94 research outputs found

    Effect of silymarin on N-nitrosodiethylamine induced hepatocarcinogenesis in rats

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    Aim: To study the effect of silymarin on the levels of tumor markers and MDA (malondialdehyde) – DNA adduct formation during N-nitrosodiethylamine induced hepatocellular carcinoma in male Wistar albino rats. Methods: The levels of AFP, CEA and activities of liver marker enzymes in serum, MDA-DNA immunohistochemistry were done according to standard procedures in the control and experimental groups of rats. Results: Hepatocellular carcinoma was evidenced from significant (p < 0.05) increases of alpha-fetoprotein, carcinoembryonic antigen, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase, gamma-glutamyltransferase and 5?-nucleotidase in serum and increased MDA-DNA adducts were also observed in the tissue sections of hepatocellular carcinoma. Silymarin treatment significantly attenuated the alteration of these markers and decreased the levels of MDA-DNA adduct formation. Conclusion: Silymarin could be developed as a promising chemotherapeutic adjuvant for the treatment of liver cancer.Цель: изучить влияние силимарина на уровень экспрессии опухолевых и биохимических маркеров и формирование аддуктов малонового диальдегида с ДНК (MDA-DNA) при развитии гепатокариномы у крыс линии истар. Методы: стандартными биохимическими методами определяли активность ферментов в сыворотке крови и проводили иммуногистохимическое определение MDA-DNA в ткани печени крыс. Результаты: показано, что при развитии злокачественной гепатокарциномы в сыворотке крови животных значительно увеличивается количество альфа-фетопротеина, раковоэмбрионального антигена, активность аспартат- и аланинаминотрансферазы, щелочной и кислой фосфатазы, лактатдегидрогеназы, гаммаглутамилтрансферазы и 5-нуклеотидазы. При проведении иммуногистохимического исследования отмечали повышенное образование аддуктов MDA-DNA в ткани печени крыс со злокачественной гепатокариномой. При введении силимарина значительно снижался уровень указанных ферментов в сыворотке крови и формирование аддуктов MDA-DNA в ткани печени. Заключение: применение силимарина может быть эффективно для предупреждения развития злокачественной гепатокарциномы, индуцированной N-нитрозодиэтиламином у крыс, и этот препарат может быть многообещающим химиотерапевтическим адъювантом для лечения рака печени

    Direct Test for Determining Sensitivity of M. Tuberculosis To Streptomycin

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    For a total of 400 sputum specimens, the sensitivity of M. tuberculosis to streptomycin was determined by direct inoculation of the sputum sediment on to drug-free and drugcontaining slopes of Lowenstein-Jensen medium, and also by a standard indirect test. Agreement between the two methods in the classification of strains as sensitive or resistant was of the order of 90%. The optimal time for reading the direct test is 6 weeks

    Quantify and Examined of video distribution sites for appreciative links

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    Videos are an integral part of current information technologies and the snare. The demand for efficient retrieval rises with the increasing number of videos, which is equally true for video annotation techniques as matadata is the primary source of most retrieval systems. - Recently, many video distribution sites provide external links so that their video or audio contents can be embedded into external snare sites. Online social networks (OSNs) have become popular desti- nations for connecting friends and distribution information. Recent statistics suggest that OSN users regularly share con-tents from video sites, and a significant amount of requests of the video sites are indeed from them nowadays. These behaviors have substantially changed the workload of on line video services.In this paper, we provide a comprehensive quantify study and examined source on these external links to answer these two questions. With the traces together from two major video distribution sites, YouTube and Youku of China, we show that the external links have various impacts on the popularity of the video distribution sites.  The social video proposed system provides information that is directed and personalized for the user overriding the content rather than the point of view of the user posting the content. The tradeoff in our case being that users have to sacrifice privacy and have to trust the recommendation system provider with their private data

    Report on a stranded sea cow, Dugong dugon in the Gulf of Mannar coast

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    On 31 March 2019, an adult dead female sea cow (Dugong dugon) measuring more than three meters of total length got stranded along the Gulf of Mannar coast at Gandhi Nagar, Mandapam, Ramanathapuram district, Tamil Nadu (09º 27' 6658'' N; 79º 15' 0459'' E). The morphometric details of the female whale that was weighing approximately 350 kg is given in Table 1. The specimen had relatively robust body with loss of almost one third of the ventral skin along with blubber from the thoracic and abdominal region of the body. There were significant cut wounds present on the dorsal as well as lateral sides of the body. The internal organs did not reveal any significant abnormalities for the cause of death. Based on the body condition and external injuries it can be concluded that the cause of death might be due to attempted hunting. Dugongs fall in schedule 1 of the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act whose hunting is banned and poachers are liable for punishment

    Necropsy findings and observations on marine mammals stranded in Gulf of Mannar coast

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    A dead female dolphin was washed ashore on 19 April 2016 at Singhivalaikuchu, near Vedhalai, Ramanathapuram district, Tamil Nadu along the coast of Gulf of Mannar (N.09.260700; E.79.084858). Based on morphological features and teeth pattern, the specimen was identified as Indo-pacific bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops aduncus. A total of 26 morphometric parameters were recorded

    Stranding of the Risso’s dolphin in the Gulf of Mannar

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    The specimen was relatively robust with unique body, head was blunt without distinct beak. Compared to other dolphins the forehead was bulging with relatively more squarish profile than the rounded melon. A prominent vertical crease on the front side of the melon was noticed. The dorsal fin was relatively tall and slender with a pointed tip. The flippers were relatively long. The upper jaw had only one pair of worn teeth and the lower jaw had six pairs of worn-down teeth. With the available morphometric information including the absence of beak, blunt-head and its overall size, with its bulk ahead of the dorsal fin, it was identified as Grampus griseus

    Report of an Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin washed ashore

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    A dead female Indo-pacific humpback dolphin,Sousa chinensis was washed ashore at Chathiramnear Mandapam, Gulf of Mannar on 26 June 2016.Morphological features including teeth pattern wererecorded (Table 1). Necropsy findings did not revealany abnormalities. As the animal was lean andemaciated with a blubber thickness of only 2.0 cm,the cause of death might be related nutritional ordisease factors

    Characterization of a trimeric light-harvesting complex in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum built of FcpA and FcpE proteins

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    Fucoxanthin chlorophyll proteins (Fcps), the light-harvesting antennas of heterokont algae, are encoded by a multigene family and are highly similar with respect to their molecular masses as well as to their pigmentation, making it difficult to purify single Fcps. In this study, a hexa-histidine tag was genetically added to the C-terminus of the FcpA protein of the pennate diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. A transgenic strain expressing the recombinant His-tagged FcpA protein in addition to the endogenous wild type Fcps was created. This strategy allowed, for the first time, the purification of a specific, stable trimeric Fcp complex. In addition, a pool of various trimeric Fcps was also purified from the wild-type cells using sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation and gel filtration. In both the His-tagged and the wild-type Fcps, excitation energy coupling between fucoxanthin and chlorophyll a was intact and the existence of a chlorophyll a/fucoxanthin excitonic dimer was demonstrated using circular dichroism spectroscopy. Mass spectrometric analyses of the trimeric His-tagged complex indicated that it is composed of FcpA and FcpE polypeptides. It is confirmed here that a trimer is the basic organizational unit of Fcps in P. tricornutum. From circular dichroism spectra, it is proposed that the organization of the pigments on the polypeptide backbone of Fcps is a conserved feature in the case of chlorophyll a/c containing algae

    Report on cetaceans stranded in the Gulf of Mannar

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    A dead female dolphin identified as Spinner dolphin, Stenella longirostris (Gray, 1828) was found washed ashore at Dhanushkodi near Rameshwaram, Ramanathapuram district, Tamil Nadu along the coast of Gulf of Mannar (09.1836111 N; 79.4061111 E) on 24th August 202