52 research outputs found

    Technical Note: In-situ quantification of aerosol sources and sinks over regional geographical scales

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    In order to obtain the source/sink functions for atmospheric particulates located on the planetary surface or elevated in the atmosphere; direct aerosol emission measurements are required. For this purpose, the performance of an airborne aerosol flux measurement system with an improved 3-kilometer (km) spatial resolution is evaluated in this study. Eddy covariance method was used in flux calculations. A footprint for airborne flux sampling with the increased resolution becomes comparable in area to the footprint for tower sampling (with the footprint length being 2 to 10 km). The improvement in spatial resolution allows the quantification of emission rates from individual sources located several kilometers apart such as highway segments, city blocks, and remote and industrial areas. The advantage is a moving platform that allows scanning of aerosol emissions or depositions over regional geographic scales. Airborne flux measurements with the improved spatial resolution were conducted in various environments ranging from clean to partly polluted marine to polluted continental environment with low (<500 m) mixed boundary layer heights. The upward and downward fluxes from the clean marine environment were smaller than 0.5×10<sup>6</sup> particles m<sup>−2</sup> s<sup>−1</sup> in absolute value. The effective emissions measured from a ship plume ranged from 2×10<sup>8</sup> to 3×10<sup>8</sup> m<sup>−2</sup> s<sup>−1</sup>, and effective fluxes measured crossing cities plumes with populations of 10 000 to 12 000 inhabitants were in the range of 2×10<sup>8</sup> to 3×10<sup>8</sup> m<sup>−2</sup> s<sup>−1</sup>. Correlations between heat and aerosol fluxes are evaluated

    Eddy covariance measurements and parameterisation of traffic related particle emissions in an urban environment

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    International audienceUrban aerosol sources are important due to the health effects of particles and their potential impact on climate. Our aim has been to quantify and parameterise the urban aerosol source number flux F (particles m-2 s-1), in order to help improve how this source is represented in air quality and climate models. We applied an aerosol eddy covariance flux system 118.0 m above the city of Stockholm. This allowed us to measure the aerosol number flux for particles with diameters >11 nm. Upward source fluxes dominated completely over deposition fluxes in the collected dataset. Therefore, the measured fluxes were regarded as a good approximation of the aerosol surface sources. Upward fluxes were parameterised using a traffic activity (TA) database, which is based on traffic intensity measurement. The footprint (area on the surface from which sources and sinks affect flux measurements, located at one point in space) of the eddy system covered road and building construction areas, forests and residential areas, as well as roads with high traffic density and smaller streets. We found pronounced diurnal cycles in the particle flux data, which were well correlated with the diurnal cycles in traffic activities, strongly supporting the conclusion that the major part of the aerosol fluxes was due to traffic emissions. The emission factor for the fleet mix in the measurement area EFfm=1.4±0.1×1014 veh-1 km-1 was deduced. This agrees fairly well with other studies, although this study has an advantage of representing the actual effective emission from a mixed vehicle fleet. Emission from other sources, not traffic related, account for a F0=14±18×106 m-2 s-1. The urban aerosol source flux can then be written as F=EFfmTA+F0. In a second attempt to find a parameterisation, the friction velocity U* normalised with the average friction velocity has been included, F=EF. This parameterisation results in a somewhat reduced emission factor, 1.3×1014 veh-1 km-1. When multiple linear regression have been used, two emission factors are found, one for light duty vehicles EFLDV=0.3±0.3×1014 veh-1 km-1 and one for heavy-duty vehicles, EFHDV=19.8±4.0×1014 veh-1 km-1, and F0=18±16×106 m-2 s-1. The results show that during weekdays ~70?80% of the emissions came from HDV

    Eddy covariance measurements and parameterisation of traffic related particle emissions in an urban environment

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    Urban aerosol sources are important due to the health effects of particles and their potential impact on climate. Our aim has been to quantify and parameterise the urban aerosol source number flux <i>F</i> (particles m<sup>&minus;2</sup> s<sup>&minus;1</sup>), in order to help improve how this source is represented in air quality and climate models. We applied an aerosol eddy covariance flux system 118.0 m above the city of Stockholm. This allowed us to measure the aerosol number flux for particles with diameters >11 nm. Upward source fluxes dominated completely over deposition fluxes in the collected dataset. Therefore, the measured fluxes were regarded as a good approximation of the aerosol surface sources. Upward fluxes were parameterised using a traffic activity (<I>TA</I>) database, which is based on traffic intensity measurements. <P style='line-height: 20px;'> The footprint (area on the surface from which sources and sinks affect flux measurements, located at one point in space) of the eddy system covered road and building construction areas, forests and residential areas, as well as roads with high traffic density and smaller streets. We found pronounced diurnal cycles in the particle flux data, which were well correlated with the diurnal cycles in traffic activities, strongly supporting the conclusion that the major part of the aerosol fluxes was due to traffic emissions. <P style='line-height: 20px;'> The emission factor for the fleet mix in the measurement area <I>EF</I><sub><i>fm</i></sub>=1.4&plusmn;0.1&times;10<sup>14</sup> veh<sup>&minus;1</sup> km<sup>&minus;1</sup> was deduced. This agrees fairly well with other studies, although this study has an advantage of representing the actual effective emission from a mixed vehicle fleet. Emission from other sources, not traffic related, account for a <I>F</I><sub>0</sub>=15&plusmn;18&times;10<sup>6</sup> m<sup>&minus;2</sup> s<sup>&minus;1</sup>. The urban aerosol source flux can then be written as <I>F=EF</I><sub><i>fm</i></sub><I>TA+F</I><sub>0</sub>. In a second attempt to find a parameterisation, the friction velocity <i>U</i><sub>*</sub> normalised with the average friction velocity <!-- MATH overlineUastoverline{U_ast} --> <IMG WIDTH='21' HEIGHT='36' ALIGN='MIDDLE' BORDER='0' src='http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/6/769/2006/acp-6-769-img15.gif' ALT='overlineUastoverline{U_ast}'> has been included, <I>F=EF</I><!-- MATH fmTAleft(fracUastoverlineUastight)0.4+F0_{fm }TAleft({frac{U_ast }{overline{U_ast}}} ight)^{0.4}{+}F_{0} --> <IMG WIDTH='136' HEIGHT='51' ALIGN='MIDDLE' BORDER='0' src='http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/6/769/2006/acp-6-769-img16.gif' ALT='fmTAleft(fracUastoverlineUastright)0.4+F0_{fm }TAleft({frac{U_ast }{overline{U_ast}}}right)^{0.4}{+}F_{0}'>. This parameterisation results in a somewhat reduced emission factor, 1.3&times;10<sup>14</sup> veh<sup>&minus;1</sup> km<sup>&minus;1</sup>. When multiple linear regression have been used, two emission factors are found, one for light duty vehicles <I>EF</I><sub>LDV</sub>=0.3&plusmn;0.3&times;10<sup>14</sup> veh<sup>&minus;1</sup> km<sup>&minus;1</sup> and one for heavy-duty vehicles, <I>EF</I><sub>HDV</sub>=19.8&plusmn;4.0&times;10<sup>14</sup> veh<sup>&minus;1</sup> km<sup>&minus;1</sup>, and <i>F</I><sub>0</sub>=19&plusmn;16&times;10<sup>6</sup> m<sup>&minus;2</sup> s<sup>&minus;1</sup>. The results show that during weekdays ~70&ndash;80% of the emissions came from HDV

    On the representation of droplet coalescence and autoconversion: evaluation using ambient cloud droplet size distributions

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    In this study, we evaluate eight autoconversion parameterizations against integration of the Kinetic Collection Equation (KCE) for cloud size distributions measured during the NASA CRYSTAL‐FACE and CSTRIPE campaigns. KCE calculations are done using both the observed data and fits of these data to a gamma distribution function; it is found that the fitted distributions provide a good approximation for calculations of total coalescence but not for autoconversion because of fitting errors near the drop‐drizzle separation size. Parameterizations that explicitly compute autoconversion tend to be in better agreement with KCE but are subject to substantial uncertainty, about an order of magnitude in autoconversion rate. Including turbulence effects on droplet collection increases autoconversion by a factor of 1.82 and 1.24 for CRYSTAL‐FACE and CSTRIPE clouds, respectively; this enhancement never exceeds a factor of 3, even under the most aggressive collection conditions. Shifting the droplet‐drizzle separation radius from 20 to 25 ÎŒm results in about a twofold uncertainty in autoconversion rate. The polynomial approximation to the gravitation collection kernel used to develop parameterizations provides computation of autoconversion that agree to within 30%. Collectively, these uncertainties have an important impact on autoconversion but are all within the factor of 10 uncertainty of autoconversion parameterizations. Incorporating KCE calculations in GCM simulations of aerosol‐cloud interactions studies is computationally feasible by using precalculated collection kernel tables and can quantify the autoconversion uncertainty associated with application of parameterizations

    Parameterization of cloud droplet size distributions: comparison with parcel models and observations

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    This work examines the efficacy of various physically based approaches derived from one-dimensional adiabatic parcel model frameworks (a numerical model and a simplified parameterization) to parameterize the cloud droplet distribution characteristics for computing cloud effective radius and autoconversion rate in regional/global atmospheric models. Evaluations are carried out for integrations with single (average) and distributions of updraft velocity, assuming that (1) conditions at s_(max) are reflective of the cloud column or (2) cloud properties vary vertically, in agreement with one-dimensional parcel theory. The predicted droplet distributions are then compared against in situ cloud droplet observations obtained during the CRYSTAL-FACE and CSTRIPE missions. Good agreement of droplet relative dispersion between parcel model frameworks indicates that the parameterized parcel model essentially captures one-dimensional dynamics; the predicted distributions are overly narrow, with relative dispersion being a factor of 2 lower than observations. However, if conditions at cloud maximum supersaturation are used to predict relative dispersion and applied throughout the cloud column, better agreement is seen with observations, especially if integrations are carried out over the distribution of updraft velocity. When considering the efficiency of the method, calculating cloud droplet spectral dispersion at s_(max) is preferred for linking aerosol with droplet distributions in large-scale models
