371 research outputs found

    From freshwater to marine aquaponic: new opportunities for marine fish species production

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    Due to the increasing world population, by 2050 food production should be increased of about 70% to 100%. Tanks to the lowest “carbon footprint”, aquaculture seems to be the most sustainable system for producing food (protein) of animal origin. Despite that, progress can be done for further improving aquaculture sustainability through the “aquaponic” system (IAS). A IAS is based on the bacteria nitrogen cycle which convert fish waste (faeces and uneaten feed) into nitrite and nitrate, this latter absorbed by plants grown in the hydroponic section of the aquaponic system; as a results, water is “depurated” and recycled into the fish tanks. Advantages of this system are the high productivity, the reduced water requirement, the neglectable waste production, the reduced plant disease incidence and pesticides utilization, the modularity of the system which allow its uses for a wide range of purposes (urban agriculture, people resilience in developing countries, marginal land exploitation, etc.); for a contrary, disadvantages are the relevant initial investments, the required high education level of the employees, the “sensitivity” of the systems and some minor others. A relevant future challenge for scientists is to develop “marine aquaponic system” for producing more valuable fish and crops, interesting also for the EU and ‘developed countries’ market

    Chromosomal assignment of the ovine hairless (hr) gene by fluorescence in situ hybridization.

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    Congenital hypotrichosis in mammalian species consists of partial or complete absence of a hair coat at birth. Affected individuals having a partial hair coat at birth may loose it subsequently.The aim of this paper was to physically map the ovine hr gene using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH).A preliminary study on an internet data bank (http://www.informatics.jax.org) showed that the regions of the hr gene on murine chromosome 14 and human chromosome 8 present homology with ovine chromosome 2

    Use of QT intervals for a more accurate diagnose of syncope and evaluation of syncope severity.

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: This study aimed to evaluate the use of QT intervals, their diagnostic predictive value in patients with syncope and their relationship with syncope severity. METHODS: One hundred and forty nine patients with a diagnosis of syncope were admitted to Internal Medicine departments at the University of Palermo, Italy, between 2006 and 2012, and 140 control subjects hospitalised for other causes were enrolled. QT maximum, QT minimum, QTpeak, QT corrected, QT dispersion and Tpeak-to-Tend interval were compared between two groups. The paper medical records were used for scoring with San Francisco Syncope Rule (SFSR), Evaluation of Guidelines in SYncope Study (EGSYS) score and Osservatorio Epidemiologico sulla Sincope nel Lazio (OESIL) risk score. RESULTS: Mean QTc (p 424.8 ms (sensibility: 81.88 - specificity: 57.86) showed the greatest predictive value for diagnosis of syncope. On the EGSYS score and on the OESIL score, QTc was significantly prolonged in high-risk patients compared with low-risk patients. On the San Francisco Syncope Rule, QTc and QTdisp were significantly prolonged in high-risk patients compared with low-risk patients. CONCLUSION: Mean QTc, mean QTdisp, mean TpTe, mean QTmax and mean QTpeak were significantly longer in patients with syncope compared with control subjects. Furthermore, prolonged QTc and QTdisp were associated with major severe syncope according to San Francisco Syncope Rule, EGSYS and OESIL risk scores

    Utjecaj dijetalnog ribljeg ulja na razinu n-3 polinezasićenih masnih kiselina, trans-kiselina i konjugirane linolne kiseline u ovčjem mlijeku

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    Three groups of ten lactating Sardinian ewes were used between 3rd and 6th month of lactation to determine the effects of supplementing diets with n-3 fatty acids on milk production and milk fat composition. The control group (A) was fed on a mixture of Gramineae hay with a pelleted alfalfa and concentrate; the other groups (B and C) were given the control ration supplemented with graded levels of fish oil. Milk content of nutritionally important fatty acids (n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, PUFA; trans acids and conjugated linoleic acid, CLA) was determined by gas chromatography. Unlike cow milk, milk of normally fed ewes contained detectable quantities of n-3 PUFA and higher amounts of CLA. The supplementation with fish oil resulted in an increased milk fat levels of n-3 PUFA, CLA and trans isomers. There was a positive correlation (R2 = 0.964) between the trans and n-3 fatty acid content in ewe milk, and a close positive correlation (R2 = 0.996) between CLA and trans monoenoic fatty acid contents. PUFA supplementation resulted in a slightly, but not statistically significative, decrease of milk fat percentage. On the contrary, dietary fish oil markedly affected milk production: ewes fed on the n-3 supplemented diet produced more milk than the ewes fed with the control diet.Izdvojene su tri skupine od po 10 ovaca sa Sardinije između 3. i 6. mjeseca laktacije kako bi se utvrdio utjecaj dodatne ishrane s n-3 masnim kiselinama na proizvodnju mlijeka i sastav masnoća u mlijeku. Kontrolna skupina (A) hranjena je smjesom sijena od Gramineae s kuglicama lucerne i koncentratom; ostale skupine (B i C) hranjene su kao i kontrolna, ali uz sve veću količinu ribljeg ulja. Plinskom kromatografijom određene su u mlijeku nutritivno vaĆŸne masne kiseline (n-3 polinezasićene masne kiseline, PUFA; trans-kiseline i konjugirana linolna kiselina, CLA). Za razliku od kravljeg mlijeka, mlijeko normalno hranjenih ovaca sadrĆŸavalo je primjetne udjele n-3 PUFA i veće količine CLA. Dodatak ribljeg ulja očitovao se u povećanoj količini n-3 PUFA, CLA i trans-izomera u mliječnoj masti. U ovčjem mlijeku postoji pozitivna korelacija (R2 = 0,964) između količine trans- i n-3 masnih kiselina, a uska pozitivna korelacija (R2 = 0,996) između udjela CLA i trans-monoenskih masnih kiselina. Dodatak PUFA uzrokovao je slabo, ali statistički nesignifikantno, snizivanje postotka mliječne masti. Dijetalno riblje ulje značajno je utjecalo na proizvodnju mlijeka: ovce hranjene dodatnim n-3 masnim kiselinama proizvele su viĆĄe mlijeka od onih koje su bile u kontrolnoj skupini

    Multiple food hypersensitivity as a cause of refractory chronic constipation in adults

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    Chronic constipation that is unresponsive to laxative treatment is a severe illness, but children unresponsive to laxatives have been successfully treated with an elimination diet. We report the first cases of refractory chronic constipation caused by food hypersensitivity in adults. Four patients with refractory constipation who were unresponsive to high doses of laxatives were put on an oligo-antigenic diet and underwent successive double-blind, placebo-controlled, food challenges (DBPFC). Routine laboratory tests, immunological assays, colonoscopy, esophago-gastroduodenoscopy and rectal and duodenal histology were performed. While on an elimination diet, bowel habits normalized in all patients and a DBPFC challenge triggered the reappearance of constipation. In comparison with another 13 patients with refractory constipation unresponsive to the elimination diet, observed over the same period, the patients with food-hypersensitivity-related constipation had the following characteristics: longer duration of illness (p < 0.03), lower body mass index (p < 0.03), higher frequency of self-reported food intolerance (p < 0.01), higher frequency of nocturnal abdominal pain and anal itching (p < 0.01). In patients with food hypersensitivity, hemoglobin concentrations and peripheral leukocytes were lower than those in controls (p < 0.03). The duodenal and rectal mucosa histology showed lymphocyte and eosinophil infiltration, and the duodenal villi were flattened in two cases. In adult patients, refractory chronic constipation may be caused by food hypersensitivity and an elimination diet is effective in these subjects

    Drawn Stories, Moving Images. Comic Books and their Screen Adaptations

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    The comic transcends the merely entertaining, and fans of comics become engaged and invested in the field through a range of activities. Major cities host regular comic conventions, attracting hundreds of thousands of attendees each year, who search for special issues of their favourite comic-book series, meet artists, attend workshops and buy merchandise. Many fans do not stop at just attending conventions; they do so dressed as their favourite comic characters or wearing badges, buttons, T-shirts or sweaters with images of those characters on them. In other words: many fans do ot merely consume comic books; rather, they arrange a considerable part of their lives around them and in some cases even embody their heroes, that is, they copy their behaviour and their language. The comic universe, the comic books and the range of activities emerging out of them and around them become a meaningful universe for fans

    Si-based n-type THz Quantum Cascade Emitter

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    Employing electronic transitions in the conduction band of semiconductor heterostructures paves a way to integrate a light source into silicon-based technology. To date all electroluminescence demonstrations of Si-based heterostructures have been p-type using hole-hole transitions. In the pathway of realizing an n-type Ge/SiGe terahertz quantum cascade laser, we present electroluminescence measurements of quantum cascade structures with top diffraction gratings. The devices for surface emission have been fabricated out of a 4-well quantum cascade laser design with 30 periods. An optical signal was observed with a maximum between 8-9 meV and full width at half maximum of roughly 4 meV
