471 research outputs found
Linking Forests and Economic Well-being: A Four Quadrant Approach
This paper has three main objectives: (1) to investigate whether the four-quadrant approach introduced by Maini (2003) reveals a useful typology for grouping countries by GDP and forest cover per capita, (2) to determine if the framework can enhance our understanding of the relationship between forest cover and GDP per capita, and (3) to investigate why countries in the four-quadrant world occupy different quadrants, and to determine the principal factors affecting country-movement across and within the individual quadrants. The examination reveals that countries can be classified into four broad categories, and that GDP and forest cover per capita have a low but consistent level of negative association. After regressing economic, institutional, social capital and other variables on a country’s occupancy and movement in the four-quadrant world, the results suggest that countries in each quadrant share different characteristics and that factors underlying country-movement varies according to the quadrant being observed. Overall, countries with less corruption and higher education are likely to experience increases in both forest cover and GDP per capita, while countries exporting a significant proportion of forest products have a reduced probability of increasing both variables.Economic well-being, forest cover, institutions, corruption, education
Reference concentrations for trace elements in urine for the Brazilian population based on q-ICP-MS with a simple dilute-and-shoot procedure
Biomonitoring of trace elements is of critical importance in human health assessment. However, trace element concentrations in biological fluids are affected by environmental and physiological parameters, and therefore considerable variations can occur between specific population subgroups. Brazil is a large country with large environmental diversity and with a limited knowledge of the reference values (baseline data) for trace elements in biological fluids. Atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) are still the dominant analytical techniques used for biomonitoring trace element analysis in clinical specimens. However, the use of ICP-MS is becoming more usual in clinical laboratory analysis. Then, we evaluated here a simple dilute-and-shoot method for sequential determination of Al, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cu, Cs, Mn, Ni, Pb, Pt, Sb, Se, Sn, Tl and U in urine by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (q-ICP-MS). Urine samples (500 µL) were accurately pipetted into conical tubes (15 mL) and diluted to 10 mL with a solution containing 0.5 % (v/v) HNO3 + 0.005% (v/v) Triton X-100. Diluted urine samples also contain rhodium, iridium and yttrium added as internal standards. After that, samples were directly analyzed by ICP-MS against matrix-matching calibration. Method detection limit (3s, n = 20) were in the ng L-1 range for all analytes. The method was applied to the analysis of 412 ordinary urine samples from Brazilian healthy and non-exposed subjects to establish reference values. Data validation was provided by the analysis of the standard reference material (SRM) 2670a toxic elements in urine (freeze-dried) (high and low levels) from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and reference urine samples from the trace elements intercomparison program operated by the Institut National de Sante' Publique du Quebec, Canada.O biomonitoramento de elementos químicos é de extrema importância na avaliação da saúde humana. Entretanto, as concentrações dos elementos químicos nos fluidos biológicos são afetadas por parâmetros ambientais e fisiológicos e, consequentemente, consideráveis variações podem ocorrer entre subgrupos de populações específicas. O Brasil é um país com ampla diversidade ambiental e existe limitado conhecimento de valores de referência para elementos químicos em fluidos biológicos. A espectrometria de absorção atômica (AAS) e a espectrometria de emissão ótica com plasma acoplado indutivamente (ICP-OES) ainda são as técnicas analíticas mais comumente empregadas no biomonitoramento de elementos químicos em amostras clínicas. Entretanto, o uso da espectrometria de massas com plasma acoplado indutivamente (ICP-MS) está se tornando a cada dia mais comum nos laboratórios clínicos. Neste estudo, foi avaliado um método rápido envolvendo simples diluição da amostra para determinação de Al, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cu, Cs, Mn, Ni, Pb, Pt, Sb, Se, Sn, Tl e U em urina por ICP-MS. Amostras de urina (500 μL) foram pipetadas em frascos cônicos de 15 mL e diluídas para 10 mL com uma solução contendo 0,5 % (v/v) HNO3 + 0,005% (v/v) Triton X-100. Ródio, irídio e ítrio foram adicionados como padrões internos. Em seguida, as amostras foram diretamente analisadas por ICP-MS com calibração por ajuste de matriz. Os limites de detecção do método (3s, n = 20) foram da ordem de ng L-1 para todos os analitos em estudo. O método foi aplicado para a análise de 412 amostras de urina de brasileiros saudáveis e não expostos ambientalmente ou ocupacionalmente a metais para o estabelecimento de valores de referência na população brasileira. A validação dos resultados foi acompanhada pela análise de material de referência certificada de urina (SRM) 2670a proveniente do National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) e de materiais de referência provenientes do Institut National de Sante' Publique Du Quebec, no Canadá.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq
ERPs reveal the temporal dynamics of auditory word recognition in specific language impairment.
We used event-related potentials (ERPs) to compare auditory word recognition in children with specific language impairment (SLI group; N=14) to a group of typically developing children (TD group; N=14). Subjects were presented with pictures of items and heard auditory words that either matched or mismatched the pictures. Mismatches overlapped expected words in word-onset (cohort mismatches; see: DOLL, hear: dog), rhyme (CONE -bone), or were unrelated (SHELL -mug). In match trials, the SLI group showed a different pattern of N100 responses to auditory stimuli compared to the TD group, indicative of early auditory processing differences in SLI. However, the phonological mapping negativity (PMN) response to mismatching items was comparable across groups, suggesting that just like TD children, children with SLI are capable of establishing phonological expectations and detecting violations of these expectations in an online fashion. Perhaps most importantly, we observed a lack of attenuation of the N400 for rhyming words in the SLI group, which suggests that either these children were not as sensitive to rhyme similarity as their typically developing peers, or did not suppress lexical alternatives to the same extent. These findings help shed light on the underlying deficits responsible for SLI
Developmental differences in the influence of phonological similarity on spoken word processing in Mandarin Chinese.
The developmental trajectory of spoken word recognition has been well established in Indo-European languages, but to date remains poorly characterized in Mandarin Chinese. In this study, typically developing children (N=17; mean age 10; 5) and adults (N=17; mean age 24) performed a picture-word matching task in Mandarin while we recorded ERPs. Mismatches diverged from expectations in different components of the Mandarin syllable; namely, word-initial phonemes, word-final phonemes, and tone. By comparing responses to different mismatch types, we uncovered evidence suggesting that both children and adults process words incrementally. However, we also observed key developmental differences in how subjects treated onset and rime mismatches. This was taken as evidence for a stronger influence of top-down processing on spoken word recognition in adults compared to children. This work therefore offers an important developmental component to theories of Mandarin spoken word recognition
Experiments versus theory for the initiation and propagation of radial hydraulic fractures in low permeability materials
We compare numerical predictions of the initiation and propagation of radial fluid-driven fractures with laboratory experiments performed in different low permeability materials (PMMA, cement). In particular, we choose experiments where the time evolution of several quantities (fracture width, radius, wellbore pressure) were accurately measured and for which the material and injection parameters were known precisely. Via a dimensional analysis, we discuss in detail the different physical phenomena governing the initiation and early stage of growth of radial hydraulic fractures from a notched wellbore. The scaling analysis notably clarifies the occurence of different regimes of propagation depending on the injection rate, system compliance, material parameters, wellbore and initial notch sizes. In particular, the comparisons presented here provide a clear evidence of the difference between the wellbore pressure at which a fracture initiates and the maximum pressure recorded during a test (also known as the breakdown pressure). The scaling analysis identifies the dimensionless numbers governing the strong fluid-solid effects at the early stage of growth, which are responsible for the continuous increase of the wellbore pressure after the initiation of the fracture. Our analysis provides a simple way to quantify these early time effects for any given laboratory or field configuration. The good agreement between theoretical predictions and experiments also validates the current state of the art hydraulic fracture mechanics models, at least for the simple fracture geometry investigated here
X-Ray Properties of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies with Very Small Broad-Line Widths
Narrow-line Seyfert\,1 galaxies (NLS1s) with very small broad-line widths
(say, FWHM(\hb) \la 1200\,\kms) represent the extreme type of Seyfert\,1
galaxies that have small black hole masses (\mbh) and/or high Eddington ratios
(\redd). Here we study the X-ray properties of a homogeneously and optically
selected sample of 13 such objects, termed as very narrow line Seyfert\,1
galaxies (VNLS1s), using archival \xmm\ data. It is found that the Fe K
emission line is at most weak in these objects. A soft X-ray excess is
ubiquitous, with the thermal temperatures falling within a strict range of
0.1--0.2\,keV. Our result highlights the puzzling independence of the thermal
temperature by extending the relations to even smaller FWHM(\hb), i.e., smaller
\mbh\ ( \msun) and/or higher \redd. The excess emission can be
modeled by a range of viable models, though the disk reflection and
Comptonization models generally give somewhat better fits over the smeared
absorption and the -free models. At the Eddington ratios around unity and
above, the X-ray spectral slopes in the 2--10\,keV band are systematically
flatter than the Risaliti et al.'s predictions of the relationship with \redd\
suggested previously. Short timescale (1--2 hours) X-ray variability is common,
which, together with the variability amplitude computed for some of the
objects, are supportive of the scenario that NLS1s are indeed AGN with
relatively small \mbh.Comment: 11 figures and 4 table. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical
Urgent care centers in the U.S.: Findings from a national survey
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Due to long waits for primary care appointments and extended emergency department wait times, newer sites for episodic primary care services, such as urgent care centers, have developed. However, little is known about these centers. The purpose of this study is to provide information about the organization and functioning of urgent care centers based on a nationally representative U.S. sample.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted a mail survey with telephone follow-up of urgent care centers identified via health insurers' websites, internet searches, and a trade association mailing list. Descriptive statistics are presented.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Urgent care centers are open beyond typical office hours, and their scope of services is broader than that of many primary care offices. While these characteristics are similar to hospital emergency departments, such centers employ significant numbers of family physicians. The payer distribution is similar to that of primary care, and physicians' average salaries are comparable to those for family physicians overall. Urgent care centers report early adoption of electronic health records, though our findings are qualified by a lack of strictly comparable data.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>While their hours and scope of services reflect some characteristics of emergency departments, urgent care centers are in many ways similar to family medicine practices. As the health care system evolves to cope with expanding demands in the face of limited resources, it is unclear how patients with episodic care needs will be treated, and what role urgent care centers will play in their care.</p
A method for the reconstruction of unknown non-monotonic growth functions in the chemostat
We propose an adaptive control law that allows one to identify unstable
steady states of the open-loop system in the single-species chemostat model
without the knowledge of the growth function. We then show how one can use this
control law to trace out (reconstruct) the whole graph of the growth function.
The process of tracing out the graph can be performed either continuously or
step-wise. We present and compare both approaches. Even in the case of two
species in competition, which is not directly accessible with our approach due
to lack of controllability, feedback control improves identifiability of the
non-dominant growth rate.Comment: expansion of ideas from proceedings paper (17 pages, 8 figures),
proceedings paper is version v
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