7 research outputs found

    Unusual Grüneisen and Bridgman parameters of low-density amorphous ice and their implications on pressure induced amorphization

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    The low-temperature limiting value of the Grüneisen parameter for low-frequency phonons and the density dependence of the thermal conductivity (Bridgman parameter) of low-density amorphous (LDA) ice, high-density amorphous (HDA) ice, hexagonal ice Ih, and cubic ice Ic were calculated from high-pressure sound velocity and thermal conductivity measurements, yielding negative values for all states except HDA ice. LDA ice is the first amorphous state to exhibit a negative Bridgman parameter, and negative Grüneisen parameters are relatively unusual. Since Ih, Ic, and LDA ice all transform to HDA upon pressurization at low temperatures and share the unusual feature of negative Grüneisen parameters, this seems to be a prerequisite for pressure induced amorphization. We estimate that the Grüneisen parameter increases at the ice Ih to XI transition, and may become positive in ice XI, which indicates that proton-ordered ice XI does not amorphize like ice Ih on pressurization

    Water activity as the determinant for homogeneous ice nucleation in aqueous solutions

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    Koop T, Luo BP, Tsias A, Peter T. Water activity as the determinant for homogeneous ice nucleation in aqueous solutions. NATURE. 2000;406(6796):611-614.The unique properties of water in the supercooled (metastable) state are not fully understood(1). In particular, the effects of solutes and mechanical pressure on the kinetics of the liquid-to-solid phase transition of supercooled water and aqueous solutions to ice have remained unresolved. Here we show from experimental data that the homogeneous nucleation of ice from supercooled aqueous solutions is independent of the nature of the solute, but depends only on the water activity of the solution-that is, the ratio between the water vapour pressures of the solution and of pure water under the same conditions. In addition, we show that the presence of solutes and the application of pressure have a very similar effect on ice nucleation. We present a thermodynamic theory for homogeneous ice nucleation, which expresses the nucleation rate coefficient as a function of water activity and pressure. Recent observations from clouds containing ice are in good agreement with our theory and our results should help to overcome one of the main weaknesses of numerical models of the atmosphere, the formulation of cloud processes