113 research outputs found

    Антропология повседневности: трансформации поведения людей в условиях технологических и социальных перемен

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    Original manuscript received September 15, 2020. Revised manuscript accepted October 01, 2020. First published online February 08, 2021.The article uses an approach of romantic psychology developed by Alexander Luria to reflect on the changes in education and everyday consciousness as a result of technological and social-historical transformations of the way of life. It focuses on the fact that the pandemic has become a catalyst for the emergence of blended education. The article discusses the role of cultural-historical psychology in the elaboration of variable education as an expansion of opportunities for personality development. Reasons for repressions of psychological science in totalitarian systems that suppress various manifestations of social and psychological diversity are interpreted.В статье с позиций романтической психологии Александра Лурия анализируются изменения образования и обыденного сознания, возникающие в условиях технологических и социально-исторических трансформаций образа жизни. Акцентируется внимание на том, что пандемия стала катализатором появления «смешанного образования». Обсуждается роль культурно-исторической психологии в проектировании вариативного образования как расширения возможностей развития личности. Интерпретируются причины репрессий психологической науки в тоталитарных системах

    The Anthropological Turn: Cultural Practices for the Development of Human Complexity

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    Introduction. In the worldwide situation of collision accompanied with systemic crises, it is proposed to raise a reflexive question – how institutions and knowledge-systems can be arranged to support complexity, diversity, and subjectivity of Human action. Authors propose an approach to overcoming systemic gaps through reframing and re-actualization of the field of socio-humanitarian practices. It is necessary to “build up” the environment of integration of sciences and cultural practices of human development. The article presents the key provisions of the “Anthropological Turn” approach, provides an overview of the foundations and basic ideas, as well as specific practical models of activity. Materials and Methods. The “Anthropological Turn” sets a fundamentally different framework and actually highlights the objects and mechanisms of interpretation of the results for future humanitarian research. “Anthropological Turn” research program overcomes the naturalistic approach in the study of humanitarian processes. Results. Authors propose and describe four basic practical and organizational models. These models are acting as the activity infrastructure for the implementation of the ideas of the Anthropological Turn: the historical and evolutionary methodology for designing universities of the future; productive activities for the socio-cultural development of territories and technological entrepreneurship in childrenʼs and adult communities; search, development and replication of humanitarian (cultural, educational, etc.) practices; the family as an institution for the development of subjectivity and human identity. Discussion and Conclusion. The described approaches and implemented projects made an ecosystem of educational solutions. On the one hand, they provide support for the development of the professional and educational space and innovative activities of the subjects of Russia, the creation and dissemination of promising educational practices, training of high-level professionals for the social sphere, business; and, on the other hand, it contributes to the formation of a dynamic system for the implementation of continuous professional development of personnel

    Prerequisites of Sociality: Historical and Evolutionary Analysis

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    Background. Discussion of the social origins of personality formation, based on the biological individual, is a characteristic feature of modern interdisciplinary researches at the junction of natural science and the humanities. At the same time, evolutionary aspects of the relationship between the biological (innate) and the social (acquired) — i.e., the problem of the origin of sociality — come to the forefront. Objective. This article presents and discusses the hypothesis that the evolutionary origins of sociality are processes of evolutionary divergence (increasing individual diversity) and convergence (symbiosis) that define two oppositely directed vectors of the development of life from its simplest forms. Method and Results. The theoretical and experimental data used to discuss the hypothesis are considered here from the standpoint of the historical evolutionary approach to the processes of formation (evolution) of the uniqueness of the personality and of social interpersonal relations. The approach is based on an understanding of these processes as a special case of the evolution of interacting systems on the basis of two opposing trends — towards preserving and towards changing the system. The hypothesis allows us to answer two questions about the ambivalence of human existence in society: (a) Why do all people, regardless of their social status, find it so difficult to endure loneliness, which is incompatible with both the mental and even physical health of each of us? (b) Why at the same time do all of us involuntarily protect the “boundaries” of our own physical, mental, and social “Me”, the violation of which is as destructive (unacceptable) to us as is loneliness? Conclusion. Systematic historical-evolutionary analysis of the sciences of nature, society, and humankind allows us to isolate general patterns of development of complex systems, leading to a more accurate understanding of the phenomenon of personality. Such an interdisciplinary approach was used in this work on the biological roots of sociality and the particular features of individual existence in the external and to some extent social environment that generates unique individuals

    Normal solutions of the Boltzmann equation for highly nonequilibrium Fourier flow and Couette flow

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    The state of a single-species monatomic gas from near-equilibrium to highly nonequilibrium conditions is investigated using analytical and numerical methods. Normal solutions of the Boltzmann equation for Fourier flow (uniform heat flux) and Couette flow (uniform shear stress) are found in terms of the heat-flux and shear-stress Knudsen numbers. Analytical solutions are found for inverse-power-law molecules from hard-sphere through Maxwell at small Knudsen numbers using Chapman-Enskog (CE) theory and for Maxwell molecules at finite Knudsen numbers using a moment-hierarchy (MH) method. Corresponding numerical solutions are obtained using the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method of Bird. The thermal conductivity, the viscosity, and the Sonine-polynomial coefficients of the velocity distribution function from DSMC agree with CE results at small Knudsen numbers and with MH results at finite Knudsen numbers. Subtle differences between inverse-power-law, variable-soft-sphere, and variable-hard-sphere representations of Maxwell molecules are observed. The MH and DSMC results both indicate that the effective thermal conductivity and the effective viscosity for Maxwell molecules are independent of the heat-flux Knudsen number, and additional DSMC simulations indicate that these transport properties for hard-sphere molecules decrease slightly as the heat-flux Knudsen number is increased. Similarly, the MH and DSMC results indicate that the effective thermal conductivity and the effective viscosity for Maxwell molecules decrease as the shear-stress Knudsen number is increased, and additional DSMC simulations indicate the same behavior for hard-sphere molecules. These results provide strong evidence that the DSMC method can be used to determine the state of a gas under highly nonequilibrium conditionsComment: 33 pages (preprint format) + 15 figures + 3 tables; to be published in Physics of Fluids; v2: Abstract in the abstract web page has been corrected, but otherwise the paper remains the same as in v

    Non-Newtonian Couette-Poiseuille flow of a dilute gas

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    The steady state of a dilute gas enclosed between two infinite parallel plates in relative motion and under the action of a uniform body force parallel to the plates is considered. The Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook model kinetic equation is analytically solved for this Couette-Poiseuille flow to first order in the force and for arbitrary values of the Knudsen number associated with the shear rate. This allows us to investigate the influence of the external force on the non-Newtonian properties of the Couette flow. Moreover, the Couette-Poiseuille flow is analyzed when the shear-rate Knudsen number and the scaled force are of the same order and terms up to second order are retained. In this way, the transition from the bimodal temperature profile characteristic of the pure force-driven Poiseuille flow to the parabolic profile characteristic of the pure Couette flow through several intermediate stages in the Couette-Poiseuille flow are described. A critical comparison with the Navier-Stokes solution of the problem is carried out.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures; v2: discussion on boundary conditions added; 10 additional references. Published in a special issue of the journal "Kinetic and Related Models" dedicated to the memory of Carlo Cercignan

    Lattice Boltzmann simulations of soft matter systems

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    This article concerns numerical simulations of the dynamics of particles immersed in a continuum solvent. As prototypical systems, we consider colloidal dispersions of spherical particles and solutions of uncharged polymers. After a brief explanation of the concept of hydrodynamic interactions, we give a general overview over the various simulation methods that have been developed to cope with the resulting computational problems. We then focus on the approach we have developed, which couples a system of particles to a lattice Boltzmann model representing the solvent degrees of freedom. The standard D3Q19 lattice Boltzmann model is derived and explained in depth, followed by a detailed discussion of complementary methods for the coupling of solvent and solute. Colloidal dispersions are best described in terms of extended particles with appropriate boundary conditions at the surfaces, while particles with internal degrees of freedom are easier to simulate as an arrangement of mass points with frictional coupling to the solvent. In both cases, particular care has been taken to simulate thermal fluctuations in a consistent way. The usefulness of this methodology is illustrated by studies from our own research, where the dynamics of colloidal and polymeric systems has been investigated in both equilibrium and nonequilibrium situations.Comment: Review article, submitted to Advances in Polymer Science. 16 figures, 76 page

    Crowdsourcing: A new tool for policy-making?

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    Crowdsourcing is rapidly evolving and applied in situations where ideas, labour, opinion or expertise of large groups of people are used. Crowdsourcing is now used in various policy-making initiatives; however, this use has usually focused on open collaboration platforms and specific stages of the policy process, such as agenda-setting and policy evaluations. Other forms of crowdsourcing have been neglected in policy-making, with a few exceptions. This article examines crowdsourcing as a tool for policy-making, and explores the nuances of the technology and its use and implications for different stages of the policy process. The article addresses questions surrounding the role of crowdsourcing and whether it can be considered as a policy tool or as a technological enabler and investigates the current trends and future directions of crowdsourcing. Keywords: Crowdsourcing, Public Policy, Policy Instrument, Policy Tool, Policy Process, Policy Cycle, Open Collaboration, Virtual Labour Markets, Tournaments, Competition