267 research outputs found

    D-brane Construction of the 5D NHEK Dual

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    Extremal but non-supersymmetric charged black holes with SU(2)_L spin in IIB string theory compactified to five dimensions on K^3 x S^1 are considered. These have a near-horizon or NHEK region with an enhanced SL(2,R)_L conformal symmetry. It is shown that the NHEK geometry has a second, inequivalent, asymptotically flat extension in which the radius of the S^1 becomes infinite but the radius of the angular circles of SU(2)_L orbits approach a constant. The asymptotic charges associated to the second solution identify it as a 5D D1-D5-Taub-NUT black string with certain nonzero worldvolume charge densities, temperatures and chemical potentials. The dual of the NHEK geometry is then identified as an IR limit of this wrapped brane configuration.Comment: 11 page

    Greybody Factors and Charges in Kerr/CFT

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    We compute greybody factors for near extreme Kerr black holes in D=4 and D=5. In D=4 we include four charges so that our solutions can be continuously deformed to the BPS limit. In D=5 we include two independent angular momenta so Left-Right symmetry is incorporated. We discuss the CFT interpretation of our emission amplitudes, including the overall frequency dependence and the dependence on all black hole parameters. We find that all additional parameters can be incorporated Kerr/CFT, with central charge independent of U(1) charges.Comment: 27 pages. v2: typos fixed, references adde

    From Petrov-Einstein to Navier-Stokes in Spatially Curved Spacetime

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    We generalize the framework in arXiv:1104.5502 to the case that an embedding may have a nonvanishing intrinsic curvature. Directly employing the Brown-York stress tensor as the fundamental variables, we study the effect of finite perturbations of the extrinsic curvature while keeping the intrinsic metric fixed. We show that imposing a Petrov type I condition on the hypersurface geometry may reduce to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation for a fluid moving in spatially curved spacetime in the near-horizon limit.Comment: 17 pages, references added, generalizing the metric form in part 3, version published in JHE

    Incompressible Fluids of the de Sitter Horizon and Beyond

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    There are (at least) two surfaces of particular interest in eternal de Sitter space. One is the timelike hypersurface constituting the lab wall of a static patch observer and the other is the future boundary of global de Sitter space. We study both linear and non-linear deformations of four-dimensional de Sitter space which obey the Einstein equation. Our deformations leave the induced conformal metric and trace of the extrinsic curvature unchanged for a fixed hypersurface. This hypersurface is either timelike within the static patch or spacelike in the future diamond. We require the deformations to be regular at the future horizon of the static patch observer. For linearized perturbations in the future diamond, this corresponds to imposing incoming flux solely from the future horizon of a single static patch observer. When the slices are arbitrarily close to the cosmological horizon, the finite deformations are characterized by solutions to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation for both spacelike and timelike hypersurfaces. We then study, at the level of linearized gravity, the change in the discrete dispersion relation as we push the timelike hypersurface toward the worldline of the static patch. Finally, we study the spectrum of linearized solutions as the spacelike slices are pushed to future infinity and relate our calculations to analogous ones in the context of massless topological black holes in AdS4_4.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figure

    Near Extremal Kerr Entropy from AdS_2 Quantum Gravity

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    We analyze the asymptotic symmetries of near extremal Kerr black holes in four dimensions using the AdS_2/CFT_1 correspondence. We find a Virasoro algebra with central charge c_R=12J that is independent from the Virasoro algebra (with the same central charge) that acts on the degenerate ground state. The energy of the excitations is computed as well, and we can use Cardy's formula to determine the near extremal entropy. Our result is consistent with the Bekenstein-Hawking area law for near extremal Kerr black holes.Comment: 28 pages. v2: references added, typos correcte

    Higher Curvature Gravity and the Holographic fluid dual to flat spacetime

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    Recent works have demonstrated that one can construct a (d+2) dimensional solution of the vacuum Einstein equations that is dual to a (d+1) dimensional fluid satisfying the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. In one important example, the fluid lives on a fixed timelike surface in the flat Rindler spacetime associated with an accelerated observer. In this paper, we show that the shear viscosity to entropy density ratio of the fluid takes the universal value 1/4\pi in a wide class of higher curvature generalizations to Einstein gravity. Unlike the fluid dual to asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes, here the choice of gravitational dynamics only affects the second order transport coefficients. We explicitly calculate these in five-dimensional Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity and discuss the implications of our results.Comment: 13 pages; v2: modified abstract, added references; v3: added clarifying comments, modified discussio

    Holographic Descriptions of Black Rings

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    In this paper, we investigate the holographic descriptions of two kinds of black rings, the neutral doubly rotating black ring and the dipole charged black ring. For generic nonextremal black rings, the information of holographic CFT duals, including the central charges and left- and right-moving temperatures, could be read from the thermodynamics at the outer and inner horizons, as suggested in arXiv:1206.2015. To confirm these pictures, we study the extreme black rings in the well-established formalism. We compute the central charges of dual CFTs by doing asymptotic symmetry group analysis in the stretched horizon formalism, and find exact agreements. Moreover, we study the superradiant scattering of a scalar field off the near-extremal black rings and obtain the scattering amplitudes, which are in good match with the CFT predictions.Comment: 23 pages, no figures; some text overlap with arXiv:1206.201

    Conformal mechanics inspired by extremal black holes in d=4

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    A canonical transformation which relates the model of a massive relativistic particle moving near the horizon of an extremal black hole in four dimensions and the conventional conformal mechanics is constructed in two different ways. The first approach makes use of the action-angle variables in the angular sector. The second scheme relies upon integrability of the system in the sense of Liouville.Comment: V2: presentation improved, new material and references added; the version to appear in JHE

    Causality and the AdS Dirichlet problem

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    The (planar) AdS Dirichlet problem has previously been shown to exhibit superluminal hydrodynamic sound modes. This problem is defined by bulk gravitational dynamics with Dirichlet boundary conditions imposed on a rigid timelike cut-off surface. We undertake a careful examination of this set-up and argue that, in most cases, the propagation of information between points on the Dirichlet hypersurface is nevertheless causal with respect to the induced light cones. In particular, the high-frequency dynamics is causal in this sense. There are however two exceptions and both involve boundary gravitons whose propagation is not constrained by the Einstein equations. These occur in i) AdS3_3, where the boundary gravitons generally do not respect the induced light cones on the boundary, and ii) Rindler space, where they are related to the infinite speed of sound in incompressible fluids. We discuss implications for the fluid/gravity correspondence with rigid Dirichlet boundaries and for the black hole membrane paradigm.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures. v2: added refs. v3: minor clarification

    Yet Another Realization of Kerr/CFT Correspondence

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    The correspondence between the Kerr black hole and a boundary CFT has been conjectured recently. The conjecture has been proposed first only for the half of the CFT, namely for left movers. For right movers, the correspondence has been also found out through the suitable asymptotic boundary condition. However, the boundary conditions for these two studies are exclusive to each other. The boundary condition for left movers does not allow the symmetry of right movers, and vice versa. We propose new boundary condition which allows both of left and right movers.Comment: 6 pages, references adde
