61 research outputs found

    Manifestations and diagnosis of reactive arthritis

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    Objective: Studying of peculiarities of etiology and clinical process of Reactive Arthritis. Materials and Methodology: the research studied 56 patients where 18 were males and 38 were females (with average age range spanning from 35+10,2 years old). All examinees undergone physical, laboratory, x-ray, ultrasound, immunological, and microbiological check-up. The criteria for diagnosis of Reactive Arthritis were based on those accepted during the III International Meeting on Reactive Arthritis in Berlin in 1996. Results: The results of the study showed the prevailing of Urological Reactive Arthritis (87,5%) with the tendency towards the age increase (45-46 years old), towards Chlamydia aetiology (Ch. thrachomatis, Ch. pneumonia and Ch. Psitaki and their combination). Chlamidia were found in 20% of studied patients with Reactive Arthritis, whereas 50% of cases showed the combination of Micoplasma, Ureaplasma and Intestinal Infection. The trigger factors for Reactive Arthritis development of 57,1% of the studied patients were combined infection. In more frequently occurred cases the clinical picture was blurred. The study showed that Monoarthritis was encountered with more often than Polyarthritis. A quarter of the studied patients had 3-4 affected joints. The inflammation process involved legs joints, that is, those of ankle and knee. 98,2% of the patients with Reactive Arthritis had Enthesitis. 100% of the patients had the signs of Sinovitis which went along with Periarthritis in the form of Bursitis or Tendinitis. All of the patients had their ureal channel affected. All of the patients had the affection of eyes in anamnesis. No changes were found in 21,43% of the cases throughout the study. The affection of skin was seen as Keratoderma of soles, Onychodystrophy, Dermatitis, Pink Papulosis Rashes, and Nodular Erythema. The I-II degree of activity process was shown as prevalent. Conclusion: At Reactive Arthritis development was found to be mixed infection where Chlamydia prevailed. Monoarthritis with the affection of mainly lower extremities joints turned to appear with the frequency. In comparison with x-ray examination, Arthrosonography Method stays as more precise (p<0,001) and more informative in diagnosis of Arthritis. It is necessary to prescribe antibiotics during the treatment process as well as to use active anti-inflammation therapy.Цель. Изучить особенности этиологии и клинического течения РеА. Материал и методы. Обследовано 56 больных, из них 18 мужчин и 38 женщин (средний возраст 35+10,2 лет). Всем было проведено физикальное, лабораторное, рентгенологическое и ультразвуковое, иммунологическое и микробиологическое обследование. Диагноз РеА ставился на основании критериев, принятых на III Международном совещании по РеА в Берлине в 1996 г. Результаты. Преобладал урогенный РеА (87,5%) с тенденцией к увеличению возраста больных (45-46 лет), хламидийной этиологии (Chlamidia thrachomatis, Chlamidia pneumonia и Chlamidia psitaki и их сочетание). Хламидии были у 70% больных РеА, а в 50% сочетались с микоплазменной, уреаплазменной и кишечной инфекциями. У 57,1 % больных триггерным фактором развития РеА явилась смешанная инфекция. Преобладала стертая клиническая картина. Моноартрит встречался чаще, чем полиартрит. У четверти больных поражались 3-4 сустава. В воспалительный процесс преимущественно вовлекались суставы ног: голеностопный и коленный. У 98,2% больных РеА имелся энтезит, у 100% больных - синовита, который сочетался с периартритом в виде бурсита или тендинита. У всех больных отмечалось поражение урогенитального тракта. Поражение глаз в анамнезе имели все пациенты, но изменения на момент обследования отсутствовали у 21,43%. Поражения кожи были в виде кератодермии подошв, ониходистрофии, дерматита, розовой папулезной сыпи, узловатой эритемы. Преобладала I-II степень активности процесса. Выводы. При РеА чаще выявлялась смешанная инфекция, среди которой преобладали хламидии. Чаще имелся моноартрит с преимущественным поражением суставов нижних конечностей. В диагностике артрита метод артросонографии является достоверно (р<0,001) более информативным по сравнению с рентгенологическим исследованием. В лечении необходимо назначение антибиотиков, а также проведение активной противовоспалительной терапии

    Приоритеты в современной организации университетской науки в свете теории принципала-агента

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    The article focuses on the current state of the balance of interests in the field of organizing research activities in Russian universities. The theoretical framework of the research is the theory of the principal-agent, from the position of which the research management system is considered through the relationship between actors who have different degrees of awareness and potentially act in different interests. The purpose of the study is to compare the problems in the field of organizing funding, digitalization and scientific cooperation, which were the most important for agents, with those strategic decisions that took place at the level of the principal after extensive expert discussions. The following sources were used: 1) the results of the largest expert project implemented at the initiative of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation; 2) the results of a sociological study conducted at the Ural Federal University, where scientists and employees involved in the organization of scientific research were interviewed. A limitation of the study was the difficulty of comparing the results of the qualitative analysis made by the principal and the quantitative assessments given by the agents. In this connection, an emphasis in the interpretation of the results was made not so much on the specific quantitative assessments of the agents as on the comparison of the priorities of the problems expressed by the agents and the solutions generated by the principal. The results of the analysis showed that most of the priority tasks for agents in the field of organizing financing, digitalization, scientific cooperation were reflected in the decisions of the principal. The gaps stem from the lack of solutions aimed at intensifying research work in terms of monitoring the current scientific thematic agenda, and the importance of increasing the weight of this criterion when evaluating scientific projects. There are two ways to reduce the identified gaps: 1) inclusion of the support for the development of aggregators that allow scientists to quickly obtain the most relevant results with growing volumes of data into the list of tasks facing the principal; 2) development of modern analytical information and digital mechanisms for assessing the prospects of topics, which creates conditions for their compliance with the dynamic global research agenda. © 2021 Moscow Polytechnic University. All rights reserved

    Priorities in the Modern Organization of University Science in the Light of the Principal-Agent Theory

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    The article focuses on the current state of the balance of interests in the field of organizing research activities in Russian universities. The theoretical framework of the research is the theory of the principal-agent, from the position of which the research management system is considered through the relationship between actors who have different degrees of awareness and potentially actin different interests. The purpose of the study is to compare the problems in the field of organizing funding, digitalization and scientific cooperation, which were the most important for agents, with those strategic decisions that took place at the level of the principal after extensive expert discussions. The following sources were used: 1) the results of the largest expert project implemented at the initiative of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation; 2) the results of a sociological study conducted at the Ural Federal University, where scientists and employees involved in the organization of scientific research were interviewed. A limitation of the study was the difficulty of comparing the results of the qualitative analysis made by the principal and the quantitative assessments given by the agents. In this connection, an emphasis in the interpretation of the results was made not so much on the specific quantitative assessments of the agents as on the comparison of the priorities of the problems expressed by the agents and the solutions generated by the principal. The results of the analysis showed that most of the priority tasks for agents in the field of organizing financing, digitalization, scientific cooperation were reflected in the decisions of the principal. The gaps stem from the lack of solutions aimed at intensifying research work in terms of monitoring the current scientific thematic agenda, and the importance of increasing the weight of this criterion when evaluating scientific projects. There are two ways to reduce the identified gaps: 1) inclusion of the support for the development of aggregators that allow scientists to quickly obtain the most relevant results with growing volumes of data into the list of tasks facing the principal; 2) development of modern analytical information and digital mechanisms for assessing the prospects of topics, which creates conditions for their compliance with the dynamic global research agenda

    Importance of hypertension in the formation of structural and functional changes in the brachiocephalic vessels in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Aim. То study the effects of arterial hypertension (AH) on blood flow velocity indices and design parameters in brachiocephalic arteries of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Materials and methods. Examined 2 groups of RA patients: without hypertension — 34 people (I group) and AH - 31 persons (II group). In Group II more often had a 2 degree of hypertension. Laboratory studies included determination of total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), HDL cholesterol (HDL) and low density (LDL). Doppler ultrasound of vessels - common, external and internal carotid, vertebral arteries in the extracranial segment was carried out in all RA patients on the unit «Diasonics Ultrasound» (USA). Results. In both groups there was no difference in the number of patients with elevated cholesterol. According to the ultrasound common carotid artery (CCA) in the area of bifurcation of the right side a significant thickening of the intima-media complex had patients of group II. In these patients, the presence of hypertension affects: decrease in diastolic blood flow velocity in the carotid artery on both sides; raising the index of resistive vessels in the internal and external carotid arteries; raising an index pulse in all the brachiocephalic vessels. Conclusions. The presence of hypertension in the examined RA patients affects the state of the vascular wall in the bifurcation of the right carotid artery and on indicators of the blood flow in all brachiocephalic vessels.Цель. Изучить влияние артериальной гипертонии (АГ) на скоростные показатели кровотока и расчётные параметры в брахиоцефальных артериях у больных ревматоидным артритом (РА). Материал и методы. Обследовано 2 группы больных РА- без АГ - 34 человек (I группа) и с АГ - 31 человек (II группа). У больных II группы чаще имелась 2 степень АГ. Лабораторные исследования включали определение содержание общего холестерина (ОХС), триглицеридов (ТГ), холестерина липопротеинов высокой (ХС ЛПВП) и низкой плотности (ХС ЛПНП). Ультразвуковая допплерография сосудов - общих, наружных и внутренних сонных, позвоночных артерий в экстракраниальном отделе проводилась у всех больных РА на аппарате «Diasonics Ultrasound» (118А).Результаты. В обеих группах не было различий по количеству больных, имеющих повышенное содержание холестерина в крови. По данным УЗИ общих сонных артерий (ОСА) в зоне бифуркации с правой стороны достоверное утолщение комплекса интима-медиа имели больные II группы. У этих больных наличие АГ влияло на: снижение диастолической скорости кровотока в ОСА с обеих сторон; повышение индекса резистивности сосуда во внутренних и наружных сонных артериях: повышение пульсового индекса во всех брахиоцефальных сосудах. Выводы. Наличие АГ у обследованных больных РА влияло на состояние сосудистой стенки в бифуркации правой ОСА, а также на показатели кровотока во всех БЦА

    Prevalence and structure of juvenile arthritis in young persons

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    The purpose of the study: to determine the prevalence and structure of juvenile arthritis (JA) in adolescents, to identify the clinical course in young persons. Materials and methods. A questionnaire in 1550 persons aged 14 to 22 years. Of these, 69 adolescents identified with complaints of pain in the joints and 21 people of young age, address their complaints to the clinic, who received a complete clinical examination. It consisted generally accepted in rheumatology research, including X-ray and ultrasonography (U.S.) of painful joints, as well as phenotypic map for the syndrome of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia (UCTD). Results. We examined adolescents the most frequent pain in the knee, at least in the hip joints. In all there were signs UCTD varying degree. When ultrasound revealed changes in the joints due to synovitis and I or periarthritis. According to a detailed clinical, laboratory and instrumental investigations, including ultrasonography of the joints, the diagnosis of JA may have 12 patients with reactive arthritis (ReA) -1 3 , osteoarthritis (OA) - 63, arthralgia - 2 patients, not always coincided with diagnosis with direction. Conclusions. The prevalence of joint pathology in adolescents was 30.39% , among~which were more often diagnosed with early signs of OA (70% ), ReA (14.44% ) and JA (13,33% ). A significant risk factor for articular pathology is UCTD, as the leading causes — upper respiratory tract infection and injuries of musculoskeletal system.Цель исследования: определить распространенность и структуру ювенильных артритов (ЮА) у подростков, выявить особенности клинического течения у лиц молодого возраста.Материалы и методы. Проведено анкетирование 1550 лиц в возрасте от 14 до 22 лет. Из них выявлено 69 подростков с жалобами на боли в суставах и 21 человек молодого возраста, обратившихся с подобными жалобами в поликлинику, которые прошли полное клиническое обследование. Оно включало общепринятые в ревматологии исследования, в т. ч. рентгенологическое и ультразвуковое исследования (УЗИ) болезненных суставов, а также фенотипическую карту по синдрому недифференцированной дисплазии соединительной ткани (НСТД).Результаты. У обследованных подростков наиболее часто встречались боли в коленных, реже в тазобедренных суставах. У всех имелись признаки НСТД различной степени выраженности. При УЗИ были выявлены изменения в суставах, обусловленные синовитом и/или периартритом. По данным детального клинико-лабораторного и инструментального исследований, включая УЗИ суставов, диагноз ЮА выставлен у 12 пациентов, реактивного артрита (РеА) — у 13, остеоартроза (ОА) - у 63, артралгии - у 2 пациентов, что не всегда совпадало с диагнозом при направлении. Выводы. Распространенность патологии суставов у подростков составила 30,39% , среди которой чаще были диагностированы начальные признаки ОА (70% ), РеА (14,44% ) и ЮА (13,33% ). Значимым фактором риска суставной патологии является НСТД, а ведущими причинами - инфекция верхних дыхательных путей и травмы опорно-двигательного аппарата

    Создание высоколикопиновых гибридов томата для теплиц с использованием традиционных методов селекции и молекулярных маркеров

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    Relevance. High lycopene fruit content has been regarded as a very important genetic trait in tomato breeding. Use lycopene molecular markers in combination with conventional breeding techniques allowed us to create hybrids with high lycopene accumulation, excellent organoleptic qualities, high yield production and resistance to pathogens, and to effectively optimize our breeding programmes for commercial greehouses production.Material and Methods. In this study tomato samples including selected lines and hybrids with various allelic combinations of genes determining carotene accumulation, and other genetic traits, such as disease resistance and yield production were tested. Introgression of spontaneous and induced mutations was used to increase carotenoid levels (og and hp) and improve fruit technological qualities (nor, alc, rin). The research material was tomato collection, mutants, breeding lines and hybrids listed in the State Register Russian Federation tomato hybrids of breeding SS Agrofirm "Ilyinichna" VNIIO branch of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Vegetable Growing – Branch of the FSBSI Federal Scientific Vegetable Center. DNA typing of fruit quality genes was performed at the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.Results. New domestic hybrids for industrial greenhouses, which characterised by improved organoleptic qualities and technological traits were developed with the help of phasedcross-breeding that allowed to combine the genes nor, rin, alc, leading to an extension of the shelf life with the genes B, og, hp1, etc., contributing to an increase in carotenoid content in fruits. It was established that for targeted selection and hybridization, despite the negative influence of the nor, rin, alc genes it is possible to raise the level of carotenoids to average values. Correlation between lycopene concentration in fruits and high temperature and level of insolation was confirmed. It was shown that pink-fruited forms contain significantly more lycopenethanred-fruitedones. Different all eliccombinations of structural genes involved in carotenoids biosynthesis and regulatory genes that provided maximal accumulation of lycopene in hybrid swithred and pink fruits were revealed. Hybrids with the combination of high concentrations of sugar (° Brix), dry matter and maximal lycopene values, combined defining excellent taste were selected: Prekrasnaiya lady, Olya, Quadrille, Victoria. New F1 hybrids one for industrial greenhouses: G950, G956, G960, Magistral and pink fruited G12897, surpassed the Dutch standard in productivity up to 21%, and in tastes/organoleptic qualities for 1-1.8 points.Актуальность. Высокое содержание ликопина в плодах томата является важным селекционным признаком при создании новых сортов и гибридов. Использование молекулярных маркеров к аллелям, детерминирующим биосинтез ликопина, в сочетании с традиционными методами селекции на высокоесодержаниекаротиноидов,ценныетехнологические ивкусовыекачестваплодов,атакже на устойчивость к комплексу патогенов, позволяет оценить потенциал накопления антиоксиданта и более эффективно составлять программы по селекции высоколикопиновых форм для условий защищенного грунта.Методика. Представлены результаты оценки селекционного материала с различными комбинациями аллелей, детерминирующих накопление каротиноидов, и создания гибридов томата с комплексом ценных признаков – высокой продуктивности, устойчивости к болезням, технологических характеристик и биохимического состава плодов. Метод интрогрессии спонтанных или индуцированных мутаций был использован для повышения уровня каротиноидов (og и hp) и улучшения технологических качеств (nor, alc, rin) плодов. Материалом для исследований являлся коллекционный, мутантный, селекционный, гибридный материал томата и внесенные в Госреестр РФ гибриды томата селекции СС Агрофирмы «Ильинична» – ВНИИО филиал ФГБНУ ФНЦО. ДНК-типирование генов качества плодов выполняли в Институте генетики и цитологии НАН Беларуси.Результаты. Созданы отечественные гибриды для промышленных теплиц с высокими вкусовыми и технологическими качествами с использованием поэтапных скрещиваний, позволивших объединить гены nor, rin, alc, приводящие к удлинению сроков хранения с генами B, og, hp1 и др., способствующими увеличению содержания каротиноидов в плодах. Установлено, что при целенаправленном отборе и гибридизации, несмотря на негативное влияние генов nor, rin, alc возможно поднять уровень каротиноидов до средних величин. Подтверждена корреляция уровня ликопина в плодах с повышением температуры и уровня инсоляции. Показано, что розовоплодные формы содержат значительно большее количество ликопина, чем красноплодные. Определены сочетания аллелей структурных генов биосинтеза коротиноидов и регуляторных генов, обеспечивающих максимальное накопление ликопина у гибридов с красными и розовыми плодами, формулы которых различались по составу аллелей генов качества плодов. Выделены гибриды с сочетанием высоких концентраций сахара (°Brix), сухого вещества и максимальных значений ликопина, совместно определяющих отличные вкусовые качества: Прекрасная леди, Оля, Кадриль, Виктория. Новые гибриды F1 для промышленных теплиц: Г950, Г956, Г960, Магистраль и розовоплодный Г12897, превосходили голландский стандарт по продуктивности до 21%, а по вкусовым качествам на 11,8 балла


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    Послеоперационные инфекции – частое осложнение у онкологических больных, к которому предрасполагают тяжесть состояния больного и большой объем выполняемой операции, наличие иммуносупрессии, связанной с заболеванием и ранее проводимым лечением, и многое другое. В данной статье представлены основные инфекционные осложнения, которые возникают в послеоперационном периоде у онкологических больных, их этиология и алгоритмы этиотропной и эмпирической терапии

    Workers’ individual and dyadic coping with the COVID-19 health emergency: A cross cultural study

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    The aim of this study was to examine workers’ psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic as a function of their individual coping, dyadic coping, and work-family conflict. We also tested the moderating role of gender and culture in these associations. To achieve this aim, we run HLM analyses on data from 1521 workers cohabiting with a partner, coming from six countries (Italy, Spain, Malta, Cyprus, Greece, and Russia) characterized by various degrees of country-level individualism/collectivism. Across all six countries, findings highlighted that work-family conflict as well as the individual coping strategy social support seeking were associated with higher psychological distress for workers, while the individual coping strategy positive attitude and common dyadic coping were found to be protective against workers’ psychological distress. This latter association, moreover, was stronger in more individualistic countries. © The Author(s) 2022.NSh-2722.2020.6; CSO 2017–84,634-R, R106450036; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, MICINN; Council on grants of the President of the Russian FederationThis overall research was funded by a grant from the Commissione Strategie di Ricerca – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (protocol n. R106450036) awarded to Claudia Manzi. Data collection by the following researchers was supported by grants as follows: Gerardo Meil (grant CSO 2017–84,634-R from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation); Anna Bagirova (grant NSh-2722.2020.6 from the Council on grants of the President of the Russian Federation)


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    The paper gives the results of clinical and epidemiological studies conducted among adolescents in different years. It shows their more complaints about the state of the locomotor apparatus than their more polyclinic visits and presents data on the diagnosis of a specific rheumatic disease. Transfer of adolescents to be served at children's polyclinics has not improved the detection rates for locomotor system diseases. Attention is drawn to the fact that it is necessary to set up an independent rheumatology service at the children's polyclinics and it is expedient to return the adolescent service to the general practice network