23,363 research outputs found

    NOSS/ALDCS analysis and system requirements definition

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    The results of system analyses and implementation studies of an advanced location and data collection system (ALDCS) , proposed for inclusion on the National Oceanic Satellite System (NOSS) spacecraft are reported. The system applies Doppler processing and radiofrequency interferometer position location technqiues both alone and in combination. Aspects analyzed include: the constraints imposed by random access to the system by platforms, the RF link parameters, geometric concepts of position and velocity estimation by the two techniques considered, and the effects of electrical measurement errors, spacecraft attitude errors, and geometric parameters on estimation accuracy. Hardware techniques and trade-offs for interferometric phase measurement, ambiguity resolution and calibration are considered. A combined Doppler-interferometer ALDCS intended to fulfill the NOSS data validation and oceanic research support mission is also described

    Analysis of Meteorological Satellite location and data collection system concepts

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    A satellite system that employs a spaceborne RF interferometer to determine the location and velocity of data collection platforms attached to meteorological balloons is proposed. This meteorological advanced location and data collection system (MALDCS) is intended to fly aboard a low polar orbiting satellite. The flight instrument configuration includes antennas supported on long deployable booms. The platform location and velocity estimation errors introduced by the dynamic and thermal behavior of the antenna booms and the effects of the presence of the booms on the performance of the spacecraft's attitude control system, and the control system design considerations critical to stable operations are examined. The physical parameters of the Astromast type of deployable boom were used in the dynamic and thermal boom analysis, and the TIROS N system was assumed for the attitude control analysis. Velocity estimation error versus boom length was determined. There was an optimum, minimum error, antenna separation distance. A description of the proposed MALDCS system and a discussion of ambiguity resolution are included

    Long-Time Dynamics of Variable Coefficient mKdV Solitary Waves

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    We study the Korteweg-de Vries-type equation dt u=-dx(dx^2 u+f(u)-B(t,x)u), where B is a small and bounded, slowly varying function and f is a nonlinearity. Many variable coefficient KdV-type equations can be rescaled into this equation. We study the long time behaviour of solutions with initial conditions close to a stable, B=0 solitary wave. We prove that for long time intervals, such solutions have the form of the solitary wave, whose centre and scale evolve according to a certain dynamical law involving the function B(t,x), plus an H^1-small fluctuation.Comment: 19 page

    Simplicity of extremal eigenvalues of the Klein-Gordon equation

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    We consider the spectral problem associated with the Klein-Gordon equation for unbounded electric potentials. If the spectrum of this problem is contained in two disjoint real intervals and the two inner boundary points are eigenvalues, we show that these extremal eigenvalues are simple and possess strictly positive eigenfunctions. Examples of electric potentials satisfying these assumptions are given

    Strong and weak semiclassical limits for some rough Hamiltonians

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    We present several results concerning the semiclassical limit of the time dependent Schr\"odinger equation with potentials whose regularity doesn't guarantee the uniqueness of the underlying classical flow. Different topologies for the limit are considered and the situation where two bicharateristics can be obtained out of the same initial point is emphasized

    Averaging approximation to singularly perturbed nonlinear stochastic wave equations

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    An averaging method is applied to derive effective approximation to the following singularly perturbed nonlinear stochastic damped wave equation \nu u_{tt}+u_t=\D u+f(u)+\nu^\alpha\dot{W} on an open bounded domain D⊂RnD\subset\R^n\,, 1≤n≤31\leq n\leq 3\,. Here ν>0\nu>0 is a small parameter characterising the singular perturbation, and να\nu^\alpha\,, 0≤α≤1/20\leq \alpha\leq 1/2\,, parametrises the strength of the noise. Some scaling transformations and the martingale representation theorem yield the following effective approximation for small ν\nu, u_t=\D u+f(u)+\nu^\alpha\dot{W} to an error of \ord{\nu^\alpha}\,.Comment: 16 pages. Submitte

    Technical Note: Evaluation of a Crucible Furnace Retort for Laboratory Torrefactions of Wood Chips

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    Torrefaction is a thermal process that improves biomass performance as a fuel by property enhancements such as decreased moisture uptake and increased carbon density. Most studies to date have used very small amounts of finely ground biomass. This study reports the testing of a crucible furnace retort that was fabricated to produce intermediate quantities of torrefied material and to allow processing of wood chips. Yields ranging from 51 to 96% were impacted to a greater extent by differences in temperature than time of treatment. Although temperature-control issues (gradients, slow heating) were experienced with the crucible furnace retort, this equipment proved to be useful for its intended purpose

    Reply to "Comment on 'Quantization of FRW spacetimes in the presence of a cosmological constant and radiation'"

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    The Comment by Amore {\it et al.} [gr-qc/0611029] contains a valid criticism of the numerical precision of the results reported in a recent paper of ours [Phys. Rev. D {\bf 73}, 044022 (2006)], as well as fresh ideas on how to characterize a quantum cosmological singularity. However, we argue that, contrary to what is suggested in the Comment, the quantum cosmological models we studied show hardly any sign of singular behavior.Comment: 4 pages, accepted by Physical Review

    Patients as researchers - innovative experiences in UK National Health Service research

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    Consumer involvement is an established priority in UK health and social care service development and research. To date, little has been published describing the process of consumer involvement and assessing ‘consumers’ contributions to research. This paper provides a practical account of the effective incorporation of consumers into a research team, and outlines the extent to which they can enhance the research cycle; from project development and conduct, through data analysis and interpretation, to dissemination. Salient points are illustrated using the example of their collaboration in a research project. Of particular note were consumers’ contributions to the development of an ethically enhanced, more robust project design, and enriched data interpretation, which may not have resulted had consumers not been an integral part of the research team

    Documentation of Apollo 15 samples

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    A catalog is presented of the documentation of Apollo 15 samples using photographs and verbal descriptions returned from the lunar surface. Almost all of the Apollo 15 samples were correlated with lunar surface photographs, descriptions, and traverse locations. Where possible, the lunar orientations of rock samples were reconstructed in the lunar receiving laboratory, using a collimated light source to reproduce illumination and shadow characteristics of the same samples shown in lunar photographs. In several cases, samples were not recognized in lunar surface photographs, and their approximate locations are known only by association with numbered sample bags used during their collection. Tables, photographs, and maps included in this report are designed to aid in the understanding of the lunar setting of the Apollo 15 samples
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