30,138 research outputs found

    Testing a Simplified Version of Einstein's Equations for Numerical Relativity

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    Solving dynamical problems in general relativity requires the full machinery of numerical relativity. Wilson has proposed a simpler but approximate scheme for systems near equilibrium, like binary neutron stars. We test the scheme on isolated, rapidly rotating, relativistic stars. Since these objects are in equilibrium, it is crucial that the approximation work well if we are to believe its predictions for more complicated systems like binaries. Our results are very encouraging.Comment: 9 pages (RevTeX 3.0 with 6 uuencoded figures), CRSR-107

    Quasi-circular Orbits for Spinning Binary Black Holes

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    Using an effective potential method we examine binary black holes where the individual holes carry spin. We trace out sequences of quasi-circular orbits and locate the innermost stable circular orbit as a function of spin. At large separations, the sequences of quasi-circular orbits match well with post-Newtonian expansions, although a clear signature of the simplifying assumption of conformal flatness is seen. The position of the ISCO is found to be strongly dependent on the magnitude of the spin on each black hole. At close separations of the holes, the effective potential method breaks down. In all cases where an ISCO could be determined, we found that an apparent horizon encompassing both holes forms for separations well inside the ISCO. Nevertheless, we argue that the formation of a common horizon is still associated with the breakdown of the effective potential method.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, submitted to PR

    Device measures conductivity and velocity of ionized gas streams

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    Coaxial arrangement of primary coil and two sensing secondary coils contained inside slender quartz tube inserted into ionized stream permits simultaneous determination of conductivity and linear velocity. System results agree favorably with theory

    Perturbative evolution of conformally flat initial data for a single boosted black hole

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    The conformally flat families of initial data typically used in numerical relativity to represent boosted black holes are not those of a boosted slice of the Schwarzschild spacetime. If such data are used for each black hole in a collision, the emitted radiation will be partially due to the ``relaxation'' of the individual holes to ``boosted Schwarzschild'' form. We attempt to compute this radiation by treating the geometry for a single boosted conformally flat hole as a perturbation of a Schwarzschild black hole, which requires the use of second order perturbation theory. In this we attempt to mimic a previous calculation we did for the conformally flat initial data for spinning holes. We find that the boosted black hole case presents additional subtleties, and although one can evolve perturbatively and compute radiated energies, it is much less clear than in the spinning case how useful for the study of collisions are the radiation estimates for the ``spurious energy'' in each hole. In addition to this we draw some lessons on which frame of reference appears as more favorable for computing black hole collisions in the close limit approximation.Comment: 11 pages, RevTex, 4 figures included with psfig, to appear in PR

    Tropical–North Pacific Climate Linkages over the Past Four Centuries

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    Analyses of instrumental data demonstrate robust linkages between decadal-scale North Pacific and tropical Indo-Pacific climatic variability. These linkages encompass common regime shifts, including the noteworthy 1976 transition in Pacific climate. However, information on Pacific decadal variability and the tropical high-latitude climate connection is limited prior to the twentieth century. Herein tree-ring analysis is employed to extend the understanding of North Pacific climatic variability and related tropical linkages over the past four centuries. To this end, a tree-ring reconstruction of the December-May North Pacific index (NPI)-an index of the atmospheric circulation related to the Aleutian low pressure cell-is presented (1600-1983). The NPI reconstruction shows evidence for the three regime shifts seen in the instrumental NPI data, and for seven events in prior centuries. It correlates significantly with both instrumental tropical climate indices and a coral-based reconstruction of an optimal tropical Indo-Pacific climate index, supporting evidence for a tropical-North Pacific link extending as far west as the western Indian Ocean. The coral-based reconstruction (1781-1993) shows the twentieth-century regime shifts evident in the instrumental NPI and instrumental tropical Indo-Pacific climate index, and three previous shifts. Changes in the strength of correlation between the reconstructions over time, and the different identified shifts in both series prior to the twentieth century, suggest a varying tropical influence on North Pacific climate, with greater influence in the twentieth century. One likely mechanism is the low-frequency variability of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and its varying impact on Indo-Pacific climate.</p

    The collision of boosted black holes: second order close limit calculations

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    We study the head-on collision of black holes starting from unsymmetrized, Brill--Lindquist type data for black holes with non-vanishing initial linear momentum. Evolution of the initial data is carried out with the ``close limit approximation,'' in which small initial separation and momentum are assumed, and second-order perturbation theory is used. We find agreement that is remarkably good, and that in some ways improves with increasing momentum. This work extends a previous study in which second order perturbation calculations were used for momentarily stationary initial data, and another study in which linearized perturbation theory was used for initially moving holes. In addition to supplying answers about the collisions, the present work has revealed several subtle points about the use of higher order perturbation theory, points that did not arise in the previous studies. These points include issues of normalization, and of comparison with numerical simulations, and will be important to subsequent applications of approximation methods for collisions.Comment: 20 pages, RevTeX, 6 figures included with psfi

    Random billiards with wall temperature and associated Markov chains

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    By a random billiard we mean a billiard system in which the standard specular reflection rule is replaced with a Markov transition probabilities operator P that, at each collision of the billiard particle with the boundary of the billiard domain, gives the probability distribution of the post-collision velocity for a given pre-collision velocity. A random billiard with microstructure (RBM) is a random billiard for which P is derived from a choice of geometric/mechanical structure on the boundary of the billiard domain. RBMs provide simple and explicit mechanical models of particle-surface interaction that can incorporate thermal effects and permit a detailed study of thermostatic action from the perspective of the standard theory of Markov chains on general state spaces. We focus on the operator P itself and how it relates to the mechanical/geometric features of the microstructure, such as mass ratios, curvatures, and potentials. The main results are as follows: (1) we characterize the stationary probabilities (equilibrium states) of P and show how standard equilibrium distributions studied in classical statistical mechanics, such as the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution and the Knudsen cosine law, arise naturally as generalized invariant billiard measures; (2) we obtain some basic functional theoretic properties of P. Under very general conditions, we show that P is a self-adjoint operator of norm 1 on an appropriate Hilbert space. In a simple but illustrative example, we show that P is a compact (Hilbert-Schmidt) operator. This leads to the issue of relating the spectrum of eigenvalues of P to the features of the microstructure;(3) we explore the latter issue both analytically and numerically in a few representative examples;(4) we present a general algorithm for simulating these Markov chains based on a geometric description of the invariant volumes of classical statistical mechanics

    Power spectra of TASEPs with a localized slow site

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    The totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP) with a localized defect is revisited in this article with attention paid to the power spectra of the particle occupancy N(t). Intrigued by the oscillatory behaviors in the power spectra of an ordinary TASEP in high/low density phase(HD/LD) observed by Adams et al. (2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 020601), we introduce a single slow site with hopping rate q<1 to the system. As the power spectrum contains time-correlation information of the particle occupancy of the system, we are particularly interested in how the defect affects fluctuation in particle number of the left and right subsystems as well as that of the entire system. Exploiting Monte Carlo simulations, we observe the disappearance of oscillations when the defect is located at the center of the system. When the defect is off center, oscillations are restored. To explore the origin of such phenomenon, we use a linearized Langevin equation to calculate the power spectrum for the sublattices and the whole lattice. We provide insights into the interactions between the sublattices coupled through the defect site for both simulation and analytical results.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures; v2: Minor revision

    Innermost stable circular orbits around relativistic rotating stars

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    We investigate the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) of a test particle moving on the equatorial plane around rotating relativistic stars such as neutron stars. First, we derive approximate analytic formulas for the angular velocity and circumferential radius at the ISCO making use of an approximate relativistic solution which is characterized by arbitrary mass, spin, mass quadrupole, current octapole and mass 242^4-pole moments. Then, we show that the analytic formulas are accurate enough by comparing them with numerical results, which are obtained by analyzing the vacuum exterior around numerically computed geometries for rotating stars of polytropic equation of state. We demonstrate that contribution of mass quadrupole moment for determining the angular velocity and, in particular, the circumferential radius at the ISCO around a rapidly rotating star is as important as that of spin.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The Innermost Stable Circular Orbit of Binary Black Holes

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    We introduce a new method to construct solutions to the constraint equations of general relativity describing binary black holes in quasicircular orbit. Black hole pairs with arbitrary momenta can be constructed with a simple method recently suggested by Brandt and Bruegmann, and quasicircular orbits can then be found by locating a minimum in the binding energy along sequences of constant horizon area. This approach produces binary black holes in a "three-sheeted" manifold structure, as opposed to the "two-sheeted" structure in the conformal-imaging approach adopted earlier by Cook. We focus on locating the innermost stable circular orbit and compare with earlier calculations. Our results confirm those of Cook and imply that the underlying manifold structure has a very small effect on the location of the innermost stable circular orbit.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, RevTex, submitted to PR
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