1,247 research outputs found


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    The work presents the preliminary results of modeling interference elektromyographic signal. This model shows the possibility of obtaining information about the shape, duration, repetition frequency of the single motor unit action potential (SMUAP) of the elektromyographic interference signal.В работе представлены предварительные результаты моделирования интерференционного электромиографического сигнала. Данная модель показывает возможности получения информации о форме, частоте, длительности следования потенциала действия отдельной двигательной единицы (ПДОДЕ) интерференционного электромиографического сигнала.У роботі представлені попередні результати моделювання інтерференційного електроміографічного сигналу. Дана модель дає можливість отримання інформації про форму, частоту, тривалість слідування потенціалу дії окремої рухової одиниці (ПДОРО) інтерференційного електроміографічного сигналу.

    Labor capital development of the region in the focus of sociological research: factors and problems

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    The presented work analyzes the features, problems and factors of labor capital development of the Republic of Bashkortostan based on the data of a sociological study conducted by the Institute for Socio-Economic Research of the Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2021. A number of problems faced by the able-bodied population are considered, including: a relatively low standard of living of the population, which hinders the provision of the quality of life and professional productivity of workers; gender inequality in the distribution of labor incomes of the population; the predominance of negative assessments of the able-bodied population of their physical condition, the quality of their leisure and vacations; discrepancy between the high qualification of employees and the functions performed, which does not allow them to fully realize their labor potential in the workplace. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of values that prevail in the minds of the able-bodied population and determine their labor behavior, and as a result, have a negative impact on the formation of labor capital. Thus, it was revealed that the value orientations of the population of the Republic of Bashkortostan are typical for countries of “catching up” development. In this regard, the authors substantiate the necessity of cultivating the values of rationality of financial thinking, equality, self-expression and autonomy, as well as improving institutions that support these values in society. These values act as factors in the formation of high-quality labor capital in the conditions of modern Russi

    On one integrable system with a cubic first integral

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    Recently one integrable model with a cubic first integral of motion has been studied by Valent using some special coordinate system. We describe the bi-Hamiltonian structures and variables of separation for this system.Comment: LaTeX with AMS fonts, 9 page

    The Maupertuis principle and canonical transformations of the extended phase space

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    We discuss some special classes of canonical transformations of the extended phase space, which relate integrable systems with a common Lagrangian submanifold. Various parametric forms of trajectories are associated with different integrals of motion, Lax equations, separated variables and action-angles variables. In this review we will discuss namely these induced transformations instead of the various parametric form of the geometric objects

    Canonical transformations of the extended phase space, Toda lattices and Stackel family of integrable systems

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    We consider compositions of the transformations of the time variable and canonical transformations of the other coordinates, which map completely integrable system into other completely integrable system. Change of the time gives rise to transformations of the integrals of motion and the Lax pairs, transformations of the corresponding spectral curves and R-matrices. As an example, we consider canonical transformations of the extended phase space for the Toda lattices and the Stackel systems.Comment: LaTeX2e + Amssymb, 22p

    Individual features of geometric figures discrimination by three species of reptiles

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    Background (context). The individual characteristics of reptiles have been studied less than that of other classes of animals. One of the basic properties of their individuality, impulsivity, on which behavior and the solution of cognitive tasks in humans and animals significantly depend, has not been practically investigated. Objective. To study manifestations of impulsivity in decision-making in visual recognition in three types of reptiles. Design. In ten experiments, each of six individuals of three reptile species chose one of two paths in the task of distinguishing geometric shapes in mazes. The indicators of the percentage of erroneous choices and the average time for making choices were evaluated relative to the corresponding median values, similar to the study of a person’s impulsivity when choosing among similar visual images in the Kagan test. Results. Among the individuals of each species, four individual typological groups were distinguished: impulsive, slow — accurate, fast — accurate, and slow — inaccurate. This confirmed the authors’ hypothesis based on their study of color recognition in common grass snakes. In slow — accurate and slow — inaccurate individuals, repeated turns to the stimuli being compared were observed before they made a decision, apparently reflecting the expanded analysis of visual information, unlike in most impulsive and fast-accurate individuals. Conclusions. The four individual-typological groups identified in the three types of reptiles in the task of visual recognition are similar in terms of impulsivity to the known groups of people identified in a similar task. The differences in the behavioral reactions of individuals of the four typological groups of reptiles before making a decision correspond to the different psychological content of such a choice in these groups. Our results, which were obtained for reptiles for the first time, confirm the concept of impulsivity as one of the fundamental biologically determined characteristics of individuality, which is valid for other species of animals and humans. In the future it would be useful to find out: 1. Whether the following methods of studying impulsivity evaluate the same individual characteristic of animals: the well-known method of choosing the type of reinforcement and the auto method of choosing the path in the labyrinth with visual discrimination; 2. Do the assessments of impulsivity by these methods correlate with assessments of courage in reactions to a new object, territory and food? The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that knowledge of the individual characteristics of reptiles allows us to develop scientifically based recommendations for maintaining their well-being in zoos and nurseries

    Polymeric Coatings Composition Based on Modified Oligopiperylene Styrene Binders with Galvanic Sludge as a Filler

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    Abstract The possibility of development of new coating materials based on oligopiperylene styrene modified with alkoxysilane and galvanic sludge as a pigment-filler is presented in this article. The nanostructure of the coating surface and the influence of the composition and nature of the components of paint and varnish materials on its property are studied. These materials are intended for protection buildings from the effects of adverse factors

    Hemodynamics at different levels of salt intake in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy of different age groups

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    Aim. To assess the relationship between the level of salt (NaCl) consumption and clinical and hemodynamic parameters in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) of different age groups.Material and methods. We examined 57 patients with HCM (mean age, 59,2±16,2 years). The patients were divided into groups according to the World Health Organization (WHO): I — young age (≤44 years old) — 12,4% of patients; II — middle (45-59 years old) — 37,2%; III — elderly (60–74 years old) — 36%; IV — senile (≥75 years old old) — 14,4%. The clinical status of patients was assessed, during which special attention was paid to syncope not related to cardiac arrhythmias. NaCl intake was assessed by the 24-hour urine sodium (Na+) level.Results. In the general cohort, in Na+ level <50 mmol/day, the lowest left ventricular stroke volume (LVSV) index was observed, which were associated with syncope (r=-0,9, p=0,03). With the urinary sodium level of 50-70 mmol/day, an increase in LVSV index was observed and the absence of syncope. At Na+ level more than 70 mmol/day, no increase in LVSV index was observed. In this regard, a predictive model was created, as a result of which it was found that with an increase in Na+ consumption by 1 mmol/day, an increase in LVSV index by 0,3 ml/m2 should be expected. There were no significant differences in the effect of NaCl intake on the studied parameters in patients with HCM of different ages. At the same time, low NaCl intake in elderly patients was associated with syncope.Conclusion. Minimal values of Na+ intake (<50 mmol/day or NaCl 3 g/day) were found, which are unfavorable for patients with HCM due to the risk syncope. The 24-hour urine sodium level to maintain a hemodynamically safe level of LVSV index in patients with HCM should be more than 70 mmol/day (NaCl 4,1 g/day). Monitoring of Na+ consumption level is especially important in elderly people with HCM

    CP-31398, a putative p53-stabilizing molecule tested in mammalian cells and in yeast for its effects on p53 transcriptional activity

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    BACKGROUND: CP-31398 is a small molecule that has been reported to stabilize the DNA-binding core domain of the human tumor suppressor protein p53 in vitro. The compound was also reported to function as a potential anti-cancer drug by rescuing the DNA-binding activity and, consequently, the transcription activation function of mutant p53 protein in mammalian tissue culture cells and in mice. RESULTS: We performed a series of gene expression experiments to test the activity of CP-31398 in yeast and in human cell cultures. With these cell-based assays, we were unable to detect any specific stimulation of mutant p53 activity by this compound. Concentrations of CP-31398 that were reported to be active in the published work were highly toxic to the human H1299 lung carcinoma and Saos-2 cell lines in our experiments. CONCLUSION: In our experiments, the small molecule CP-31398 was unable to reactivate mutant p53 protein. The results of our in vivo experiments are in agreement with the recently published biochemical analysis of CP-31398 showing that this molecule does not bind p53 as previously claimed, but intercalates into DNA

    Intuition in the medical profession

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    Each person understands the meaning of the term intuition in their own way. For some, intuition is something elusive, intangible, indefinable, but they answer without a doubt that they would like to develop it in themselves. For others, it is an inner voice. Many people define intuition as something supernatural, mystical, descended from above, from somewhere outside, as a kind of “sixth sense”. We can talk about intuition as an instant and immediate insight based on the already existing background knowledge. Among the various versions of the meaning of the word “intuition”, we can distinguish the reference one, given in the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S. I. Ozhegov: INTUITION, 1. Intuition, subtle understanding, insight into the very essence of something. 2. Direct comprehension of the truth without justification by evidence.Каждый человек по-своему понимает значение термина интуиция. Для одних интуиция – это что-то неуловимое, неосязаемое, неопределяемое, но они без сомнений отвечают, что хотели бы в себе её развить. Для других — это внутренний голос. Многие определяет интуицию как нечто сверхъестественное, мистическое, снизошедшее сверху, откуда-то извне, как своеобразное “шестое чувство”. Можно говорить об интуиции, имея в виду инсайт, мгновенное и непосредственное озарение на основе уже имеющихся фоновых знаний. Среди разнообразных версий значения слова “интуиция” можно выделить эталонное, приведенное в “Толковом словаре русского языка” С.И. Ожегова: ИНТУИЦИЯ, 1. Чутьё, тонкое понимание, проникновение в самую суть чего-нибудь. 2. Непосредственное, без обоснования доказательствами постижение истины