati utilizzati, in particolare, per lo studio ricostruttivo e il restauro virtuale delle facciate rupestri; quest\u2019ultimo si \ue8 basato sia sul prospetto bidimensionale che sul rilievo tridimensionale, il quale ha consentito la realizzazione di ipotesi di anastilosi virtuale degli elementi architettonici non in posto della Tomba occidentale (sinistra), ovvero il grande frammento di fregio dorico oggi collocato presso il dromos della camera funeraria e la gi\ue0 ricordata grande porzione del frontone conservata a Firenze. In quest\u2019ottica, il rilievo e la modellazione tridimensionale hanno avuto anche la finalit\ue0 di contribuire alla documentazione delle raffigurazioni a bassorilievo presenti sulle facciate rupestri, in generale scarsamente conservate (come nel caso dei fregi) o difficilmente raggiungibili (come nel caso dei frontoni), anche con lo scopo di arrivare a proporre una ricostruzione tridimensionale del complesso architettonico

    Dalla cartografia digitale al restauro virtuale: recenti casi studio a Hierapolis di Frigia

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    The contribution concerns the reconstructive study and the digital survey of the South Bridge of Hierapolis of Phrygia (Turkey), work performed by the National Research Council (CNR-IBAM of Lecce

    Nuovi dati sugli impianti produttivi di olio d’oliva e vino a Hierapolis e nel suo territorio: dallo studio tipologico alla ricostruzione tridimensionale

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    A distanza di sei anni dal simposio internazionale tenuto a Mersin e intitolato “Olive oil and wine production in Anatolia during Antiquity”, che per la prima volta faceva il punto sullo stato delle conoscenze archeologiche riguardanti le attività produttive vinarie e olearie in Turchia tra l’epoca ellenistica e quella bizantina, il prosieguo delle ricerche a Hierapolis e nel suo territorio impone un aggiornamento e, soprattutto, consente di elaborare una tipologia dei principali macchinari utilizzati nei torcularia, specialmente presse e macineSix years after the international symposium held in Mersin and entitled "Olive oil and wine production in Anatolia during Antiquity ”, which for the first time focused on the state of the archaeological knowledge concerning the wine and olive oil production activities in Turkey between the Hellenistic and the Byzantine era, the continuation of research in Hierapolis and its territory imposes an update and, above all, allows the processing of a typology of the main machinery used in torcularia, especially presses and millstone

    Nuove ricerche a Solunto

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    Since 2020 a team of the University of Palermo started a wide program of research in the site of Solunto (Mt. Catalfano), in collaboration with the Archaeological Park of Himera, Solunto and Iato, inclunding several activities of study, documentation and 3D restitution/reconstruction of the buildings discovered in 20th century, and feldwork/excavations in the North Baths (NE corner of the agora) and the Sanctuary W of the theater. We illustrate the frst results of the work in progress in the great sanctuary area on the top of the agora-theater, that are giving a wholly new picture of the complexity and monumentality of this part of the ancient city. On the other hand, we discovered unexpected traces of the urban history from 4th century B.C. on, that allow us to solve the vexata quaestio of the chronology of the urban plan, and to understand the development of the city over time