61 research outputs found

    Discretization of Evolution Variational Inequalities

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    Weak Lensing Mass of Nearby Clusters of Galaxies.

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    The impact of urinary incontinence on female nursing personnel El impacto de la incontinencia urinaria entre trabajadoras de enfermería O impacto da incontinência urinária entre trabalhadoras de enfermagem

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    The prevalence of urinary incontinence (UI) was acessed, its interference in the performance of daily occupational activities and its management among the women's nurse staff of a medical school hospital in Campinas, São Paulo. Of the 291 employers, 27.5% reported UI complaint at least monthly. The activities that required greater effort increased the urinary loss, what resulted in stress, feeling embarrassed and lack of concentration at work. The use of pad was the most frequent strategy at management of UI and sometimes the task could not be interrupted to use the restroom. In conclusion, the activities that require more effort and the difficulty for an adequate management of the UI in workplace increase the problem and interfere on professional performance.<br>Fue identificado la prevalencía de la incontinencia urinaria (IU), su interferencia en las actividades ocupacionales diarias y su manejo entre mujeres profesionales de enfermería de uno hospital escuela de Campinas, São Paulo. Entre 291 trabajadoras, 27,5% refirieron IU no mínimo mensalmente. Las actividades que requerían mayores esfuerzos aumentaran la pérdida de orina y fueran responsables por estrese, vergüenza y pérdida de la concentración en el trabajo. El protector íntimo fue lo más utilizado para minimizar la IU y algunas veces el trabajo no podía ser interrumpido para ir el baño. Es concluido que las actividades en el trabajo que exigen mayores esfuerzos físicos y las dificultades para hacer el manejo adecuado aumentaron la IU e interfieren en el desempeño profesional.<br>Foi identificada a prevalência de incontinência urinária (IU), sua interferência nas atividades ocupacionais diárias e seu manejo entre mulheres profissionais de enfermagem de um hospital de ensino de Campinas, São Paulo. Entre 291 trabalhadoras, 27,5% relataram queixa de IU no mínimo mensalmente. As atividades que requeriam maior esforço aumentaram a perda urinária e eram responsáveis por estresse, vergonha e perda de concentração no trabalho. O uso de absorvente/forro foi a estratégia mais utilizada para manejar a IU e algumas vezes o trabalho não podia ser interrompido para uso do toalete. Conclui-se que as atividades de trabalho que exigem maior esforço físico e as dificuldades para um manejo adequado aumentam a IU e interferem no desempenho profissional

    We have always been robots: a brief history of robots and art

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    Although the “robot” is a twentieth century concept, machines that conform to the same definition—are capable of carrying out complex actions automatically—are part of a much longer history. This chapter will provide an overview of this history. It will trace the contemporary emergence of the robot back to the appearance of clockwork and mechanical automata in the early modern period. In so doing, the chapter will make two key contributions to this book’s study of robots and art. Firstly, it will argue that the concept of a robot predates the emergence of the word robot by several centuries, and that our understanding of the contemporary concept is enriched by recognition of this longer history. Secondly, it will show that, from its very inception, the history of robots has been closely entwined with that of art—evident not least in the fact the term itself derives from the context of theatre. This history continues to be reflexively present in contemporary performance