11 research outputs found

    Private specificities of H-2K and H-2D loci as possible selective targets for effector lymphocytes in cell-mediated immunity.

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    Receptors of effector T lymphocytes of congeneic strains of mice do not recognize public H-2 specificities and react to private H-2 specificities only. This has been established with the use of three tests: direct cytotoxicity assay of immune lymphocytes upon target cells, specific absorption of the lymphocytes on the target cells, and rejection of skin grafts at an accelerated fashion. Immunization with two private H-2 specificities in the system C57BL/10ScSn leads to B10.D2 induces formation of two corresponding populations of effector lymphocytes in unequal proportion: a greater part of them is directed against the private specificity H-2.33 (Kb), while the smaller part is towards H-2.2 (Db) private specificity. These two populations of effector lymphocytes do not overlap, as demonstrated by experiments on their cross-absorption on B10.D2 (R107), B10.D2 (R101), B10.A(2R), and B10.A(5R) target cells, as well as on mixtures of R107 and R101 targets. Following removal of lymphocytes reacting with one of the private H-2 specificities, lymphocytes specific to the other specificity are fully maintained. A mixture of target cells, each bearing one of the two immunizing private specificities, absorbs 100% of the immune lymphocytes and is totally destroyed by them. It is suggested that H-2 antigens are natural complexes of hapten-carrier type, in which the role of hapten is played by public H-2 specifities and that of the carrier determinant by either private H-2 specificities or structures closely linked to them. Various models of steric arrangement of MHC determinants recognized by receptors of effector T lymphocytes are discussed

    [Interaction of anti-Kb and anti-Dd effector lymphocytes with target cells of mouse mutant haplotypes]

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    The magnitude of the cytotoxic effect (CE) of immune lymphocytes R101 anti-Kb (C57BL/6) and R101 anti-Dd (B10.D2) upon target cells (TC) of mutants Kba (Hzl) and Kbd (M505), as well as Dda (M504) was considerably less than that on the TC of the original C57BL/6 and B10.D2 strains, respectively. A decrease of the CE on the H (zl) and M504 TC was more prominent than that on the M505 TC. Monospecific: lymphocytes anti-Kb and anti-Dd were separated into two distinct subpopulations by absorption on the monolayers of macrophages from the mutant strains of mice. One of the subpopulations reacted with the TC of the original strain only, whereas the other one - with the TC of both the original and mutant strains

    Screening mouse mutations for resistance to cancer metastasis.

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    To search for host genes for resistance/susceptibility to cancer metastasis, mutation analysis was employed. Ten putative mutants of resistance to lymphoma EL4 and four putative mutants of resistance to sarcoma MCA/77-23 of C57BL/6J (B6) mice were produced. These mutants were designated S (for survivor:) mutants; they do not reject parental strain B6 skin grafts. S-mutants resist moderate tumor cell doses: TD50 values in them were increased by a factor of 12 to 600. Genetic linkage tests showed that five S-mutants were linked to mouse major histocompatibility complex (H-2) and five other S-mutants were not linked to this locus. A group of H-2-linked S-mutants resisting EL4 and a mutant, S-87/2, resisting MCA/77-23 were tested for resistance to spontaneous metastases of the same two tumors, EL4 and MCA/77-23. Two of the mutants, S-31 (lymphoma-resisting) and S-87/2 (sarcoma-resisting), were shown to carry mutations of mouse gene(s) for resistance to tumor metastases. In both of these mutants resistance to the original tumor transplant coexisted with highly increased susceptibility to metastasis. These mutants are a new tool to study genes for resistance to cancer metastasis and of mechanism of resistance controlled by each individual gene

    Function of NKG2D in natural killer cell–mediated rejection of mouse bone marrow grafts

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    Irradiation-resistant natural killer (NK) cells in an F(1) recipient can reject parental bone marrow, and host NK cells can also prevent engraftment of allogeneic bone marrow. We show here that repopulating bone marrow cells in certain mouse strains expressed retinoic acid early inducible 1 proteins, which are ligands for the activating NKG2D NK cell receptor. Treatment with a neutralizing antibody to NKG2D prevented rejection of parental BALB/c bone marrow in (C57BL/6 x BALB/c) F(1) recipients and allowed engraftment of allogeneic BALB.B bone marrow in C57BL/6 recipients. Additionally, bone marrow from C57BL/6 mice transgenic for retinoic acid early inducible 1epsilon was rejected by syngeneic mice but was accepted after treatment with antibody to NKG2D. If other stem cells or tissues upregulate expression of NKG2D ligands after transplantation, NKG2D may contribute to graft rejection in immunocompetent hosts