241 research outputs found

    Hubungan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Pasien Hipertensi dengan Uapaya Pencegahan Penyakit Jantung Hipertensi di Poli Penyakitjantung Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Raden Mattaher Jambi Tahun 2017

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    Hipertensi merupakan masalah kesehatan yang umum dijumpai dengan kosekuensi yang terkadang sangat merugikan, dan sering asimtomatik sampaiperkembangan tahap lanjut seperti Penyakit jantung hipertensi (hypertension heartdesease/ HHD). Kejadian hipertensi meningkat setiap tahunnya data WHO (WorldHealth Organization) tahun 2000 menunjukkan diseluruh dunia sekitar 972 juta orangatau 26,4% penghuni bumi mengidap hipertensi dengan perbandingan 26,6% priadan 26,1% wanita. Angka ini kemungkinan akan meningkat menjadi 29,2% di tahun2025. Dari 972 juta pengidap hipertensi, 333 juta berada di negara maju dan 639sisanya berada di negara berkembang, termasuk Indonesia Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metodecross sectional yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara variabelindependen (pengetahuan dan sikap) dengan variabel dependen (upayapencegahan penyakit jantung hipertensi) pada waktu yang bersamaan. Sampel yangdiambil dalam penelitian ini adalah penderita hipertensi tanpa HHD yang berjumlah87 orang. Hasil analisis menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang bermakna antara tingkatpengetahuan dengan upaya pencegahan penyakit jantung hipertensi dengan nilai pvalue (0.001),danterdapathubunganyangbermaknaantarasikapdenganuapaya pencegahanpenyakitjantunghipertensidengannilaip-value(0.048). Berdasarkan permasalahan diatas maka diharapkan perawat serta tenagakesehatan lainnya untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan pasien dengan pemberianleaflet dan pemberian motivasi kepada pasien terkait dengan upaya pencegahanakibat lanjut dari hipertensi kepada pasien yang berkunjung di Poli Penyakit JantungRumah Sakit Umum Daerah Raden Mattaher Jambi

    Wettability and reactivity of ZrB2 substrates with liquid Al

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    Wetting characteristics of the Al/ZrB2 system were experimentally determined by the sessile drop method with application of separate heating of the ZrB2 and Al samples and combined with in situ cleaning of Al drop from native oxide film directly in vacuum chamber. The tests were performed in ultrahigh vacuum of 10−6 mbar at temperatures 710, 800, and 900 °C as well as in flowing inert gas (Ar) atmosphere at 1400 °C. The results evidenced that liquid Al does not wet ZrB2 substrate at 710 and 800 °C, forming high contact angles (θ) of 128° and 120°, respectively. At 900 °C, wetting phenomenon (θ < 90°) occurs in 29th minute and the contact angle decreases monotonically to the final value of 80°. At 1400 °C, wetting takes place immediately after drop deposition with a fast decrease in the contact angle to 76°. The solidified Al/ZrB2 couples were studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy coupled with x-ray energy diffraction spectroscopy. Structural characterization revealed that only in the Al/ZrB2 couple produced at the highest temperature of 1400 °C new phases (Al3Zr, AlB2 and α-Al2O3) were formed

    Diseases of the salivary glands in infants and adolescents

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Diseases of the salivary glands are rare in infants and children (with the exception of diseases such as parotitis epidemica and cytomegaly) and the therapeutic regimen differs from that in adults. It is therefore all the more important to gain exact and extensive insight into general and special aspects of pathological changes of the salivary glands in these age groups. Etiology and pathogenesis of these entities is still not yet fully known for the age group in question so that general rules for treatment, based on clinical experience, cannot be given, particularly in view of the small number of cases of the different diseases. Swellings of the salivary glands may be caused by acute and chronic inflammatory processes, by autoimmune diseases, by duct translocation due to sialolithiasis, and by tumors of varying dignity. Clinical examination and diagnosis has also to differentiate between salivary gland cysts and inflammation or tumors.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Salivary gland diseases are rare in childhood and adolescence. Their pattern of incidence differs very much from that of adults. Acute and chronic sialadenitis not responding to conservative treatment requires an appropriate surgical approach. The rareness of salivary gland tumors is particularly true for the malignant parotid tumors which are more frequent in juvenile patients, a fact that has to be considered in diagnosis and therapy.</p