187 research outputs found

    Nanoengineering hybrid supramolecular multilayered biomaterials using polysaccharides and self-assembling peptide amphiphiles

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    Developing complex supramolecular biomaterials through highly dynamic and reversible noncovalent interactions has attracted great attention from the scientific community aiming key biomedical and biotechnological applica-tions, including tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, or drug delivery. In this study, the authors report the fabrication of hybrid supramolecular multilayered biomaterials, comprising high-molecular-weight biopolymers and oppositely charged low-molecular-weight peptide amphiphiles (PAs), through combination of self-assembly and electrostatically driven layer-by-layer (LbL) assembly approach. Alginate, an anionic polysaccharide, is used to trigger the self-assembling capability of positively charged PA and formation of 1D nanofiber networks. The LbL technology is further used to fabricate supramolecular multilayered biomaterials by repeating the alternate deposi-tion of both molecules. The fabrication process is monitored by quartz crystal microbalance, revealing that both materials can be successfully combined to conceive stable supramolecular systems. The morphological properties of the systems are studied by advanced microscopy techniques, revealing the nano-structured dimensions and 1D nanofibrous network of the assembly formed by the two molecules. Enhanced C2C12 cell adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation are observed on nanostructures having PA as outermost layer. Such supramolecular biomaterials demonstrate to be innovative matrices for cell culture and hold great potential to be used in the near future as prom-ising biomimetic supramolecular nanoplatforms for practical applications

    Simulating the performance of the Southern Wide-view Gamma-ray Observatory

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    The Southern Wide-view Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO) will be a next-generation gamma-ray observatory using a large array of particle detectors at a high elevation site in South America. This project is currently in a three years R&D phase in which the design will be optimised for cost and performance. Therefore it is crucial to efficiently evaluate the impact of different design options on the scientific objectives of the observatory. In this contribution, we will introduce the strategy and the simulation framework in which this evaluation takes place

    Study of water Cherenkov detector designs for the SWGO experiment

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    The Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO) is a next-generation ground-based gamma-ray detector under development to reach a full sky coverage together with the current HAWC and LHAASO experiments in the northern hemisphere. It will complement the observation of transient and variable multi-wavelength and multi-messenger phenomena, offering moreover the possibility to access the Galactic Centre. One of the possible SWGO configurations consists of an array of water Cherenkov tanks, with a high fill-factor inner array and a low-density outer array, covering an overall area of one order of magnitude larger than HAWC. To reach a high detection efficiency and discrimination capability between gamma-ray and hadronic air showers, various tank designs were studied. Double-layer tanks with several sizes, shapes and number of photomultiplier tubes have been considered. Single-particle simulations have been performed to study the tank response, using muons, electrons, and gamma-rays with energies typical of extensive air showers particles, entering the tanks with zenith angles from 0 to 60 degrees. The tank response was evaluated considering the particle detection efficiency, the number of photoelectrons produced by the photomultiplier tubes, and the time resolution of the measurement of the first photon. The study allowed to compare the performance of tanks with circular and square base, to understand which design optimizes the performance of the array. The method used in the study and the results will be discussed in this paper

    Double-layered Water Cherenkov Detector for SWGO

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    The Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO) will use the well-established and cost-effective technique of detecting Cherenkov light produced in water-filled detection units for TeV gamma-ray astronomy. Leveraging detector material reflectivity together with an optimised aspect ratio is an option to improve the performance of an array of such detector units. The double-layered Water Cherenkov Detector units comprise chambers with single photosensors in each. A reflective upper compartment enhances sensitivity to impinging secondary particles. A shallow lower compartment enables muon tagging and consequently improves the gamma hadron separation power of the observatory. Here we present detailed studies on the double-layered unit design

    The Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory reach for Primordial Black Hole evaporation

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    The Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO) is a proposed ground-based gamma-ray detector that will be located in the Southern Hemisphere and is currently in its design phase. In this contribution, we will outline the prospects for Galactic science with this Observatory. Particular focus will be given to the detectability of extended sources, such as gamma-ray halos around pulsars; optimisation of the angular resolution to mitigate source confusion between known TeV sources; and studies of the energy resolution and sensitivity required to study the spectral features of PeVatrons at the highest energies. Such a facility will ideally complement contemporaneous observatories in studies of high energy astrophysical processes in our Galaxy

    Galactic Science with the Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory

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    The Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO) is a proposed ground-based gamma-ray detector that will be located in the Southern Hemisphere and is currently in its design phase. In this contribution, we will outline the prospects for Galactic science with this Observatory. Particular focus will be given to the detectability of extended sources, such as gamma-ray halos around pulsars; optimisation of the angular resolution to mitigate source confusion between known TeV sources; and studies of the energy resolution and sensitivity required to study the spectral features of PeVatrons at the highest energies. Such a facility will ideally complement contemporaneous observatories in studies of high energy astrophysical processes in our Galaxy

    Monitoring Gamma-Ray Burst VHE emission with the Southern Wide-field-of-view Gamma-ray Observatory

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    It has been established that Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRB) can produce Very High Energy radiation (E > 100 GeV), opening a new window on the investigation of particle acceleration and radiation properties in the most energetic domain. We expect that next-generation instruments, such as the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), will mark a huge improvement in their observation. However, constraints on the target visibility and the limited duty cycle of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACT) reduce their ability to react promptly to transient events and to characterise their general properties. Here we show that an instrument based on the Extensive Air Shower (EAS) array concept, proposed by the Southern Wide Field-of-view Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO) Collaboration, has promising possibilities to detect and track VHE emission from GRBs. Observations made by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (Fermi-LAT) identified some events with a distinct spectral component, extending above 1 GeV or even 10 GeV, which can represent a substantial fraction of the emitted energy and also arise in early stages of the process. Using models based on these properties, we estimate the possibilities that a wide field of view and large effective area ground-based monitoring facility has to probe VHE emission from GRBs. We show that the ability to monitor VHE transients with a nearly continuous scanning of the sky grants an opportunity to access simultaneous electromagnetic counterparts to Multi-Messenger triggers up to cosmological scales, in a way that is not available to IACTs

    Technological options for the Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO) and current design status

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    The SWGO Collaboration is in the process of designing and prototyping a wide field of view, high duty cycle complement to CTA and the existing ground-based particle detectors of the Northern Hemisphere (HAWC and LHAASO). In this contribution, we will compare the various technological options for designing the detector and present an overarching system design accommodating them. We will introduce a feasible reference configuration that is used for the first large-scale simulations and cost estimates, and show ongoing prototyping work focused on reaching a maintenance-free and cost-effective detector

    Lake Deployment of Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO) Detector Units

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    The Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO) will be a next-generation high altitude gamma-ray survey observatory in the southern hemisphere consisting of an array of water cherenkov detectors. With its energy range, wide field of view, large duty cycle and location it will complement the other existing and planned gamma-ray observatories. In this contribution we describe the lake concept for SWGO, an alternative to a HAWC-like design with individual water tanks and a LHAASO-style design with artificial ponds. In the lake concept, bladders filled with clean water are deployed near the surface of a natural lake, where each bladder is a light-tight stand-alone unit containing one or more photosensors. We will give an overview of the advantages and challenges for this design concept and describe the first results obtained from prototyping

    Benchmarking the Science for the Southern Wide-Field Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO)

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    The Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO) is the project to build a new extensive air shower particle detector for the observation of very-high-energy gamma-rays in South America. SWGO is currently planned for installation in the Southern Hemisphere, which grants it a unique science potential among ground-based gamma-ray detectors. It will complement the capabilities of CTA, working as a wide-field instrument for the monitoring of transient and variable phenomena, and will expand the sky coverage of Northern Hemisphere facilities like HAWC and LHAASO, thus granting access to the entire Galactic Plane and the Galactic Center. SWGO aims to achieve excellent sensitivity over a very large target energy range from about 100 GeV to the PeV, and improve on the performance of current sampling array instruments in all observational parameters, including energy and angular resolution, background rejection, and single-muon detection capabilities. The directives for the final observatory design will be given by a number of key science goals which are being defined over the course of the Project’s R&D phase. In this contribution we will present the core science topics and target performance goals that serve as benchmarks to guide SWGO’s design configuration