356 research outputs found

    Nursing clinical competence in area medica

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    Introduzione Background • La nursing clinical competence • Il concetto di clinical competence in medicina interna • Declinare e classificare i livelli di competenza • Aree di assistenza nei contesti di area medica   • Il paziente cronico • Scompenso cardiaco • La broncopneumopatia cronica e ostruttiva • La cirrosi epatica • La pancreatite • Il diabete mellito • Il delirium • La depressione • Il paziente critico • L’ipertensione • La trombosi venosa profonda • L’ischemia cerebrale • La disfagia • Gli squilibri idroelettrolitici • Le polmoniti • I sanguinamenti gastro-intestinali • La sepsi • Il monitoraggio cardiaco • La ventilazione non-invasiva • L’ecografia operativa bedside • Somministrazione di terapia e chemioterapia • Le lesioni da pressione • Il dolore • Gli accessi vascolari • Il paziente fragile • La dimissione difficile • Il fine vita Obiettivo Metodi Risultati Conclusioni Bibliografi

    La ricerca finalizzata in Area Medica: approfondimenti assistenziali dell’Associazione A.N.Í.M.O.

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    Introduzione Il gruppo di ricerca dell’Associazione ANÍMO La ricerca infermieristica Obiettivo del lavoro Metodi Metodologia operativa e ambiti di attività I livelli di approfondimento metodologici • Approfondimento metodologico Evidence-Report il cateterismo vescicale • Approfondimento metodologico Evidence-Report il cateterismo venoso periferico a breve termine • Approfondimento metodologico Evidence-Report il dolore cronico in medicina interna Risultati Evidence-Report: i risultati da Revisioni di Linee Guida • Il cateterismo vescicale a permanenza • Il cateterismo venoso periferico a breve termine • La gestione del dolore cronico in medicina  Evidence-Based Care-sheet: What we know e what we can do • Le lipodistrofie associate alla pratica iniettiva • La nutrizione nel paziente con polimorbilità • Scompenso cardiaco e fine vita • Terapia anticoagulante orale e processi educativi: il ruolo dell’infermiere • La somministrazione di liquidi per via sottocutanea • L’ictus cerebrale: rischi e prevenzione Focus di approfondimento, the most updated research • La somministrazione dei farmaci per os in pazienti disfagici e/o portatori di SNG o PEG • Il dolore cronico nei pazienti con disturbi cognitivi • Le cadute negli anziani • Il monitoraggio dei parametri vitali • Il Lock dei cateteri venosi centrali: quale soluzione? Quali evidenze? • La responsabilità del professionista infermiere nella terapia farmacologica • La mancata aderenza alle prescrizioni: un problema da non sottovalutare in medicina interna • La gestione della stipsi nelle degenze di area medica: ruolo dell’infermiere • La malnutrizione in ospedale • L’uso della contenzione è un indicatore di buona pratica assistenziale e di buona cultura?  • Riposo a letto o mobilizzazione precoce? • L’uso delle checklist in area medica • La flebite da infusione • La sorveglianza infermieristica: una competenza necessaria in medicina interna • Umidità e calore della miscela di aria nei trattamenti di ventilazione non invasiva: quali evidenze? • Diabete, intervento educativo, ruolo dell’infermiere • La terapia anticoagulante e il ruolo dell’infermiere: alcune evidenze • Il ritorno dell’ipodermoclisi: quali evidenze? • Gli aspetti assistenziali prevalenti nelle cure infermieristiche alla persona colpita da ictus • Lo scompenso cardiaco: epidemiologia e interventi assistenziali Conclusioni Bibliografi

    Scattering length of the ground state Mg+Mg collision

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    We have constructed the X 1SIGMAg+ potential for the collision between two ground state Mg atoms and analyzed the effect of uncertainties in the shape of the potential on scattering properties at ultra-cold temperatures. This potential reproduces the experimental term values to 0.2 inverse cm and has a scattering length of +1.4(5) nm where the error is prodominantly due to the uncertainty in the dissociation energy and the C6 dispersion coefficient. A positive sign of the scattering length suggests that a Bose-Einstein condensate of ground state Mg atoms is stable.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, Submitted Phys. Rev.

    In-medium two-nucleon properties in high electric fields

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    The quantum mechanical two - particle problem is considered in hot dense nuclear matter under the influence of a strong electric field such as the field of the residual nucleus in heavy - ion reactions. A generalized Galitskii-Bethe-Salpeter equation is derived and solved which includes retardation and field effects. Compared with the in-medium properties in the zero-field case, bound states are turned into resonances and the scattering phase shifts are modified. Four effects are observed due to the applied field: (i) A suppression of the Pauli-blocking below nuclear matter densities, (ii) the onset of pairing occurs already at higher temperatures due to the field, (iii) a field dependent finite lifetime of deuterons and (iv) the imaginary part of the quasiparticle self-energy changes its sign for special values of density and temperatures indicating a phase instability. The latter effect may influence the fragmentation processes. The lifetime of deuterons in a strong Coulomb field is given explicitly.Comment: ps file + 7 figures (eps

    Truncation method for Green's functions in time-dependent fields

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    We investigate the influence of a time dependent, homogeneous electric field on scattering properties of non-interacting electrons in an arbitrary static potential. We develop a method to calculate the (Keldysh) Green's function in two complementary approaches. Starting from a plane wave basis, a formally exact solution is given in terms of the inverse of a matrix containing infinitely many 'photoblocks' which can be evaluated approximately by truncation. In the exact eigenstate basis of the scattering potential, we obtain a version of the Floquet state theory in the Green's functions language. The formalism is checked for cases such as a simple model of a double barrier in a strong electric field. Furthermore, an exact relation between the inelastic scattering rate due to the microwave and the AC conductivity of the system is derived which in particular holds near or at a metal-insulator transition in disordered systems.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. B., 21 pages, 3 figures (ps-files

    Electric field dependence of pairing temperature and tunneling

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    Using the Bethe-Salpeter equation including high electric fields, the dependence of the critical temperature of onsetting superconductivity on the applied field is calculated analytically. The critical temperature of pairing is shown to increase with the applied field strength. This is a new field effect and could contribute to the explanation of recent experiments on field induced superconductivity. From the field dependence of the Bethe-Salpeter equation, the two--particle bound state solution is obtained as a resonance with a tunneling probability analogous to the WKB solution of a single particle confined in a potential and coupled to the electrical field.Comment: 4 pages 1 figure, revised version from 29.10.02, Rev. B in pres

    Nonlinear relaxation field in charged systems under high electric fields

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    The influence of an external electric field on the current in charged systems is investigated. The results from the classical hierarchy of density matrices are compared with the results from the quantum kinetic theory. The kinetic theory yields a systematic treatment of the nonlinear current beyond linear response. To this end the dynamically screened and field-dependent Lenard-Balescu equation is integrated analytically and the nonlinear relaxation field is calculated. The classical linear response result known as Debye - Onsager relaxation effect is only obtained if asymmetric screening is assumed. Considering the kinetic equation of one specie the other species have to be screened dynamically while the screening with the same specie itself has to be performed statically. Different other approximations are discussed and compared.Comment: language correction
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