945 research outputs found

    Stressed detector arrays for airborne astronomy

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    The development of stressed Ge:Ga detector arrays for far-infrared astronomy from the Kuiper Airborne Observatory (KAO) is discussed. Researchers successfully constructed and used a three channel detector array on five flights from the KAO, and have conducted laboratory tests of a two-dimensional, 25 elements (5x5) detector array. Each element of the three element array performs as well as the researchers' best single channel detector, as do the tested elements of the 25 channel system. Some of the exciting new science possible with far-infrared detector arrays is also discussed

    A Markovian Model for the Valuation of Human Assets Acquired by an Organizational Purchase

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    A corporation acquires the assets and liabilities of a securities brokerage firm for a price in excess of net book value. A Markov analysis is used in conjunction with human resource accounting to value a pool of account executives employed by the brokerage firm. The tax implications of imputing a portion of the purchase price premium to the pool of human assets (as opposed to goodwill) are discussed

    The 158 micron (CII) mapping of galaxies: Probing the atomic medium

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    Using the MPE/UCB Far-infrared Imaging Fabry-Perot Interferometer (FIFI) on the Kuiper Airborne Observatory (KAO), we have made large scale maps of (CII) in the spiral galaxies NGC 6946, NGC 891, M83 and the peculiar elliptical Cen A, thus allowing for the first time, detailed studies of the spatial distribution of the FIR line emission in external galaxies. We find that the (CII) emission comes from a mixture of components of interstellar gas. The brightest emission is associated with the nuclear regions, a second component traces the spiral arms as seen in the nearly face on spiral galaxies NGC 6946 and M83 and the largest star forming/H2 regions contained within them, and another extended component of low brightness can be detected in all of the galaxies far from the nucleus, beyond the extent of CO emission

    Resequencing of the auxiliary GABAB receptor subunit gene KCTD12 in chronic tinnitus

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    Tinnitus is a common and often incapacitating hearing disorder marked by the perception of phantom sounds. Susceptibility factors remain largely unknown but GABAB receptor signaling has long been implicated in the response to treatment and, putatively, in the etiology of the disorder. We hypothesized that variation in KCTD12, the gene encoding an auxiliary subunit of GABAB receptors, could help to predict the risk of developing tinnitus. Ninety-five Caucasian outpatients with a diagnosis of chronic tinnitus were systematically screened for mutations in the KCTD12 open reading frame and the adjacent 3′ untranslated region by Sanger sequencing. Allele frequencies were determined for 14 known variants of which three (rs73237446, rs34544607, and rs41287030) were polymorphic. When allele frequencies were compared to data from a large reference population of European ancestry, rs34544607 was associated with tinnitus (p = 0.04). However, KCTD12 genotype did not predict tinnitus severity (p = 0.52) and the association with rs34544607 was weakened after screening 50 additional cases (p = 0.07). Pending replication in a larger cohort, KCTD12 may act as a risk modifier in chronic tinnitus. Issues that are yet to be addressed include the effects of neighboring variants, e.g., in the KCTD12 gene regulatory region, plus interactions with variants of GABAB1 and GABAB2

    Star Formation in M51 Triggered by Galaxy Interaction

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    We have mapped the inner 360'' regions of M51 in the 158micron [CII] line at 55'' spatial resolution using the Far-infrared Imaging Fabry-Perot Interferometer (FIFI) on the Kuiper Airborne Observatory (KAO). The emission is peaked at the nucleus, but is detectable over the entire region mapped, which covers much of the optical disk of the galaxy. There are also two strong secondary peaks at ~43% to 70% of the nuclear value located roughly 120'' to the north-east, and south-west of the nucleus. These secondary peaks are at the same distance from the nucleus as the corotation radius of the density wave pattern. The density wave also terminates at this location, and the outlying spiral structure is attributed to material clumping due to the interaction between M51 and NGC5195. This orbit crowding results in cloud-cloud collisions, stimulating star formation, that we see as enhanced [CII] line emission. The [CII] emission at the peaks originates mainly from photodissociation regions (PDRs) formed on the surfaces of molecular clouds that are exposed to OB starlight, so that these [CII] peaks trace star formation peaks in M51. The total mass of [CII] emitting photodissociated gas is ~2.6x10^{8} M_{sun}, or about 2% of the molecular gas as estimated from its CO(1-0) line emission. At the peak [CII] positions, the PDR gas mass to total gas mass fraction is somewhat higher, 3-17%, and at the secondary peaks the mass fraction of the [CII] emitting photodissociated gas can be as high as 72% of the molecular mass.... (continued)Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, Accepted in ApJ (for higher resolution figures contact the author

    A 15.65 solar mass black hole in an eclipsing binary in the nearby spiral galaxy Messier 33

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    Stellar-mass black holes are discovered in X-ray emitting binary systems, where their mass can be determined from the dynamics of their companion stars. Models of stellar evolution have difficulty producing black holes in close binaries with masses >10 solar masses, which is consistent with the fact that the most massive stellar black holes known so all have masses within 1 sigma of 10 solar masses. Here we report a mass of 15.65 +/- 1.45 solar masses for the black hole in the recently discovered system M33 X-7, which is located in the nearby galaxy Messier 33 (M33) and is the only known black hole that is in an eclipsing binary. In order to produce such a massive black hole, the progenitor star must have retained much of its outer envelope until after helium fusion in the core was completed. On the other hand, in order for the black hole to be in its present 3.45 day orbit about its 70.0 +/- 6.9 solar mass companion, there must have been a ``common envelope'' phase of evolution in which a significant amount of mass was lost from the system. We find the common envelope phase could not have occured in M33 X-7 unless the amount of mass lost from the progenitor during its evolution was an order of magnitude less than what is usually assumed in evolutionary models of massive stars.Comment: To appear in Nature October 18, 2007. Four figures (one color figure degraded). Differs slightly from published version. Supplementary Information follows in a separate postin

    2019: A Changing International Order? Implications for the Security Environment

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    KCIS2019 examined the implications of the changing international order for international security. It studied the hypercompetitive, multipolar environment in which we find ourselves, marked by a persistent struggle for influence and position within a “grey zone” of competition. This edited collection features contributions from academic and military experts who have examined the future of the liberal international order and what is at stake. These evidence-based examinations discuss the challenges to the order, and why it has been so difficult to articulate a compelling narrative to support the continuation of American leadership.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1922/thumbnail.jp

    The Charge Form Factor of the Neutron at Low Momentum Transfer from the 2H(e,en)p^{2}\vec{\rm H}(\vec{\rm e},{\rm e}'{\rm n}){\rm p} Reaction

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    We report new measurements of the neutron charge form factor at low momentum transfer using quasielastic electrodisintegration of the deuteron. Longitudinally polarized electrons at an energy of 850 MeV were scattered from an isotopically pure, highly polarized deuterium gas target. The scattered electrons and coincident neutrons were measured by the Bates Large Acceptance Spectrometer Toroid (BLAST) detector. The neutron form factor ratio GEn/GMnG^{n}_{E}/G^{n}_{M} was extracted from the beam-target vector asymmetry AedVA_{ed}^{V} at four-momentum transfers Q2=0.14Q^{2}=0.14, 0.20, 0.29 and 0.42 (GeV/c)2^{2}.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let