19,963 research outputs found

    Intermediate Scale Accidental Axion and ALPs

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    We discuss the problem of constructing models containing an axion and axion-like particles, motivated by astrophysical observations, with decay constants at the intermediate scale ranging from 10910^9GeV to 101310^{13}GeV. We present examples in which the axion and axion-like particles arise accidentally as pseudo Nambu-Goldstone bosons of automatic global chiral symmetries, in models having exact discrete symmetries.Comment: 4 pages. To appear in the Proceedings of the 10th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs, CERN, 29 June - 04 July 201

    Dithering Strategies and Point-Source Photometry

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    The accuracy in the photometry of a point source depends on the point-spread function (PSF), detector pixelization, and observing strategy. The PSF and pixel response describe the spatial blurring of the source, the pixel scale describes the spatial sampling of a single exposure, and the observing strategy determines the set of dithered exposures with pointing offsets from which the source flux is inferred. In a wide-field imaging survey, sources of interest are randomly distributed within the field of view and hence are centered randomly within a pixel. A given hardware configuration and observing strategy therefore have a distribution of photometric uncertainty for sources of fixed flux that fall in the field. In this article we explore the ensemble behavior of photometric and position accuracies for different PSFs, pixel scales, and dithering patterns. We find that the average uncertainty in the flux determination depends slightly on dither strategy, whereas the position determination can be strongly dependent on the dithering. For cases with pixels much larger than the PSF, the uncertainty distributions can be non-Gaussian, with rms values that are particularly sensitive to the dither strategy. We also find that for these configurations with large pixels, pointings dithered by a fractional pixel amount do not always give minimal average uncertainties; this is in contrast to image reconstruction for which fractional dithers are optimal. When fractional pixel dithering is favored, a pointing accuracy of better than 0.15\sim 0.15 pixel width is required to maintain half the advantage over random dithers

    Modeling, simulation, and flight characteristics of an aircraft designed to fly at 100,000 feet

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    A manned real time simulation of a conceptual vehicle, the stratoplane, was developed to study the problems associated with the flight characteristics of a large, lightweight vehicle. Mathematical models of the aerodynamics, mass properties, and propulsion system were developed in support of the simulation and are presented. The simulation was at first conducted without control augmentation to determine the needs for a control system. The unaugmented flying qualities were dominated by lightly damped dutch roll oscillations. Constant pilot workloads were needed at high altitudes. Control augmentation was studied using basic feedbacks. For the longitudinal axis, flight path angle, and pitch rate feedback were sufficient to damp the phugoid mode and to provide good flying qualities. In the lateral directional axis, bank angle, roll rate, and yaw rate feedbacks were sufficient to provide a safe vehicle with acceptable handling qualities. Intentionally stalling the stratoplane to very high angles of attack (deep stall) was studied as a means of enable safe and rapid descent. It was concluded that the deep stall maneuver is viable for this class of vehicle

    Grand Unification and Proton Stability Near the Peccei-Quinn Scale

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    We show that in an SU(2)U(1)SU(2)\otimes U(1) model with a DSF-like invisible axion it is possible to obtain (i) the convergence of the three gauge coupling constants at an energy scale near the Peccei-Quinn scale; (ii) the correct value for sin2θ^W(MZ)\sin^2\hat{\theta}_W(M_Z); (iii) the stabilization of the proton by the cyclic Z13Z3Z_{13}\otimes Z_3 symmetries which also stabilize the axion as a solution to the strong CP problem. Concerning the convergence of the three coupling constants and the prediction of the weak mixing angle at the ZZ-peak, this model is as good as the minimal supersymmetric standard model with μSUSY=MZ\mu_{\rm SUSY}=M_Z. We also consider the standard model with six and seven Higgs doublets. The main calculations were done in the 1-loop approximation but we briefly consider the 2-loop contributions.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Optimal quantum estimation of loss in bosonic channels

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    We address the estimation of the loss parameter of a bosonic channel probed by Gaussian signals. We derive the ultimate quantum bound on precision and show that no improvement may be obtained by having access to the environment degrees of freedom. We found that, for small losses, the variance of the optimal estimator is proportional to the loss parameter itself, a result that represents a qualitative improvement over the shot noise limit. An observable based on the symmetric logarithmic derivative is derived, which attains the ultimate bound and may be implemented using Gaussian operations and photon counting.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, replaced with published versio

    High-Altitude Particle Acceleration and Radiation in Pulsar Slot Gaps

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    We explore the pulsar slot gap electrodynamics up to very high altitudes, where for most relatively rapidly rotating pulsars both the standard small-angle approximation and the assumption that the magnetic field lines are ideal stream lines break down. We address the importance of the electrodynamic conditions at the slot gap boundaries and the occurrence of a steady-state drift of charged particles across the slot gap field lines at very high altitudes. These boundary conditions and the deviation of particle trajectories from stream lines determine the asymptotic behavior of the scalar potential at all radii from the polar cap to near the light cylinder. As a result, we demonstrate that the steady-state accelerating electric field must approach a small and constant value at high altitude above the polar cap. This parallel electric field is capable of maintaining electrons moving with high Lorentz factors (a few times 10^7) and emitting curvature gamma-ray photons up to nearly the light cylinder. By numerical simulations, we show that primary electrons accelerating from the polar cap surface to high altitude in the slot gap along the outer edge of the open field region will form caustic emission patterns on the trailing dipole field lines. Acceleration and emission in such an extended slot gap may form the physical basis of a model that can successfully reproduce some pulsar high-energy light curves.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the Astrophysical Journal, May 10, 200