189 research outputs found

    Problem-Based Learning Research in Anesthesia Teaching: Current Status and Future Perspective

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    The teaching curriculum in anesthesia involves traditional teaching methods like topic-based didactic lectures, seminars, and journal clubs; intraoperative apprenticeship; and problem-based learning (PBL) and simulation. The advantages of incorporating PBL in anesthesia teaching include development of skills like clinical reasoning, critical thinking, and self-directed learning; in addition it also helps in developing a broader perspective of case scenarios. The present paper discusses the characteristics, key elements, and goals of PBL; various PBL methods available; lacunae in the existing knowledge of PBL research; its current status and future perspectives in anesthesia teaching

    Ligand-Receptor Interactions

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    The formation and dissociation of specific noncovalent interactions between a variety of macromolecules play a crucial role in the function of biological systems. During the last few years, three main lines of research led to a dramatic improvement of our understanding of these important phenomena. First, combination of genetic engineering and X ray cristallography made available a simultaneous knowledg of the precise structure and affinity of series or related ligand-receptor systems differing by a few well-defined atoms. Second, improvement of computer power and simulation techniques allowed extended exploration of the interaction of realistic macromolecules. Third, simultaneous development of a variety of techniques based on atomic force microscopy, hydrodynamic flow, biomembrane probes, optical tweezers, magnetic fields or flexible transducers yielded direct experimental information of the behavior of single ligand receptor bonds. At the same time, investigation of well defined cellular models raised the interest of biologists to the kinetic and mechanical properties of cell membrane receptors. The aim of this review is to give a description of these advances that benefitted from a largely multidisciplinar approach

    Secreted production of an elastin-like polypeptide by Pichia pastoris

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    Elastin-like polypeptides (ELPs) are biocompatible designer polypeptides with inverse temperature transition behavior in solution. They have a wide variety of possible applications and a potential medical importance. Currently, production of ELPs is done at lab scale in Escherichia coli shake flask cultures. With a view to future large scale production, we demonstrate secreted production of ELPs in methanol-induced fed-batch cultures of Pichia pastoris and purification directly from the culture medium. The production of ELPs by P. pastoris proved to be pH dependent within the experimental pH range of pH 3 to 7, as an increasing yield was found in cultures grown at higher pH. Because ELP produced at pH 7 was partly degraded, a pH optimum for production of ELP was found at pH 6 with a yield of 255 mg of purified intact ELP per liter of cell-free medium

    Flexibility of a biotinylated ligand in artificial metalloenzymes based on streptavidin—an insight from molecular dynamics simulations with classical and ab initio force fields

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    In the field of enzymatic catalysis, creating activity from a non catalytic scaffold is a daunting task. Introduction of a catalytically active moiety within a protein scaffold offers an attractive means for the creation of artificial metalloenzymes. With this goal in mind, introduction of a biotinylated d6-piano-stool complex within streptavidin (SAV) affords enantioselective artificial transfer-hydrogenases for the reduction of prochiral ketones. Based on an X-ray crystal structure of a highly selective hybrid catalyst, displaying significant disorder around the biotinylated catalyst [η6-(p-cymene)Ru(Biot-p-L)Cl], we report on molecular dynamics simulations to shed light on the protein–cofactor interactions and contacts. The results of these simulations with classical force field indicate that the SAV-biotin and SAV-catalyst complexes are more stable than ligand-free SAV. The point mutations introduced did not affect significantly the overall behavior of SAV and, unexpectedly, the P64G substitution did not provide additional flexibility to the protein scaffold. The metal-cofactor proved to be conformationally flexible, and the S112K or P64G mutants proved to enhance this effect in the most pronounced way. The network of intermolecular hydrogen bonds is efficient at stabilizing the position of biotin, but much less at fixing the conformation of an extended biotinylated ligand. This leads to a relative conformational freedom of the metal-cofactor, and a poorly localized catalytic metal moiety. MD calculations with ab initio potential function suggest that the hydrogen bonds alone are not sufficient factors for full stabilization of the biotin. The hydrophobic biotin-binding pocket (and generally protein scaffold) maintains the hydrogen bonds between biotin and protein

    Two Engineered OBPs with opposite temperature-dependent affinities towards 1-aminoanthracene

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    Engineered odorant-binding proteins (OBPs) display tunable binding affinities triggered by temperature alterations. We designed and produced two engineered proteins based on OBP-I sequence: truncated OBP (tOBP) and OBP::GQ20::SP-DS3. The binding affinity of 1-aminoanthracene (1-AMA) to these proteins revealed that tOBP presents higher affinity at 25°C (kd=0.45M) than at 37°C (kd=1.72M). OBP::GQ20::SP-DS3 showed an opposite behavior, revealing higher affinity at 37°C (kd=0.58M) than at 25°C (kd=1.17M). We set-up a system containing both proteins to evaluate their temperature-dependent binding. Our data proved the 1-AMA differential and reversible affinity towards OBPs, triggered by temperature changes. The variations of the binding pocket size with temperature, confirmed by molecular modelling studies, were determinant for the differential binding of the engineered OBPs. Herein we described for the first time a competitive temperature-dependent mechanism for this class of proteins.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit and COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684). A.R. and F.G. thank FCT for funding their scholarships with the references SFRH/BPD/98388/2013 and SFRH/BD/114684/2016, respectively. T.G.C. thanks senior position funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the Competitiveness Operational Program (COP-A1-A1.1.4-E nr.30/01.09.2016). C.S. thanks to the BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. Access to computing resources funded by the Project "Search-ON2: Revitalization of HPC infrastructure of UMinho" (NORTE-07-0162-FEDER-000086), co-funded by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (ON.2 - O Novo Norte), under the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), is also gratefully acknowledged.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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