1,105 research outputs found

    Položaj kefalometrijske točke “A” nakon širenja nepca

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    Objectives: Palatal expansion is used to treat severely constricted maxillary arches associated with a posterior unilateral o f bilateral crossbite. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the affects of such treatment on the position of the “A ” point. Material and Methods: Ninety six cases where palatal expansion was the first orthodontic treatment were retrospectively analyzed using lateral cephalographs taken before and after the expansion phase. Vertical movement of “A ” point was assessed relative to the perpendicular distance from the Frankfort Horizontal Plane and from the anterior cranial base (Sella-Nasion). Horizontal movement o f “A ” point was measured parallel to the Frankfort Plane using a line tangenital to the posterior limit of the pterygomandibular fissure and also parallel to the anterior cranial base from point Sella. Subgroups o f “rapid” and “slow” palatal expansion were compared. Results: Here was a mean downward and forward movement o f point “A ” during palatal expansion, with displacement being greater on average with rapid than with slow palatal expansion therapy. The mean vertical component changes relative to speed of palatal expansion was statistically significant (p 1 mm more with rapid palatal expansion compared to slow expansion; however, no statistical significance was proven. Mean increase in the mandibular plane angel was 1.4° to 2.0°. Conclusions: Palatal expansion is generally associated with a downward and forward movement o f point “A ” which is greater on average with rapid than with slow activation therapy.Širenje nepca koristi se u terapji uskih maksilarnih lukova udruženih sa jednostranim ili obostranim kriznim zagrizom. Cilj je ovog ispitivanja bio utvrditi djelovanje takvog tretmana na točku “A ”. Laterolateralni rendgenkefalogrami devedeset i šest pacijenata gdje je širenje nepce bi prvi ortodontski zahvat analizirani su prije i poslije tretmana. Vertikalni pomaci točke “A ” promatran je u odnosu na vertiklanu udaljenost od Frankfurtske horizontale do prednje kranijalne baze (sela -nasion). Horizontalni pomak točke “A ” mjeren je paralelno s Frankfurtskom horizontalom od tangente stražnjeg ruba pterigomaksilarne fisure i paralelno s prednjom kranijalnom bazom od točke sela. Podgrupe ‘forsirano” i “sporo” širenje nepca također su međusobno uspoređene. Točka “A ” značajno se pomiče prema dolje i prema naprijed, s tim da je pomak značajniji u grupi s forsiranim širenjem. Vertikalni pomak u značajnoj je vezi s brzinom širenja nepca (p<0,l). Horizontalna komponenta pomaka prosječno je za više od 1 mm veća kod fosriranog nego kod sporog širenja; statistička značaj-nost nije pronađena. Povećanje inklinacije mandibularne ravnine iznosilo je od 1,4° do 2,0°. Sirenje nepca je povezano s pomakom toćke “A ” prema dolje i prema naprijed koje je veće kod pacijenata gdje se nepce forsirano širilo

    Multiphoton Absorption of Myoglobin–Nitric Oxide Complex: Relaxation by D-NEMD of a Stationary State

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    ABSTRACT: The photodissociation and geminate recombination of nitric oxide in myoglobin, under continuous illumination, is modeled computationally. The relaxation of the photon energy into the protein matrix is also considered in a single simulation scheme that mimics a complete experimental setup. The dynamic approach to non-equilibrium molecular dynamics is used, starting from a steady state, to compute its relaxation to equilibrium. Simulations are conducted for the native form of sperm whale myoglobin and for two other mutants, V68W and L29F, illustrating a fair diversity of spatial and temporal geminate recombination processes. Energy flow to the heme and immediate protein environment provide hints to allostery. In particular, a pathway of energy flow between the heme and the FG loop is illustrated. Although the simulations were conducted for myoglobin only, the thermal fluctuations of the FG corner are in agreement with the large structural shifts of FG during the allosteric transition of tetrameric hemoglobin

    Heart failure and anti tumor necrosis factor-alpha in systemic chronic inflammatory diseases.

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    Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) antagonists have emerged as an effective therapy for patients with diseases as Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and other chronic systemic inflammatory diseases. In the last years, there has been a growing interest in the role that inflammatory cytokines, which sustain the pathogenesis of these diseases, plays in regulating cardiac structure and function, particularly in the progression of chronic heart failure. In fact there is an increase of anti-TNF alpha levels in advanced heart failure but the treatment with anti-TNF alpha has been shown to worsen the prognosis of heart failure in randomized controlled trials. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis have an increased risk for cardiovascular disease and anti-TNF alpha therapy seems to be beneficial on the risk of cardiovascular disease. In Crohn's disease the increased risk of cardiovascular disease is controversial and therefore it is impossible to demonstrate an effect in reduction of the risk; however, heart failure in patients treated with anti-TNF alpha, despite in a small proportion, has been observed. On the basis of this observation, anti-TNF alpha therapy is contraindicated in patients with Crohn's disease and III-IV New York Heart Association heart failure class

    Statistics of non-linear stochastic dynamical systems under L\'evy noises by a convolution quadrature approach

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    This paper describes a novel numerical approach to find the statistics of the non-stationary response of scalar non-linear systems excited by L\'evy white noises. The proposed numerical procedure relies on the introduction of an integral transform of Wiener-Hopf type into the equation governing the characteristic function. Once this equation is rewritten as partial integro-differential equation, it is then solved by applying the method of convolution quadrature originally proposed by Lubich, here extended to deal with this particular integral transform. The proposed approach is relevant for two reasons: 1) Statistics of systems with several different drift terms can be handled in an efficient way, independently from the kind of white noise; 2) The particular form of Wiener-Hopf integral transform and its numerical evaluation, both introduced in this study, are generalizations of fractional integro-differential operators of potential type and Gr\"unwald-Letnikov fractional derivatives, respectively.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Karyological data of two Sicilian endemic Centaurea species

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    Chromosome numbers are given for 2 Centaurea species endemic to Sicily. For both studied taxa, Centaurea valdemonensis and C. virescens, the somatic chromosome number, found on material from their loci classici, is diploid (2n = 18)

    Should reduction of increased short-term blood pressure variability be a target of antihypertensive therapy?

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    It has long been known that blood pressure (BP) is characterized by marked short-term fluctuations occurring within a 24-h period and also by long-term oscillations occurring over more prolonged periods of time. An increased short-term blood pressure variability (BPV) appears to importantly contribute to target organ damage and to the enhanced cardiovascular risk of hypertensive patients, over and above the effect of an increase in mean BP levels. Reducing 24-h mean BP is the main aim of antihypertensive therapy, but initial data are available that additional cardiovascular protection can be achieved by reducing BPV. However, to definitively prove the prognostic role of short-term BPV and the need for its control by treatment, evidence is still needed from intervention trials aimed at demonstrating that by reducing BPV through administration of antihypertensive drugs, a reduction in organ damage and in the rate of cardiovascular events can be obtained


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    OBJECTIVE: Left ventricular hypertrophy is common in hypertensive patients. In these subjects increased oxidative stress has been observed. Our aim was to evaluate the association of biomarkers of both oxidative stress and inflammation with markers of cardiovascular damage in a large group of hypertensives with different stages of renal function. DESIGN AND METHOD: In 517 hypertensives we analyzed left ventricular mass indexed for body surface area, and we assayed plasma levels of 8-isoprostaglandin F2alpha and high sensitivity C reactive protein. RESULTS: Multivariate analysis carried out considering left ventricular mass as dependent variable, and including 8-isoprostaglandin F2alpha, high sensitivity C reactive protein, age, sex, body mass index, estimated glomerular filtration rate, serum glucose, (log)triglycerides, hemoglobin, pulse pressure or systolic blood pressure, mean or diastolic blood pressure, and antihypertensive treatment showed that in hypertensives plasma levels of 8-isoprostaglandin F2alpha were correlated with left ventricular mass (beta=0.269, p\u200a<\u200a0.0001).The bivariate relationship of left ventricular mass with 8-isoprostaglandin F2alpha in hypertensives with estimated glomerular filtration rate higher and lower than 60\u200aml/min/1.73m2 was also calculated separately, demonstrating no significant differences in both correlations coefficients and slopes of the regression lines (r\u200a=\u200a0.254, p\u200a<\u200a0.001 and r\u200a=\u200a0.226, p\u200a<\u200a0.002; respectively).In the overall group, receiver operating characteristic curves showed that 8-isoprostaglandin F2alpha and high sensitivity C reactive protein were predictors of left ventricular hypertrophy, p\u200a<\u200a0.0001. CONCLUSIONS: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that in hypertensives oxidative stress is correlated to left ventricular hypertrophy independently of other confounding factors. Oxidative stress might participate in the development of hypertensive cardiac hypertrophy


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    Introductrion. Hepatic artery aneurysms (HAAs) are unusual vascular lesions often associated with many different pathological conditions. Most of reported cases are described in association with connective tissue diseases, such as polyarteritis nodosa and systemic lupus erythematosus. Case report. We observed a 52-year-old man with hypertension and HCV-related cryoglobulinemia complicated by end stage renal disease on replacement therapy by hemodialysis. He was admitted to our hospital because of the worsening of blood pressure values (170/110 mmHg) associated to new onset abdominal pain. After an initial physical examination, that showed a periumbelical bruit associated to a pulsatile mass in right hypocondrium, an abdominal ultrasound was performed with evidence of aneurysms of both the right branch (diameter max 4,5 cm) and the left branch (diameter max 1.5 cm) of the hepatic artery. An abdominal CT study was also performed and it confirmed the diagnosis of right intrahepatic artery aneurysm with partially thrombosed area in its peripheral distal portion. Discussion. Many different factors can contribute to the aneurysm formation in this patient. Vasculitic involvement due to cryoglobulinemic disease, therapy with steroid drugs, inflammatory state associated to HCV-related hepatitis, chronic kidney disease and replacement therapy by hemodialysis may all be involved in the development of the aneurysmatic hepatic lesion


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    Recent studies suggest that enlarged aortic root diameter (ARD) may predict cardiovascular events in absence of aneurysmatic alterations. Little is known about the influence of renal function on ARD. Our study was aimed to assess the relationships between glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and ARD in hypertensive subjects