60 research outputs found

    Magnetic Resonance (MR) rectography in diagnostics of small-size rectal neoplasms

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    Purpose was the assessment of diagnostic efficiency of MR-rectography in diagnostics of small-size rectal neoplasms. 12 patients with polyps and small tumors of a rectum are examined, the size of detected neoplasms varied in the range 3-18 mm. Native MRI and MRI with retrograde contrasting by ultrasonic gel was carried out. Results of MRI are compared with results of videocolonoscopy. Sensitivity of native MRT was 24%, MR- rectography was 88%. MR-rectography can be used in diagnostics of small-size rectal neoplasms

    The role of MRI in the diagnosis of acute radiation reaction in breast cancer patient

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    A clinical case with acute radiation reaction of the left breast after organ-preserving surgery with 10 Gy IORT (24.8 Gy) conventional radiation therapy has been presented. Comprehensive MRI examination showed signs of radiation- induced damage to skin, soft tissues and vessels of the residual breast

    Integrated solution for patients of a very high cardiovascular risk. Final results

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    Secondary prevention should be actively implemented at all stages of treatment and rehabilitation of patients after acute coronary syndrome (ACS). The integration of remote monitoring of patients with the transfer of vital and laboratory data into clinical practice seems promising.Aim. To evaluate the clinical and patient-centered effectiveness of the original 12-month combined face-to-face and telecare program in patients with recent ACS.Material and methods. For the present analysis the data from 84 (out of 100) patients (median age, 56 (50;61) years, 70 males) was used. These patients had to have hypertension and/or type 2 diabetes and an ACS with percutaneous revascularization within 12 months. Their low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) had to be above 2,4 mmol/L. Telehealth program supplemented routine care. A program contained electronic self-control diaries for blood pressure (BP) and lipid profile, and teleconsulting service (text chat). Mandatory face-to-face visits were carried out at 3 and 12 months after the enrollment. The primary end point was ∆LDL-C. Additional clinical and patient-specific endpoints were evaluated.Results. At the 12-month visit, there was a significant decrease in LDL-C by 1,6 (-2,3;-0,9) mmol/L. Besides the initial LDL-C value, the decrease in LDL-C was associated with the proper adherence to keeping diaries of BP and lipid profile (β=0,7), and the number of text messages sent by the doctor in the 1st month after the enrollment (β=0,04). In more adherent patients, the ∆LDL-C was greater by 0,49 mmol/L (95% CI (-1,2; -0,1)) after adjustment for abovementioned covariates. In 35 patients (42%), target LDL-C was achieved, in 60 patients (71%) — a decrease ≥1 mmol/l. Other lipids also have changed for the better. Moreover, adherent patients were twice as likely to achieve the target LDL-C (OR 2,2; 95% CI (0,6; 3,8)) than non-adherent ones. A decrease in office systolic BP by 5,8 mm Hg was shown (p=0,03). The number of physician-to-patient messages exceeded those from patients to physician (median 143 and 111 per patient for 12 months, respectively). The quality of life has improved, but only in terms of emotions. Satisfaction with the program remained high at all timepoints of the study.Conclusion. Our study showed the effectiveness of the integrated care in ACS patients with the telehealth tool included. Commitment to BP self-monitoring, as well as active consultative support at the first stages of rehabilitation, contributes to additional dynamic control of lipid profile, timely correction of lipid-lowering therapy with the achievement of the target LDL-C level. Most of the patients did not experience any difficulties in using the program and are ready to recommend integrated approach to other peers


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    A case of differential diagnosis of implantation metastasis in anterior abdominal wall following treatment for rectal cancer with the use of high-field MRI has been presented.Представлен случай дифференциальной диагностики имплантационного метастаза рака прямой кишки в переднюю брюшную стенку с использованием высокопольной магнитно-резонансной томографии

    An integrated approach for very high cardiovascular risk patients. Intermediate results

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    The main objective of secondary prevention measures is to modify key risk factors such as hypertension (HTN) and dyslipidemia in patients with established cardiovascular diseases. Its proper implementation improves both short- and long-term outcomes. Telehealth technologies contributes to faster achievement of target levels and better control of key risk factors.Aim. To establish a comprehensive personalized follow-up framework for patients recovered from an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) that integrates telehealth software and to test its clinical and patient-centered efficacy.Material and methods. The three-month follow-up data of 50 patients (50% of planned enrollees; median age, 57 years [53; 61]; males, 84%) who suffered ACS with myocardial revascularization and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) at least 2,5 mmol/L at admission. We introduced the simple and save telehealth software for home BP monitoring and lipid profiling. The basic demographic, clinical and laboratory characteristics of patients were described, as well as the changes lipid profile, office and home BP over this period was analyzed. The primary endpoint was a change in LDL-C after 3 months. In addition, we also focused on pharmacological therapy and its dynamics, as well as on remote counseling and patient’ experience with the mobile application.Results. Three months after inclusion, we have noted significant decrease of total cholesterol (-1,67 mmol/L, p<0,0001) and triglycerides (-0,48 mmol/L, p<0,0001). LDL-C changes were also significant (-1,49 mmol/L, adjusted for age, sex and lipid-lowering therapy; p<0,0001) and was associated only with the baseline LDL-C levels (R2=-0,521, p<0,0001). Thirty-nine (78%) patients achieved at least 1 mmol/L drop of LDL-C. Nine of them reached target LDL-C <1,4 mmol/L (and/or a decrease of 50% from baseline). Both high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (-0,48 mmol/l, p=0,348), office and home BP remained mostly unchanged. The proportion of patients with target office BP levels was almost the same (χ2=3,06, p=0,08). Patients who were recommended combined lipid-lowering therapy with cholesterol absorption inhibitor (ezetimibe) were more likely to achieve target LDL-C (χ2=10,95; p=0,003) than those with single agent (67% versus 17%, p=0,003). No differences were found in subgroups of patients in LDL-C reduction. In each patient an average of 15 remote consultations have been performed (from 1 to 54 per patient per 3 moths). Investigators have had to send reminders to 22 patients regarding the need for regular home BP monitoring. The majority of patients treated telehealth software as easy-to-use and user-friendly.Conclusion. According to the 3-month follow-up of patients after ACS who used the framework integrated with telemonitoring and remote counseling, a positive trend in reducing atherogenic lipid levels was demonstrated, but not in office BP. Only a fifth of patients reached the target LDL-C, but the vast majority had target BP. Despite the fact that the program is convenient to use, almost half of participants require additional reminders from physician on self-monitoring

    Возможности объемной сегментации опухоли по данным диффузионно-взвешенной МРТ в прогнозировании и оценке эффективности химиотерапии при раке мочевого пузыря

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    The purpose of the study was to develop and evaluate the technique for volumetric tumor segmentation based on diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) in predicting and assessing the response to chemotherapy in patients with bladder cancer (BC). Material and Methods. We examined 26 patients with morphologically verified transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. The group was characterized by the presence of one or several tumors with a size of 17 to 46 mm. Before planning chemotherapy according to the M-VAC scheme, a study and post-processing of DW-MRI with volumetric segmentation of lesions, assessment of the volume and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in the entire tumor mass were performed. According to the ADC data, shape of the tumor and its relation to the bladder wall, the coefficient (C) for predicting the response to chemotherapy was calculated. Results. In the cases with a coefficient value below 0.51, a high risk of treatment failure was predicted, at C≥0.74, a positive effect of treatment was predicted. With a value of 0.51≤C<0.74, the prognosis was uncertain, stabilization was more likely. The sensitivity and specificity of the method were 92.3 % and 92.4 %, respectively. Conclusion. The method of volumetric segmentation makes it possible to predict and evaluate bladder cancer response to chemotherapy with a sufficiently high accuracy. The advantages of the method are the possibility of assessing the tumor regardless of the degree of filling of the bladder, with non-contrast MRI, and with large lesions.Цель исследования - разработка и оценка методики объемной сегментации опухоли по данным диффузионно-взвешенной магнитно-резонансной томографии (ДВ-МРТ) для прогнозирования и оценки эффективности химиотерапии при раке мочевого пузыря (РМП). Материал и методы. Обследовано 26 пациентов с морфологически верифицированным переходно-клеточным раком мочевого пузыря. Группа характеризовалась наличием одной или нескольких опухолей, размером от 17 до 46 мм. Перед планированием химиотерапии по схеме M-VAC выполнялось исследование и постпроцессинговая обработка ДВ-МРТ с объемной сегментацией образований, оценкой объема и коэффициента диффузии (ИКД) во всей массе опухоли. По данным ИКД, по форме опухоли и ее отношению к стенке мочевого пузыря вычисляли коэффициент (К) прогноза эффективности химиотерапевтического лечения. Результаты. При значении коэффициента ниже 0,51 прогнозировался высокий риск неэффективности химиотерапии, при К≥0,74 - положительный эффект лечения. При 0,51≤K<0,74 - прогноз неопределенный, более вероятна стабилизация опухолевого процесса. Чувствительность и специфичность метода составили 92,3 и 92,4 %. Выводы. Метод объемной сегментации позволяет с высокой достоверностью прогнозировать и оценивать эффективность химиотерапии у больных РМП. Преимуществами метода являются возможность оценки опухоли независимо от степени наполнения мочевого пузыря и при больших площадях поражения, отсутствие необходимости внутривенного контрастирования

    Новые возможности лучевой визуализации в диагностике местнораспространенного рака шейки матки

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    Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer after breast cancer and the third most common cause of cancer-related death followed by breast and lung cancers among women worldwide. advances in diagnostic imaging techniques provide better assessment of regional and distant cervical cancer metastasis. the use of contrast-enhanced ultrasound is a revolutionary imaging modality; it has several advantages over ct: no radiation exposure, nephrotoxicity, obtaining real-time information, relatively low cost and ease of use. currently, the contrast agent sonoVue is widely used in ultrasound imaging of liver, kidneys and pancreas lesions, as well as for closed abdominal injuries, multiple organ failure, breast and prostate cancers, etc. However, the role of contrast-enhanced ultrasound in gynecology is not clearly established. one of the most effective tools for the detection of locally advanced cervical cancer is mRi, which is used mainly to determine the local extent of the tumor. However, the use of functional mRitechniques has not yet been included in the standards. cervical cancer tissue has been found to show significantly lower diffusion-weighted imaging (dWi) values than normal cervical tissue, thus facilitating the detection of tumor and its spread. dWiis also used for differentiating changes after biopsy from residual tumor and for identifying small lymph nodes. the pEt/cttechnique combines the metabolic images of pEtwith anatomical images of ctand is more accurate than high resolution ctalone, especially in determining the involvement of regional lymph nodes and distant organs. 18-Fdg-pEt/cthas been successfully used for accurate staging of the disease (especially late stage), assessment of treatment response, radiotherapy planning, and detection of disease progression. in patients with advanced stages of cervical cancer (iiBiV stage), the 18-Fdg-pEt/ ctfindings can determine the treatment strategy in most cases, primarily due to high sensitivity (75–100 %) and specificity (87–100 %) in the detection of lymph node metastases.Рак шейки матки (РШМ) является второй по распространенности онкологической патологией у женщин после рака молочной железы, при этом показатели смертности занимают третье место после рака молочной железы и рака легкого. Прогресс развития лучевых методов диагностики способствует более адекватной оценке местной и отдаленной распространенности рака шейки матки. Использование контраста в эхографии признано революционным в лучевой диагностике, обладает рядом преимуществ перед КТ: отсутствие лучевой нагрузки, нефротоксичности, получение информации в режиме реального времени, относительно низкая стоимость и простота в применении. В настоящее время в мире используется контрастный препарат Соновью для ультразвукового исследования очаговых поражений печени, почек, поджелудочной железы, при закрытой травме живота, полиорганном поражении, при новообразованиях молочной железы, при раке предстательной железы и др. Однако роль ультразвукового метода с контрастным усилением в гинекологии не определена. Одним из наиболее прогрессивных методов диагностики местнораспространенного рака шейки матки является магнитно-резонансная томография, которая используется главным образом для определения местной распространенности процесса. В то же время применение функциональных методик МРТ до сих пор не включено в стандарты. Однако исследователями доказано, что РШМ показывает значительно более низкие значения диффузии (dWi), чем нормальная ткань шейки, облегчая обнаружение опухоли и определение степени ее распространенности. dWiтакже используется для дифференциальной диагностики между изменениями после биопсии и остаточной опухолью и способствует выявлению лимфатических узлов небольших размеров. Совмещенная методика позитронно-эмиссионная томография/компьютерная томография объединяет метаболические изображения ПЭТ с анатомическими изображениями КТ и более точна, чем только одна КТ с высоким разрешением, особенно в определении вовлечения регионарных лимфатических узлов и отдаленных органов. Современными исследованиями установлено, что применение 18-фтордезоксиглюкозы (18-ФДГ) с ПЭТ/КТ позволяет более надежно определить стадию заболевания (особенно позднюю) и, как следствие, его прогноз, оценить эффективность лечения, планировать лучевую терапию, а также выявить прогрессирование заболевания. У пациенток с запущенными стадиями РШМ (iiB–iV стадии) именно результаты 18-ФДГ-ПЭТ/КТ в большинстве случаев способны повлиять на тактику лечения, в первую очередь благодаря высокой чувствительности (75–100 %) и специфичности (87–100 %) в диагностике метастатического поражения лимфоузлов


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    The purpose of the study was to assess the immediate response to combination therapy including prolonged preoperative concurrent chemoradiotherapy with capecitabine as a radiosensitizer and local hyperthermia for patients with rectal cancer.Materials and methods. A total of 25 patients received combined modality treatment. The proportions of patients with stages II (T3–4N0 M0 ), III (T1–4N1–2M0 ) and IVa (T1–4N0–2M1 ) were 3 (12 %), 13 (52 %) and 9 (36 %), respectively. The rectal ampulla was diagnosed most frequently (68 %). The patients received preoperative radiation therapy (1.3 Gy twice daily for 5 days per week to a total dose of 54 Gy) concurrently with capecitabine (825 мg/m2 , twice a day for 5 days a week) and local hyperthermia (3 times a week, 3 hours before irradiation session, at temperatures between 42–44°С, for 45–60 minutes, to a maximum of 10 sessions).Results. Grade 1-2 radiation-induced skin reactions were observed in 3 (12 %) patients. By assessing immediate tumor response 6 months after completing radiotherapy, histologically confirmed complete regression was registered in 2 (8%) patients and partial regression in 23 (92%) patients. Rectal extirpation was performed on 8 (32%) patients and sphincter-preserving surgeries on 15 (68%) patients. Patients with complete regression were followed up. Postoperative complications were observed in 3(12%) patients. None of the patients died. No local recurrence and distant metastases were registered at the 12–18 month follow-up.Conclusion. Short-and long-term outcomes of combined modality treatment including preoperative concurrent chemoradiotherapy with capecitabine as a radiosensitizer and local hyperthermia indicate that this treatment protocol is effective and safe for patients with stage II–IVа rectal cancer. Concurrent chemoradiotherapy results in a significant tumor regression, thus extending the indications for sphincter-preserving surgery.Целью исследования является оценка непосредственной эффективности комбинированного лечения рака прямой кишки (РПК) с использованием пролонгированного курса предоперационной ЛТ в условиях радиосенсибилизации капецитабином и локальной гипертермии.Материал и методы. Комбинированное лечение получили 25 больных раком прямой кишки, из них II стадия (T3–4N0 M0 ) была у 3 (12 %), III стадия (T1–4N1–2M0 ) – у 13 (52 %), IVа стадия (T1–4N0–2M1 ) – у 9 (36 %) пациентов. В большинстве случаев диагностировано поражение нижнеампулярного отдела прямой кишки – 17 (68 %). Больным проводилась предоперационная лучевая терапия (ЛТ) в мультифракционировании: 1,3 Гр × 2 раза в день, 5 дней в неделю до СОД 54 Гр. Одновременно больные принимали капецитабин в дозе 825 мг/м2 × 2 раза в сут, 5 дней в неделю и проводилась локальная гипертермия на аппарате Celsius TCS (Германия) по схеме: 3 раза в неделю за 3 ч до сеанса облучения при температуре 42–44°С в течение 45–60 мин, всего 10 сеансов.Результаты исследования. Лучевые реакции I–II степени наблюдались у 3 (12 %) больных. При оценке непосредственной эффективности, через 6 нед после завершения ЛТ у 2 (8 %) больных зарегистрирована полная, морфологически подтвержденная регрессия первичной опухоли, у 23 (92 %) – частичная регрессия опухоли. На хирургическом этапе лечения экстирпация прямой кишки выполнена 8 (32 %), сфинктерсохраняющие операции – 15 (68 %) больным. Пациенты с полной регрессией опухоли подлежали динамическому наблюдению. Послеоперационные осложнения развились в 3 (12 %) случаях. Летальных исходов не было. При отдаленном мониторинге, в течение 12–18 мес после окончания лечения, случаев местного рецидива и отдаленных метастазов не зарегистрировано.Заключение. Полученные непосредственные и отдаленные результаты комбинированного лечения больных РПК II–IVа стадий с использованием курса ЛТ в режиме мультифракционирования в СОД 54 Гр на фоне радиосенсибилизации капецитабином и локальной гипертермии позволяют расценивать разработанную программу как эффективный и безопасный метод лечения. Проведение ЛТ в условиях полирадиосенсибилизации приводит к значительной регрессии опухолевого процесса, что расширяет показания к выполнению сфинктерсохраняющих операций