241 research outputs found

    Panoptic segmentation forecasting

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    Our goal is to forecast the near future given a set of recent observations. We think this ability to forecast, i.e., to anticipate, is integral for the success of autonomous agents which need not only passively analyze an observation but also must react to it in real-time. Importantly, accurate forecasting hinges upon the chosen scene decomposition. We think that superior forecasting can be achieved by decomposing a dynamic scene into individual 'things' and background 'stuff'. Background 'stuff' largely moves because of camera motion, while foreground 'things' move because of both camera and individual object motion. Following this decomposition, we introduce panoptic segmentation forecasting. Panoptic segmentation forecasting opens up a middle-ground between existing extremes, which either forecast instance trajectories or predict the appearance of future image frames. To address this task we develop a two-component model: one component learns the dynamics of the background stuff by anticipating odometry, the other one anticipates the dynamics of detected things. We establish a leaderboard for this novel task, and validate a state-of-the-art model that outperforms available baselines

    Tatakelola Pemerintahan Berbasis Electronic Government Di Kabupaten Semarang (Studi Kasus Dinas Kependudukan Dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Semarang)

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    . Electronic Government abbreviated e-Gov is the application of information and communication technology systems used and developed by the government in providing services to the community whenever and wherever people can get easy access to information and public services provided by the government. The essence of e-Gov implementation is to improve the quality of government services by utilizing information technology. The purpose of this study is to illustrate how the application of e-Gov in an effort to create Good Governance and to identify the support and obstruct factors e-Gov application in the Department of Population and Civil Registry of Semarang Regency.The research method using qualitative method with triangulation data that is observation, interview and data written or archive. Informants in this study are Head of Population Registration Services, Head of Civil Registration Services, Head of PIAK and Data Utilization and Head of Information Administration Division of Population Department of Population and Civil Registry of Semarang Regency.The results showed that the based governance of e-Gov in the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Semarang Regency is still classified in the Integration stage. Where the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Semarang Regency has been using a variety of digitalization services to support its tasks, but it can not be done optimally. There are 4 of 5 types of transformation points that can not be fulfilled, including services to the citizens to service by the citizens, traditional citizens to the online citizens, the digital divide to digital democracy and paper-based document to government online. There are three factors that obstruct the implementation of e-Gov in the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Semarang Regency, such as communication, resources and disposition. While the driving factor is the bureaucratic structure

    Analisa Uji Kekerasan pada Poros Baja St 60 dengan Media Pendingin yang Berbeda

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    Seiring dengan banyaknya kegagalan mekanis yang ditemui, Salah satu contohnya misalnya faktor kelelahan logam seperti patahnya poros kereta api, poros roda mobil, dan peristiwa patahnya poros Baling-Baling kapal. Untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh beban-beban tersebut terhadap kekuatan lelah material poros, maka diperlukan pengujian material menggunakan benda uji (spesimen) dan disertai dengan analisa maupun perhitungan secara teliti. Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah metode anova yang bertujuan untuk mencari perbedaan pengaruh media pendingin terhadap kekerasan material. Dengan jumlah sampel tiga media pendingin, kemudian bahan yang digunakan adalah baja ST 60 dengan temperatur 6000C. Setelah melakukan penelitian dengan metode anova didapatkan hasil dengan nilai Fhitung -6,0560294 < Ftabel 3,88. Nilai kekerasan sebelum perlakuan panas yaitu 112,4 HB dan yang sesudah perlakuan panas yaitu air (110,2 HB), udara (94,8 HB) dan oli mesran SAE 40 (119,4 HB). Diantara ketiga media pendingin setelah perlakuan panas yang paling baik dalam meningkatkan kekerasan material adalah oli mesran SAE 40 dengan nilai rata-rata 119,4 HB

    Validity-Guided Synthesis of Reactive Systems from Assume-Guarantee Contracts

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    Automated synthesis of reactive systems from specifications has been a topic of research for decades. Recently, a variety of approaches have been proposed to extend synthesis of reactive systems from proposi- tional specifications towards specifications over rich theories. We propose a novel, completely automated approach to program synthesis which reduces the problem to deciding the validity of a set of forall-exists formulas. In spirit of IC3 / PDR, our problem space is recursively refined by blocking out regions of unsafe states, aiming to discover a fixpoint that describes safe reactions. If such a fixpoint is found, we construct a witness that is directly translated into an implementation. We implemented the algorithm on top of the JKind model checker, and exercised it against contracts written using the Lustre specification language. Experimental results show how the new algorithm outperforms JKinds already existing synthesis procedure based on k-induction and addresses soundness issues in the k-inductive approach with respect to unrealizable results.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, 2 table


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    Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini difokuskan pada kegiatan pelatihan peningkatan keterampilan pembuatan produk abon ikan skala tradisional berdasarkan prosedur terstandar, serta pendampingan pelaksanaan produksi bagi kelompok nelayan Poklahsar, Desa Kaki Air, Kabupaten Buru. Proses pendampingan dan pelatihan peningkatan keterampilan akan dikhususkan pada 2 aspek yang menjadi solusi permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra yaitu Aspek Manajerial yang meliputi akses dan informasi peningkatan ketrampilan pelaksanaan produksi; dan Aspek Peningkatan&nbsp; Kapasitas Teknologi (Proses Produksi) yang meliputi peningkatan pemahaman produk olahan yang bermutu dengan mematuhi serangkaian peraturan dan prosedur yang tercantum dalam Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) dan Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure (SSOP); serta peningkatan aspek efisiensi usaha menggunakan peralatan yang memadai. Target yang ingin dicapai melalui kegiatan ini yaitu penerapan teknologi produk olahan yang terstandar sesuai dengan GMP dan SSOP berbasis demonstrasi partisipatif mitra, serta pelatihan proses produksi dan penggunaan alat produksi


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    Aplikasi pengukuran telah banyak digunakan di sistem IOS maupun android. Namun, aplikasi pengukuran berbasis android tidak sebaik dengan aplikasi pengukuran berbasis sistem IOS. Beberapa orang masih meragukan keakuratan aplikasi ini karena terkadang hasil pengukuran tidak akurat dan masih banyak eror atau bug. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk mengembangkan aplikasi pengukuran berbasis android dengan tingkat keakuratan 90%. Apikasi pengukuran ini menerapkan AR (Augmented Reality). Proses pembuatan aplikasi menggunakan software android studio, library dan ARcore. Untuk Bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan yaitu Java Output. Pertimbangan menggunakan perangkat tersebut aplikasi pengukuran untuk smartphone berbasis Android dapat mengukur atau mengetahui dimensi benda bangun datar dan bangun ruang dengan satuan cm dan hasil pengukuran yang akurat. Kata Kunci: Augmented Reality, Android, Aplikasi, Pengukuran, Akur