986 research outputs found

    Low Frequency Gravitational Waves from Black Hole MACHO Binaries

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    Nakamura, Sasaki, Tanaka, and Thorne have recently estimated the initial distribution of binary MACHOs in the galactic halo assuming that the MACHOs are primordial half solar mass black holes, and considered their coalescence as a possible source for ground-based interferometer gravitational wave detectors such as LIGO. Evolving their binary distribution forward in time to the present, the low-frequency (10^{-5} < f < 10^{-1} Hz) spectrum of gravitational waves associated with such a population of compact binaries is calculated. The resulting gravitational waves would form a strong stochastic background in proposed space interferometers such as LISA and OMEGA. Low frequency gravitational waves are likely to become a key tool for determining the properties of binaries within the dark MACHO population.Comment: 8 pages + 2 ps figures; AASTe

    Low Frequency Gravitational Waves from White Dwarf MACHO Binaries

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    The possibility that Galactic halo MACHOs are white dwarfs has recently attracted much attention. Using the known properties of white dwarf binaries in the Galactic disk as a model, we estimate the possible contribution of halo white dwarf binaries to the low-frequency (10^{-5} Hz} < f < 10^{-1}Hz) gravitational wave background. Assuming the fraction of white dwarfs in binaries is the same in the halo as in the disk, we find the confusion background from halo white dwarf binaries could be five times stronger than the expected contribution from Galactic disk binaries, dominating the response of the proposed space based interferometer LISA. Low-frequency gravitational wave observations will be the key to discovering the nature of the dark MACHO binary population.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, AASTe

    Astrophysical Bounds on Global Strings

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    Global topological defects produce nonzero stress-energy throughout spacetime, and as a result can have observable gravitational influence on surrounding matter. Gravitational effects of global strings are used to place bounds on their cosmic abundance. The minimum separation between global strings is estimated by considering the defects' contribution to the cosmological energy density. More rigorous constraints on the abundance of global strings are constructed by examining the tidal forces such defects will have on observable astrophysical systems. The small number of observed tidally disrupted systems indicates there can be very few of these objects in the observable universe.Comment: 14 pages, REVTe

    Smoking patterns in Great Britain: the rise of cheap cigarette brands and roll your own (RYO) tobacco

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    This is the final version. Available from Oxford University Press via the DOI in this record.Background In Britain, the tobacco industry segments cigarettes into four price categories—premium, mid-price, economy and ultra-low-price (ULP). Our previous work shows that tobacco companies have kept ULP prices stable in real terms. Roll your own (RYO) tobacco remains cheaper still. Methods Analysis of 2001–08 General Household Survey data to examine trends in use of these cheap products and, using logistic regression, the profile of users of these products. Results Among smokers, the proportion using cheap products (economy, ULP and RYO combined) increased significantly in almost all age groups and geographic areas. Increases were most marked in under 24 year olds, 76% of whom smoked cheap cigarettes by 2008. All cheap products were more commonly used in lower socio-economic groups. Men and younger smokers were more likely to smoke RYO while women smoked economy brands. Smokers outside London and the South East of England were more likely to smoke some form of cheap tobacco even once socio-economic differences were accounted for. Conclusions This paper demonstrates that cheap tobacco use is increasing among young and disadvantaged smokers compromising declines in population smoking prevalence. Thus, tobacco industry pricing appears to play a key role in explaining smoking patterns and inequalities in smoking

    Renormalization of the charged scalar field in curved space

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    The DeWitt-Schwinger proper time point-splitting procedure is applied to a massive complex scalar field with arbitrary curvature coupling interacting with a classical electromagnetic field in a general curved spacetime. The scalar field current is found to have a linear divergence. The presence of the external background gauge field is found to modify the stress-energy tensor results of Christensen for the neutral scalar field by adding terms of the form (eF)2(eF)^2 to the logarithmic counterterms. These results are shown to be expected from an analysis of the degree of divergence of scalar quantum electrodynamics.Comment: 24 pages REVTe

    Temperature Evolution Law of Imperfect Relativistic Fluids

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    The first-order general relativistic theory of a generic dissipative (heat-conducting, viscous, particle-creating) fluid is rediscussed from a unified covariant frame-independent point of view. By generalizing some previous works in the literature, we derive a formula for the temperature variation rate, which is valid both in Eckart's (particle) and in the Landau-Lifshitz (energy) frames. Particular attention is paid to the case of gravitational particle creation and its possible cross-effect with the bulk viscosity mechanism.Comment: 14 pages, no figure, revte

    Geochemical constraints on the origin of enigmatic cemented chalks, Norfolk, UK

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    Very hard cemented chalk stacks and crusts found locally in the upper part of the Cretaceous Chalk of north Norfolk, UK, are related to solution features. The solution features, mainly pipes and caves, formed after deposition of the overlying Middle Pleistocene Wroxham Crag, probably by routing of sub-glacial, or glacial, melt-waters derived from late Pleistocene glaciers. New geochemical (particularly stable isotope) data shows that cementation of the chalks, although related spatially to the solution features, was not caused by glacier-derived waters. The carbon isotope composition of the chalk cements is typically around -9.5‰, indicative of biologically active soils. Moreover, the oxygen isotope compositions of the cements, around -5‰, are incompatible with water d18O values much below -9 to -10‰ (which probably precludes isotopically negative glacier-derived water), as resulting palaeo-temperatures are below zero. Taken together, the isotope data suggest chalk cementation occurred under interglacial conditions similar to the present. Dissolved calcium carbonate for cementation came from dissolution of reworked chalk in overlying MIS 12 glacial tills

    High-temporal Resolution Sediment Fingerprinting in the River Wensum Demonstration Test Catchment, UK: A Bayesian Approach

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    A high-temporal resolution fluvial sediment source apportionment model, set within an empirical Bayesian framework, is presented for the River Wensum Demonstration Test Catchment (DTC), UK. Direct X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) analysis of sediment covered filter papers were used in conjunction with ISCO automatic water samplers to monitor suspended particulate matter (SPM) geochemistry at high-temporal resolution throughout the progression of five heavy precipitation events during 2012-2013. Exploiting the spatial and temporal variation in four potential sediment source areas and SPM geochemistry respectively, we are able to apportion sediment contributions from eroding stream channel banks, arable topsoils, damaged road verges and agricultural field drains at 60-120 minute resolution. For all monitored precipitation episodes, pre- and post-event conditions are dominated by elevated SPM calcium concentrations that indicate major sediment inputs from carbonate-rich subsurface sources. Conversely, precipitation events coincide with an increase in concentrations of clay-associated elements and a consequent increase in predicted contributions from surface sources. Employing a Gibbs sampling Markov Chain Monte-Carlo mixing model procedure has enabled full characterisation of both spatial geochemical variability and instrument precision to quantify uncertainty around posterior distributions. All model source apportionment estimates correspond favourably with understanding of the regional geology, analysis of hysteresis behaviour, and visual observations of catchment processes. The results presented here demonstrate how to directly analyse SPM trapped on filter papers by spectroscopy to yield the high-temporal resolution source apportionment estimates required by catchment managers to help mitigate the deleterious effects of land-to-river sediment transfer

    Algebraic approach to time-delay data analysis for LISA

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    Cancellation of laser frequency noise in interferometers is crucial for attaining the requisite sensitivity of the triangular 3-spacecraft LISA configuration. Raw laser noise is several orders of magnitude above the other noises and thus it is essential to bring it down to the level of other noises such as shot, acceleration, etc. Since it is impossible to maintain equal distances between spacecrafts, laser noise cancellation must be achieved by appropriately combining the six beams with appropriate time-delays. It has been shown in several recent papers that such combinations are possible. In this paper, we present a rigorous and systematic formalism based on algebraic geometrical methods involving computational commutative algebra, which generates in principle {\it all} the data combinations cancelling the laser frequency noise. The relevant data combinations form the first module of syzygies, as it is called in the literature of algebraic geometry. The module is over a polynomial ring in three variables, the three variables corresponding to the three time-delays around the LISA triangle. Specifically, we list several sets of generators for the module whose linear combinations with polynomial coefficients generate the entire module. We find that this formalism can also be extended in a straight forward way to cancel Doppler shifts due to optical bench motions. The two modules are infact isomorphic. We use our formalism to obtain the transfer functions for the six beams and for the generators. We specifically investigate monochromatic gravitational wave sources in the LISA band and carry out the maximisiation over linear combinations of the generators of the signal-to-noise ratios with the frequency and source direction angles as parameters.Comment: 27 Pages, 6 figure
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