1,937 research outputs found

    Demand for Wildlife Hunting in British Columbia

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    We present estimates of the demand for hunting licenses by residents and non residents in British Columbia for the period 1971–2000. We obtain estimates of both short-run and long- run price elasticities and discuss their revenue implications for future fee increases. We find the demand by non residents to be strongly correlated with U.S. income variation over the business cycle, but find no such role for cyclical income variation for resident hunters. The ability of the government to increase revenues from resident hunters turns out to be limited, particularly in the long run, while greater opportunities exist to raise revenues from U.S. hunters as short- and long-run price elasticities of demand are quite inelastic. We argue that conservation surcharges on foreign hunters are one way to capture more of the resource rent.recreation demand, resource revenues and rent capture, conservation surcharges

    Demand for Wildlife Hunting in British Columbia

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    We present estimates of the demand for hunting licenses by residents and non residents in British Columbia for the period 1971–2000. We obtain estimates of both short-run and long-run price elasticities and discuss their revenue implications for future fee increases. We further find the demand by non residents to be strongly correlated with U.S. income variation over the business cycle; however, we find no such role for cyclical income variation for resident hunters. Finally, we demonstrate that hunters respond differently to conservation surcharges on hunting licenses relative to direct licensing charges, which has implications for policy makers introducing environmental surcharges in various contexts.recreation demand, environmental surcharges, resource revenues and rent capture

    Divergence between WTA and WTP Revisited: Livestock Grazing on Public Range

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    The research reported here provides further empirical support for the contention that there is a divergence between WTA and WTP. The conclusion is based on results from a 2002 survey of Nevada ranchers that asked about willingness to pay for public forage and WTA compensation to part with grazing rights. WTP and WTA are estimated simultaneously, with the estimators used to demonstrate a statistically significant divergence between WTP and WTA. The simultaneous estimation allows us to identify ranch characteristics that influence the discrepancy in valuations. Ranch size, public grazing allotment, financial distress, and long term commitment to ranching are all significant influences on the disparity. We interpret these results both with respect to general differences in welfare measures and with respect to ranch policy.contingent valuation methods, dichotomous choice surveys, WTA versus WTP, grazing rights and public forage

    The Effect of Uncertainty on Contingent Valuation Estimates: A Comparison

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    We examine the impact of uncertainty on contingent valuation responses using (1) a survey of Canadian landowners about willingness to accept compensation for converting cropland to forestry and (2) a survey of Swedish residents about willingness to pay for forest conservation. Five approaches from the literature for incorporating respondent uncertainty are used and compared to the traditional RUM model with assumed certainty. The results indicate that incorporating uncertainty has the potential to increase fit, but could introduce additional variance. While some methods for uncertainty are an improvement over traditional approaches, we caution against systematic judgments about the effect of uncertainty on contingent valuation responses.respondent uncertainty, willingness to accept, contingent valuation

    Are Agricultural Values a Reliable Guide in Determining Landowners’ Decisions to Create Carbon Forest Sinks?

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    This research examines the effects of various factors on farmer participation in agricultural tree plantations for economic, environmental, social and carbon-uptake purposes, and potential costs of sequestering carbon through afforestation in western Canada. Using data from a survey of landowners, a discrete choice random utility model is used to determine the probability of landowners’ participation and corresponding mean willingness to accept (WTA) compensation for a tree-planting program. WTA includes positive and negative benefits to landowners from planting trees, benefits not captured by foregone returns from agricultural activities on marginal land. Estimates of WTA are less than foregone returns, but even so average costs of creating carbon credits still exceed their projected value under a CO2-emissions trading scheme.Willingness to accept compensation for tree planting, afforestation, climate change

    Narrative Activism: Strategic Storytelling for Women’s Advocacy

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically widened existing spheres of gender inequality, increasing disparities related to poverty, forced marriage, maternal mortality, gender-based violence, economic vulnerability, and illiteracy. For organizations aiming to rectify these areas of inequality, storytelling is a powerful tool for advocacy. This thesis investigates the intersection of storytelling and advocacy, focusing on the writing strategies utilized by leading gender-equality-oriented organizations. Utilizing Grounded Theory (GT) methodology, this thesis explores the emerging patterns and themes that arise in organizational storytelling strategies across differing contexts. An introduction chapter provides insights into the subject matter, highlighting existing knowledge gaps and rationalizing this study’s contribution to modern scholarship. A comprehensive literature review provides insights into contemporary gender inequality, advocacy, and storytelling, highlighting existing research relevant to this investigation. The methodology chapter outlines the implementation of GT, including research design, data collection, and coding, while the results chapter presents the key findings emerging from this study: a Storytelling Framework for Gender Equality. The discussion section offers both a narrative explanation and theoretical application of this framework and a discussion of research limitations and avenues for additional scholarship

    Does Inclusion of Landowners’ Non-Market Values Lower Costs of Creating Carbon Forest Sinks?

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    This research examines effects of various factors on farmer participation in agricultural tree plantations for economic, environmental, social and carbon-uptake purposes. Using data from a survey of Canadian agricultural landowners, a discrete choice random utility model is used to determine the probability of farmers’ participation and corresponding mean willingness to accept (WTA) compensation for a tree-planting program. WTA includes positive and negative nonmarket benefits to landowners from planting trees. Estimates of WTA are less than foregone agricultural rents, but average costs of creating carbon credits still exceed their projected value under a CO2-emissions trading scheme.Willingness to accept compensation for tree planting, afforestation, climate change

    Pembentukan Undak Batugamping dan Hubungannya dengan Struktur Diapir di Perairan Tanjung Awar-awar Paciran Jawa Timur

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    Batuan yang mendominasi di daerah penyelidikan adalah batugamping koral Formasi Paciran zona Rembang. Batugamping koral inilah membentuk undak pantai di Tanjung Awar-awar dan di pantai Tuban dan sekitarnya. Terdapatnya undak batugamping ini, menandakan adanya pengangkatan secara vertikal pada satuan batuan ini. Batimetri daerah penyelidikan secara umum merupakan dataran dimana bagian yang dangkal terdapat di bagian baratdaya (ke arah pantai) dengan kedalaman 2 meter dan terdalam ke arah timurlaut dengan kedalaman 9 meter. Sebanyak 7 lintasan seismik berarah timurlaut-baratdaya dan 15 lintasan berarah barat laut – tenggara telah dilakukan dan beberapa titik bor untuk memperkuat penafsiran jenis batuan di setiap lapisan penampang seismik. Struktur geologi yang ditafsirkan dari seismik pantul ini adalah adanya suatu blok batuan yang seperti tersesarkan dan terdorong ke atas sebagai struktur diapir. Struktur diapir ini berkembang sangat baik di penampang seismik ke arah barat daya atau ke arah daratan dimana di sekitar pantainya batugamping ini membentuk undak batugamping. Munculnya struktur diapir ini kemungkinannya dikarenakan bagian selatan dari zona Rembang ini terdapat suatu zona yang mempunyai anomali gaya berat negatif dan karena batugampingnya banyak terpatahkan sehingga sangat mudah diintrusi oleh sedimen yang mempunyai berat jenis kecil. Kata kunci : undak pantai, batugamping koral, struktur diapir, Tanjung Awar-Awar Jawa Timur The study area is dominated by coral reef limestone of Paciran Formation of Rembang Zone. This coral reef limestone is responsible to form the beach terraces along the Tanjung Awar-Awar and Tuban beach and its surrounded. The formation of this coral reef limestone terraces closely related to vertical movement of these rocks units. The study area is bathymetrically flat where the shallow part is on southwest (towards the beach) with 2 meters depth and the deeper part is to northeast part with 9 meters depth. There are 7 seismic reflection lines of NE-SW and 15 lines of NW-SE have been done and some rocks drilling to emphasize the seismic sequences. The interpretation of geological structure from seismic reflection shows a feature of rocks unit was faulted and intruded as diapiric structures. These features are well developed towards the beach where the terrace of coral reef limestone can be found on the beaches. The formation of these diapiric structures are interpreted where on southward of the Rembang Zone there is a gravity negative anomalies and also due to the limestone were faulted and it seems to be easy intruded by a sediment with low density. Keywords : beach terraces, coral reef limestone, diapiric structure, Tanjung Awar- Awar East Jav
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