219 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Altogether Better Asset Mapping in Sharrow and Firth Park, Sheffield

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    ‘I am My Community’ is an asset mapping exercise led by Altogether Better that has explored a model by which trained Community Health Champions (CHCs) are used to undertake an inventory of the physical and social assets linked to the health and well-being of their communities and neighbourhoods. The project, which started in 2011 and was completed in April 2012, was undertaken in two communities in Sheffield, Sharrow and Firth Park, by two delivery organisations, ShipShape and SOAR. A steering group including Altogether Better, the Department of Health, Sheffield Well-Being Consortium, Sheffield City Council, ShipShape staff and CHCs, SOAR staff and CHCs, and South Yorkshire Police has overseen the delivery and development of the project and work. This report presents findings from an evaluation of the ‘I am My Community’ asset mapping, conducted by the Centre for Health Promotion Research, Institute for Health and Wellbeing at Leeds Metropolitan University. It presents evidence about the engagement of CHCs in asset mapping and offers recommendations regarding their involvement in future projects

    An evaluation of the Walking for Wellness project and the befriender role

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    Walking for Health is a national programme of volunteer-led health walks, coordinated through Natural England and endorsed by the NHS as a means of promoting physical activity in the sedentary population. Walking for Wellness is a pilot project that has sought to widen access to Walking for Health in Northumberland and to pilot a new befriender role supporting the engagement of people with mental health needs in health walks. The pilot project, which started in April 2010, has been delivered by North Country Leisure and Blyth Valley Arts and Leisure, in partnership with Natural England. Northumberland County Council provided funding through the Communities for Health programme. The report presents findings from an evaluation of the Walking for Wellness project, conducted by Centre for Health Promotion Research, Leeds Metropolitan University. It presents evidence about engagement in walking groups and the social and health outcomes that can result from participation

    Mental health, resilience and the recession in Bradford

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    Which coping strategies helped unemployed people in Bradford during times of recession? This research explores the mental health impacts of unemployment. Researchers spoke to 16 focus groups in Bradford that included 73 unemployed people to find out how job losses affected everyday well-being and which personal coping strategies and financial support opportunities were helpful. Participants revealed how financial losses could affect mental health and how aspects such as the loss of a previously valued social role and a lack of structure during the day also played a part. The study: - examines the impact of involuntary unemployment across different groups; - identifies the dangers to mental health associated with unemployment; and - presents the different coping strategies used by men and women and by different age groups. It identifies five main issues that require further policy attention to ensure that people who are unemployed do not also suffer from mental ill-health

    The Leeds Winter Warmth Campaign: Stakeholder Evaluation

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    The winter of 2012/13 was longer and colder than usual; whilst temperatures were average in December, it was colder than usual from January through to May. March was the coldest it has been for 50 years (Met Office, 2013). This evaluation focuses on the organisations funded by the Winter Warmth campaign to deliver services to Leeds residents. The overriding aim of the evaluation was to inform the operation of possible future schemes, with good practices and any issues identified. The views of organisations on the need for the funds and how the campaign was organised were ascertained. How they delivered the services, reached clients and worked with other stakeholders is explored and their suggestions for improvements described. This report should be read alongside the overall campaign report, by Leeds City Council, and the beneficiary report

    Constraints on upper crustal fluid circulation and seismogenesis from in-situ outcrop quantification of complex fault zone permeability

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    : The permeability of fault zones plays a significant role on the distribution of georesources and on seismogenesis in the brittle upper crust, where both natural and induced seismicity are often associated with fluid migration and overpressure. Detailed models of the permeability structure of fault zones are thus necessary to refine our understanding of natural fluid pathways and of the mechanisms leading to fluid compartmentalization and possible overpressure in the crust. Fault zones commonly contain complex internal architectures defined by the spatial juxtaposition of "brittle structural facies" (BSF), which progressively and continuously form and evolve during faulting and deformation. We present the first systematic in-situ outcrop permeability measurements from a range of BSFs from two architecturally complex fault zones in the Northern Apennines (Italy). A stark spatial heterogeneity of the present-day permeability (up to four orders of magnitude) even for tightly juxtaposed BSFs belonging to the same fault emerges as a key structural and hydraulic feature. Insights from this study allow us to better understand how complex fault architectures steer the 3D hydraulic structure of the brittle upper crust. Fault hydraulic properties, which may change through space but also in time during an orogenesis and/or individual seismic cycles, in turn steer the development of overpressured volumes, where fluid-induced seismogenesis may localize

    Constraints on upper crustal fluid circulation and seismogenesis from in-situ outcrop quantification of complex fault zone permeability

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    The permeability of fault zones plays a significant role on the distribution of georesources and on seismogenesis in the brittle upper crust, where both natural and induced seismicity are often associated with fluid migration and overpressure. Detailed models of the permeability structure of fault zones are thus necessary to refine our understanding of natural fluid pathways and of the mechanisms leading to fluid compartmentalization and possible overpressure in the crust. Fault zones commonly contain complex internal architectures defined by the spatial juxtaposition of "brittle structural facies" (BSF), which progressively and continuously form and evolve during faulting and deformation. We present the first systematic in-situ outcrop permeability measurements from a range of BSFs from two architecturally complex fault zones in the Northern Apennines (Italy). A stark spatial heterogeneity of the present-day permeability (up to four orders of magnitude) even for tightly juxtaposed BSFs belonging to the same fault emerges as a key structural and hydraulic feature. Insights from this study allow us to better understand how complex fault architectures steer the 3D hydraulic structure of the brittle upper crust. Fault hydraulic properties, which may change through space but also in time during an orogenesis and/or individual seismic cycles, in turn steer the development of overpressured volumes, where fluid-induced seismogenesis may localize

    An evaluation of the Department of Health’s Health and Social Care Volunteering Fund

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    The Health and Social Care Volunteering Fund (HSCVF) is an innovative programme that was established in 2009 by the Department of Health (DH) to build organisational and community capacity for volunteering through a national and local grant scheme. The HSCVF has offered both funds and tailored support to health and social care projects delivered by Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations. The HSCVF is managed by a partnership led by Ecorys and with expertise from leading national voluntary sector organisations: Attend, Community Service Volunteers (CSV) and Primetimers. To date the HSCVF has funded a total of 157 local and national projects, of which 114 are currently live. This report presents findings from an evaluation of the HSCVF with a specific focus on the 2010/2011 national and local projects, conducted by a team from the Institute for Health & Wellbeing at Leeds Metropolitan University. It presents evidence on the extent to which, how and in what ways the HSCVF programme has built organisational and community capacity across the national and local HSCVF projects, as well as on the health and social outcomes that resulted
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