94 research outputs found

    Umbilical hernia rupture with evisceration of omentum from massive ascites: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>The incidence of hernias is increased in patients with alcoholic liver disease with ascites. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of an acute rise in intra-abdominal pressure from straining for stool as the cause of a ruptured umbilical hernia.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>An 81-year-old Caucasian man with a history of alcoholic liver disease presented to our emergency department with an erythematous umbilical hernia and clear, yellow discharge from the umbilicus. On straining for stool, after initial clinical assessment, our patient noted a gush of fluid and evisceration of omentum from the umbilical hernia. An urgent laparotomy was performed with excision of the umbilicus and devitalized omentum.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We report the case of a patient with a history of alcoholic liver disease with ascites. Ascites causes a chronic increase in intra-abdominal pressure. A sudden increase in intra-abdominal pressure, such as coughing, vomiting, gastroscopy or, as in this case, straining for stool can cause rupture of an umbilical hernia. The presence of discoloration, ulceration or a rapid increase in size of the umbilical hernia signals impending rupture and should prompt the physician to reduce the intra-abdominal pressure.</p

    Increased proportion of nitric oxide synthase immunoreactive neurons in rat ileal myenteric ganglia after severe acute pancreatitis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) remains a potentially life-threatening disease. Gastrointestinal motility disturbance such as intestinal ileus is seen in every case. By now, the mechanisms of pancreatitis-induced ileus are largely unknown. The main purpose of the present study was to observe changes of nitric oxide synthase-immunoreactive (NOS-IR) neurons in ileal myenteric ganglia in SAP rats with gastrointestinal dysmotility, trying to explore underlying nervous mechanisms of pancreatitis-induced ileus.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twenty Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into sham operated group and SAP group. SAP was induced by retrograde cholangiopancreatic duct injection of 5% sodium taurocholate. Abdominal X-ray and intestinal transit were performed to detect the existence of paralytic ileus and intestinal dysmotility. Pathological damage of pancreas was evaluated. Double-immunolabeling was employed for the whole-mount preparations of ileal myenteric ganglia. The morphology of NOS-IR neurons were observed and the percentage of NOS-IR neurons was calculated based on the total Hu-immunoreactive neurons. Total RNA of ileum was extracted according to Trizol reagent protocol. Neuronal NOS (nNOS) mRNA expression was evaluated by RT-PCR.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The small intestinal transit index in the SAP group was significantly lower compared with the sham operated group (29.21 ± 3.68% vs 52.48 ± 6.76%, <it>P <</it>0.01). The percentage of NOS-IR neurons in ileal myenteric ganglia in the SAP group was significantly higher than that in the sham operated group (37.5 ± 12.28% vs 26.32 ± 16.15%, <it>P <</it>0.01). nNOS mRNA expression in ileum of SAP group was significantly higher than that in the sham operated group (1.02 ± 0.10 vs 0.70 ± 0.06, <it>P </it>< 0.01).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The increased quantity of NOS-IR neurons in ileal myenteric ganglia and increased nNOS mRNA expression may suggest nNOS over expression as one of the nervous mechanisms of gastrointestinal dysmotility in SAP rat.</p


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    La ricerca sar\ue0 condotta su un numero di 18 ovini di razza Sarda, tutti della stessa et\ue0 e provenienti dallo stesso allevamento e caratterizzati da diverso genotipo per vedere se esistono differenze morfologiche correlate a quest'ultimo (6 soggetti 171Q/Q, omozigoti suscettibili alla malattia, 6 soggetti 171R/Q eterozigoti e 6 soggetti 171R/R omozigoti resistenti alla malattia). La genotipizzazione dei predetti animali verr\ue0 condotta dal Laboratorio di Medicina Veterinaria dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanit\ue0. Gli obiettivi di questa Unit\ue0 di Ricerca sono quelli di studiare, in base al genotipo dell\u2019ospite, le popolazioni cellulari che sono coinvolte, nelle fasi iniziali dell\u2019infezione sostenuta dall\u2019agente della scrapie ovina, sia a livello del SLR sia del sistema nervoso autonomo, con particolare riguardo all\u2019ENS. A tale scopo verranno utilizzati traccianti fluorescenti a trasporto assonico retrogrado abbinati a reazioni immunoistochimiche. Si vorr\ue0 stabilire l\u2019eventuale presenza di neuroni e fibre viscerofugali; tali fibre, gi\ue0 descritte nel gatto e nella cavia ( Furness, 2003), dall\u2019intestino si portano ai gangli prevertebrali e potrebbero rappresentare per il prione una potenziale via per la neuroinvasione, analogamente alle efferenze ed alle afferenze del sistema nervoso autonomo. Si proceder\ue0 inoltre alla determinazione del corredo neurochimico dei neuroni dell\u2019ENS, del complesso nucleare vagale, dei neuroni sensitivi preposti all\u2019innervazione del GIT, nonch\ue9 degli eventuali neuroni viscerofugali. Verranno utilizzati anticorpi atti ad evidenziare neuropeptidi e neurotrasmettitori utilizzati dai neuroni colinergici, adrenergici e NANC (non adrenergici-non colinergici), in particolare ChAT, TH, DBH, sostanza P, NOS, nonch\ue9 anticorpi atti ad evidenziare i neuroni sensitivi e le cellule gliali, anche quest'ultime, infatti, possono rappresentare un\u2019importante tappa per la neuroinvasione (Archer et al,2004). Riteniamo che questi dati potrebbero rappresentare una valida base a supporto di ulteriori ricerche su animali infettati. Modificazioni del corredo neurochimico sono infatti state segnalate nel corso di tale infezione in alcuni distretti encefalici. Tuttavia non sono disponibili dati esaustivi sul corredo neurochimico dei neuroni dell\u2019ENS nella pecora, neuroni dei quali, ancorch\ue9 in grado di accumulare PrPsc, non si conoscono le eventuali modificazioni morfo-funzionali cui andranno incontro. Mediante colture organotipiche si stabiliranno i rapporti morfo-funzionali che intercorrono fra le cellule del SLR e fibre nervose immunocitochimicamente determinate. Le ricerche avranno la durata di due anni e saranno suddivise in due fasi, ciascuna della durata di un anno. Nella prima fase, ci proponiamo di individuare la presenza di cellule viscerofugali e di caratterizzare immunocitochimicamente i neuroni dell'ENS e del SNC implicati in questa via. Saranno inoltre individuate e valutate quantitativamente le cellule M ed i rapporti fra queste ed il SLR. Nella seconda fase ci proponiamo di verificare la sede dei neuroni sensitivi e motori preposti all'innervazione del GIT. Mediante colture organotipiche associate ad immunocitochimica verranno studiati i rapporti fra SLR e fibre nervose

    Correlazioni tra sistema nervoso e sistema linforeticolare nella patogenesi della scrapie ovina spontanea e sperimentale

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    La scrapie ovina rappresenta il \u201cprototipo\u201d delle encefalopatie spongiformi trasmissibili (TSE), malattie neurodegenerative ad esito fatale che colpiscono sia l\u2019uomo, sia gli animali. L\u2019evento patogenetico comune a tutte le TSE consiste nell\u2019accumulo, sia nel sistema nervoso centrale (SNC) che in altri distretti periferici quali le cellule del sistema linforeticolare (SLR), dell\u2019isoforma patologica (PrPSc) di una normale sialoglicoproteina codificata dall\u2019ospite (PrPc). Nonostante il documentato precoce coinvolgimento del SLR e del sistema nervoso enterico (ENS) nella patogenesi della scrapie ovina, rimangono ancora da chiarire numerosi aspetti riguardanti le fasi iniziali dell\u2019infezione. Obiettivo del presente Programma di Ricerca \ue8 quello di contribuire alla comprensione della cinetica evolutivo-patogenetica dell'infezione e di caratterizzare gli eventuali danni subiti dalle cellule, neuronali e non, residenti sia a livello di ENS sia di SNC, in corso di scrapie ovina naturale e sperimentale. Poich\ue9 \ue8 stato ampiamente documentato il ruolo svolto dal genotipo dell\u2019ospite nel determinare la suscettibilit\ue0/resistenza nei confronti della maggior parte delle TSE, ivi compresa la scrapie ovina, le nostre indagini verranno condotte su ovini di Sarda con diversa suscettibilit\ue0 genetica nei confronti della malattia. Nel presente studio, utilizzando un pannello di idonei anticorpi, saranno effettuate approfondite indagini immunoistochimiche ed in immunofluorescenza indiretta su preparati "wholemount", nonch\ue8 su sezioni ottenute da campioni tessutali lavorati al criostato ed inclusi in paraffina, in associazione alle tecniche del trasporto assonico di traccianti fluorescenti (a flusso retrogrado e/o ortogrado) ed a colture organotipiche. In particolare, mediante le tecniche del trasporto assonico di appropriati traccianti fluorescenti (iniettati nel nucleo dorsale del vago e nei gangli celiaco-mesenterico e mesenterico caudale) e mediante colture organotipiche, verranno studiati i rapporti morfo-funzionali intercorrenti fra le cellule del SLR e le fibre nervose, siano esse fibre efferenti simpatiche o parasimpatiche, oppure provenienti dai neuroni residenti nei plessi dell'ENS. Si individueranno inoltre, qualora presenti, i neuroni viscerofugali (potenziale via di diffusione dell\u2019agente causale dal tratto gastrointestinale al SNC, al pari delle efferenze simpatiche e parasimpatiche) ed, infine, si stabiliranno i rapporti che intercorrono fra i neuroni residenti nell\u2019ENS,immunocitochimicamente determinati, sia con le fibre efferenti che con le cellule gliali. Per quanto attiene a queste ultime, \ue8 da sottolineare il dato da noi recentemente prodotto che ne documenterebbe il verosimile coinvolgimento nelle fasi precoci dell\u2019infezione. Di tali cellule, cos\uec come dei neuroni, verranno valutate le eventuali modificazioni quali-quantitative osservate in corso di scrapie naturale o sperimentalmente indotta. Al fine di caratterizzare gli eventuali danni subiti dai neuroni e/o dalle cellule gliali residenti sia nell'ENS (plessi mioenterico e sottomucoso), sia a livello del SNC (in particolare nucleo dorsale del vago), si utilizzeranno specifici \u201cmarkers\u201d di neurodegenerazione, quali la caspase 3, la poli (ADP-ribosio) polimerasi (PARP), l\u2019enzima 5-lipossigenasi (5-LOX) e la sinaptofisina. Si proceder\ue0, inoltre, alla \u201cmappatura\u201d della PrPc, ritenuta indispensabile affinch\ue9 possa avvenire la replicazione dell'agente causale, a livello del tratto gastrointestinale (GIT), allo scopo di verificarne l\u2019espressione a livello dei neuroni e/o delle cellule gliali. Analisi morfometriche saranno di supporto alle osservazioni microscopiche. I dati ottenuti saranno sottoposti ad accurata elaborazione statistica al fine di verificare eventuali differenze correlate al genotipo dell\u2019ospite

    Distribution, organization and innervation of gastric MALT in conventional piglet

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    Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) is the initial inductive site for mucosal immunity. It is present in the different layers of the mucosal wall and consists of organized lymphoid tissue which may occur as isolated or aggregated lymphoid follicles (LFs) and interfollicular areas. It is present in many organs, including the pig stomach. Gastric MALT has been intensely studied in experimentally infected pigs but few data are available in healthy, non-gnotobiotic or germ-free animals. In the present study we described the gastric MALT in conventional piglets in the cardiac mucosa of the gastric diverticulum, in the pyloric mucosa, and in the sites of transition from cardiac to oxyntic and from cardiac to pyloric mucosa by means of histological and immunohistochemical stains. The majority of LFs were located in the cardiac mucosa and in the transition from the cardiac to the oxyntic mucosa. Here the LFs were mainly located in the submucosa and reached the mucosa; we called these submucosal lymphoid follicles (SLFs). In the pyloric mucosa and in the transition sites from the cardiac to the pyloric mucosa, LFs were located in the mucosa; we called these mucosal lymphoid follicles (MLFs). In SLFs, a compartmental organization of T and B lymphocytes was present; by contrast, in the MLFs, the T and B cells were intermingled, suggesting the possibility of different roles for the two types of follicles. In the epithelium overlying the lymphoid tissue, numerous T lymphocytes and some cells immunoreactive to cytokeratin- 18 were observed. Following the application of the fluorescent tracer DiI into the SLFs of the diverticulum, enteric neurones located in the submucosal plexus were labelled, confirming the interplay between the immune and the enteric nervous system

    Osservazioni immunoistochimiche su componenti del sistema nervoso intramurale del solco reticolare di agnello lattante.

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the presence and distribution of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and substance P neuropeptide (SP) in the intramural nervous structures of the reticular groove in the suckling lamb. Tissue sections were stained by immunohistochemical methods. NOS and SP-immunoreactive nerve cell bodies and fibers were found in the entire extent of the reticular groove. Nitrergic neurons and fibers were more numerous in the ventral part of the reticular groove, in particular in its floor. SP-immunoreactive nerve fibers and cells, on the contrary, were more concentrated in the lips of the reticular groove

    Caractéristiques histochimiques du muscle et pH de la viande de lapin hybrides sacrifié à différents ages

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    The aim of this trial was to investigate the effects of high chromium (Cr) yeast supplemented diets on performance of growing-finishing rabbits. Ninety-six commercial hybrid rabbits, half males and half females, aged 35 days, were divided into 4 experimental groups and fed, ad libitum, for 49 days the same basal diet supplemented with 0 (T1), 400 (T2), 800 (T3) or 1600 (T4) ppb of Cr in the form of chromium enriched yeast. Control diet (T1) was analysed and found to contain 789 ppb Cr, a level which was probably due to the raw feed materials. The Cr content of all the diets was then proportionally increased. Chromium supplementation did not induce any significant differences in daily weight gain (32.2 to 32.9 g/d), feed to gain ratio, hot carcass weight, dress-out percentage, kidney weight, scapular fat deposit, or left hindleg percentage and meat/bone ratio. No differences in Cr level were observed for longissimus dorsi pH and colour. In contrast, the perirenal fat deposit was significantly higher in all rabbits which received the Cr supplementation (1.51 to 1.61 vs 1.02% of the carcass; P = 0.013) This was probably the result of a modification in lipid anabolism, in relation with the insulin activity, and particularly with the stimulation of the Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF) which contains chromium. The liver weight of T3 rabbits was significantly higher than that of control group (4.94 vs 4.30% of the carcass; P = 0.028). The authors noted a substantial lack of any practical effects of Cr supplementation on growing rabbit performance under experimental conditions.[...