336 research outputs found

    Tanggungjawab Perawat terhadap Pasien dalam Pelimpahan Kewenangan Dokter Kepada Perawat

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    Legally Indonesia has the legal regulation of health and professions related to health . Along with the development of more advanced medical world , the processes and mechanisms of health care also increased from various aspects . So that not a few who have problems or contrary to law . Based on these problems , the thesis is to formulate three formulation of the problem , namely : first , the responsibility of nurses to patients in the delegation of authority of doctors to nurses , second , the mechanism of transfer of authority of doctors to nurses , third , the extent to which medical action limits of delegated authority doctors to nursesThis type of research can be classified into types of juridical empirical research , because in this study the authors conducted research literature study and discussions with academic experts and field practitioners .data sources used , the primary data , secondary data and data tertiary , technical data collectors in this study with interviews , and literature.From the research, there are three main issues that can be inferred , the first responsibility of nurses to patients in the delegation of authority of doctors to nurses is on the giver command " Article 1365 Civil Code " . Second , the mechanism of transfer of authority of doctors to nurses in writing , third , limit the authority delegated medical acts doctors to nurses located on professional ethics , professional standards and the role and functions of each profession . Suggestions author , socialization government against statutory provisions and professional health should be better again , make the Indonesian people aware of their rights and obligations in health care and affirmative action against against any violation of the law

    Pertanggungjawaban Pemerintah Terhadap Cagar Biosfer Giam Siak Kecil Bukit Batu Berdasarkan Hukum Lingkungan Internasional

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    Biosphere Reserves are ekosisem mainland and coastal or ocean or a combination of more than one type of ecosystem, which is Internationally recognized as part of the Man And Biosphere (MAB) Programme of UNESCO in accordance with the legal framework. Biosphere Giam Siak small rocks were designated as a Biosphere Reserve in the 21st Session Session Of The International Coordinating Council Of theman And the biosphere is one of 22 locations nominations proposed by 17 countries. Biosphere Giam Siak Kecil-Bukit Batu has advantages as the largest peat swamp forests, but the management and protection of the region is very poor, it is proved by the destruction of the heritage area due to human activities that have an impact on air pollution and has been designated as a national disaster. Based on the above description, the problem can be formulated as follows: First, How is the implementation of the responsibilities undertaken by the government of the region of the biosphere reserve in accordance with International environmental law? Secondly, The extent to which the government's efforts in implementing Article 9 of the Seville Strategy 1995 on the network of biosphere reserves?This type of research can be classified into types of normative juridical, namely the study of the principles contained in the International and National Law. From the research, there are two main things that can be inferred. First, the Government has taken concrete steps in order to biosphere reserves, namely the presence of Riau Governor Decree No. Kpts. 920 / V / 2010 Date of May 14, 2010 on the establishment of the Management Coordination Agency GSK-BB Biosphere Reserve. The decision contains Coordination and its partnership between the manager who has an interest. Each party involved in the management team reserves giam siak biosefer small rock hill has roles and responsibilities of different but interrelated. However, the implementation, the Government did not carry out their roles and responsibilities to the maximum so that the biosphere reserve is damaged and bad. ; Secondly, Based on the mandate of the Seville strategy, if reserves were damaged and not functioning as it should, then the government has the responsibility to perform the restoration effort, however based on the data obtained, the government did not implement the program for reserve recovery seriously and quickly. Suggestions Author, First, management of funds (trust fund) that is transparent to carry out activities Coordinating and managing the reserve It needs a special Budget allocation for the management of biosphere reserves. Second, a special team should be formed outside the biosphere reserve of the existing government institutions, so as to maximize its performance and focused. If there should be rules regarding sanctions for a team that does not perform its responsibilities

    Tanggung Jawab Penjual Terhadap Tanah Yang Bersengketa

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    Land as a commodity that can be owned by the public, transferable ownership rights, one way transfer of land rights is through buying and selling. In the process of buying and selling land, the land status of the trade is very important. Because the common phenomenon of buying and selling land that was in dispute. The sale and purchase of land under customary law adopts cash, real and bright, meaning that every relationship should look real and concrete. Means of direct cash payments when buying and selling process, the real meaning of buying and selling land as a real object, and the light means buying and selling is done in front of the authorities. Today the frequent buying and selling land that is in dispute, of course it would be detrimental to the buyer. Land dispute itself has not decided who is entitled by law to have it, but routed through buying and selling. When there is a third party that will disturb the tranquility of the buyer to control the land he bought.Issues that will be examined in this study are: First, whether the land in dispute can be the object of buying and selling? Second, if the seller is responsible for the land in dispute?This research is a normative legal research. This discussion is more to discuss about an analysis of the law written in the book. Source of data used is the source of the data obtained from the study of literature, among others, include official documents, books, research results in the form of reports and so on. Data was analyzed qualitatively in drawing conclusions using deductive thinking.The results of this study are first, that the land was in dispute can not be transferred, because the land rights dispute itself is still up for grabs. Certainly not qualify agreement is valid lawful reason. Second, the seller is responsible in conflict over land dispute traded. Because the law states that the seller shall ensure and bear the traded goods. Advice from the author of First, the land in dispute should not be traded, because the rights of the land is not yet clear, Secondly, the land in dispute Seller shall be liable for damages arising from the sale and purchase of land in dispute

    Tracking human upper-limb movements with sliding mode control type-II fuzzy logic

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    © 2016 IEEE. A knowledge of human upper-limb structure and its mechanical functions are important for developing an exoskeleton. The Sliding Mode Control with Fuzzy Type-II is proposed to control the movements of the human extremity joints. The Lagrange method is used to model the dynamics system of human upper-limb. The findings demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed controller in tracking the desired motion and it is also able to eliminate the chattering problem as well as deal with uncertainties

    Studi Keandalan dan Evaluasi Sistem Kerja Rele Jaringan Transmisi 150 KV Koto Panjang - Pekanbaru

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    In this case from topic Study of Reliability And Evaluation Work System Relay Protection of 150 kV Transmission Line Koto Panjang - Pekanbaru. In this study just concern about problem of GI Koto Panjang, GI and GI Bangkinang Garuda Sakti. Transmission has protecion used on the 150 kV such as Distance Rele and safety reserves of the OCR and GFR. This topic point to analyze used of Distance relays network of 150 kV, calculate the setting impedance relay distance and calculates the setting current and time on each other Bay transmision OCR and GFR in each - each other relay in each substation (Koto Panjang, Bangkinang, Garuda Sakti) reperesent well as the interruption of transmission in any history of interference. Observations and analysis in this study will be made in the form of reliability, the reliability of the system work in each transmission relay when an interruption occurs

    Kedudukan Terdakwa sebagai Saksi (Saksi Mahkota) terhadap Terdakwa Lain dalam Tinjauan Hukum Acara Pidana

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    The role of the accused as a witness to be part of the crime scene is considered to have potential in the unmasked crimes are more significant. This occurs when the crimes involve multiple actors performed together. He can provide important evidence about who was involved, what the role of each actor, how the crime was carried out, and where other evidence could be found. In order for the defendant as a witness is willing to cooperate in disclosure of a case, the public prosecutor to use the existing legal instruments in the Code of Criminal Procedure (Criminal Procedure Code). In Indonesia allows that "person" is used as a witness to the perpetrator who committed the crime together with the authority of the public prosecutor in prosecuting offenders and a witness to the case file is different. The purpose of this study to determine the position of the crown witness in Indonesia and uncover the veil of evil, know how to crown witnesses in the criminal justice practices in Indonesia. The method used in this research is normative. From the results of this research is that the concept of witness crown in Indonesia is a witness taken from the suspect or the accused in the crimes committed jointly, the testimony given by the defendant to the other defendants carried out by the public prosecutor to prosecute the accused with the case files separately ( split) and the testimony of the defendant as a witness is different from the testimony of the defendant as the defendant and the defendant as a witness if testimony different from each other, it can be proposed offense of perjury. The testimony he gave regarded as valid evidence and on the testimony can be given a reduced sentence in consideration of the judge. The testimony also can reveal a veil of evil. The design of the Code of Criminal Procedure and the draft Law on the Amendment of the Law on Witness and Victim Protection has included provisions granting immunity from prosecution and other legal protection provisions of the crown witnesses who have participated role in crime prevention efforts

    Hubungan Pola Makan Dan Tingkat Pengetahuan Dengan Kejadian Gastritis Pada Dewasa Awal Di Wilayah Puskesmas Warungkondang Kabupaten Cianjur Tahun 2022

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     Gastritis is an acute and chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Gastritis recurs with symptoms such as heartburn, nausea and vomiting. Gastritis occurs in people who have an irregular diet and eat foods that stimulate the production of stomach acid. In addition, gastritis can also occur due to lack of knowledge that alters to prevent the occurrence of gastritis. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between diet and level of knowledge with the incidence of gastritis in early adulthood in the Warungkondang Cianjur Health Center area.  The type of research is quantitative with correlation research and using a cross sectional design, a sample of 76 respondents. The sampling technique is purposive sampling. It was found that the results of the analysis of the relationship between diet and the incidence of gastritis were as many as 48 (63.2%) respondents with poor diet with the incidence of gastritis who had gastritis. And for the level of knowledge with the incidence of gastritis there were as many as 40 (52.6%) respondents with a poor level of knowledge with the incidence of gastritis who had gastritis. The results of statistical tests of diet and level of knowledge obtained a value of pvalue = 0.000 smaller than 0.05. There is a relationship between diet and level of knowledge with the incidence of gastritis in early adulthood

    Perancangan Uji Sirip Roket Bagian Aileron dengan Menggunakan Kontrol Pid

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    Roket merupakan sebuah peluru kendali atau suatu kendaraan terbang yang mendapatkan dorongan melalui reaksi roket secara cepat dengan bahan fluida dari keluaran mesin roket. Sistem Kendali Sirip Roket berbasis Mikrokontroller ATmega8 berguna untuk mengendalikan sirip roket khususnya bagian aileron. Dimana dibutuhkan komponen – komponen pendukung berupa Sensor Accelerometer, Sensor Gyrscope, ATmega8 dan Motor Servo. Alat pengendali sirip roket ini dapat digunakan untuk mengendalikan sirip roket bagian aileron pada saat posisi roket tidak stabil atau terjadi gerakan naik turun pada saat setelah diluncurkan, sehingga dapat menghasilkan penerbangan yang maksimal dalam mencapai sasaran.Perancangan yang digunakan adalah jenis pengendalian dengan kontrol PID. PID (Proportional Integral Derivative controller) merupakan kontroller untuk menentukan presisi suatu sistem instrumentasi dengan karakteristik adanya umpan Balik pada sistem tesebut. Pengontrol PID adalah pengontrol konvensional yang banyak dipakai dalam dunia industri. Karakteristik pengontrol PID sangat dipengaruhi oleh kontribusi besar dari ketiga parameter P, I dan D. Pemilihan konstanta Kp, Ki dan Kd akan mengakibatkan penonjolan sifat dari masing-masing elemen. Dalam perancangan sebuah sistem kendali menggunakan kontroller PID pada motor servo yang diharapkan mampu menggerakkan sirip naik dan sirip turun pada roket sehingga mampu menjaga kestabilan roket saat diluncurkan. Prosentase error pada proyek akhir ini adalah 0,5 %
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