24,403 research outputs found

    Topological mass mechanism and exact fields mapping

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    We present a class of mappings between models with topological mass mechanism and purely topological models in arbitrary dimensions. These mappings are established by directly mapping the fields of one model in terms of the fields of the other model in closed expressions. These expressions provide the mappings of their actions as well as the mappings of their propagators. For a general class of models in which the topological model becomes the BF model the mappings present arbitrary functions which otherwise are absent for Chern-Simons like actions. This work generalizes the results of [1] for arbitrary dimensions.Comment: 11 page

    Universal relaxation function in nonextensive systems

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    We have derived the dipolar relaxation function for a cluster model whose volume distribution was obtained from the generalized maximum Tsallis nonextensive entropy principle. The power law exponents of the relaxation function are simply related to a global fractal parameter α\alpha and for large time to the entropy nonextensivity parameter qq. For intermediate times the relaxation follows a stretched exponential behavior. The asymptotic power law behaviors both in the time and the frequency domains coincide with those of the Weron generalized dielectric function derived from an extension of the Levy central limit theorem. They are in full agreement with the Jonscher universality principle. Moreover our model gives a physical interpretation of the mathematical parameters of the Weron stochastic theory and opens new paths to understand the ubiquity of self-similarity and power laws in the relaxation of large classes of materials in terms of their fractal and nonextensive properties.Comment: Two figures. Submitted for publicatio

    Effectiveness of pneumatically powered penetrating and non-penetrating captive bolts in stunning cattle

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    This study assessed the effectiveness of penetrating (PCB; 190 psi; N = 363) and non-penetrating captive bolt guns (NPCB; 210–220 psi; N = 92) to stun a total of 455 cattle (Zebu and Zebu Cross). Physical bolt parameters (momentum, kinetic energy and energy density) were evaluated. Clinical indicators of brain function were recorded after stunning (GR), after being hoisted (HO) and at the bleeding rail (BL). Physical bolt parameters (bolt velocity, momentum, kinetic energy, energy density and sectional density) were significantly higher (P < 0.001) for PCB. The need for two or more shots was more frequent for NPCB (210–220 psi; 29% vs. 12%, P < 0.001). Cattle were more likely to collapse at first shot with PCB (190 psi; 99%) compared to NPCB (91%; P < 0.002) which can be attributed to the higher values of bolt physical parameters. Incidence of eyeball rotation (5% vs. 1%) and righting behaviour (7% vs. 1%) were higher (P < 0.001) for NPCB (210–220 psi) at GR than PCB. The NPCB with 210–220 psi had a higher frequency of response to nostril stimulation (2% vs. 0%; P < 0.001) than PCB. Rhythmic respiration was more frequently found for NPCB with 210–220 psi at GR, HO and BL. Therefore, PCB with 190 psi was more effective in ensuring unconsciousness in cattle

    Damage spreading and dynamic stability of kinetic Ising models

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    We investigate how the time evolution of different kinetic Ising models depends on the initial conditions of the dynamics. To this end we consider the simultaneous evolution of two identical systems subjected to the same thermal noise. We derive a master equation for the time evolution of a joint probability distribution of the two systems. This equation is then solved within an effective-field approach. By analyzing the fixed points of the master equation and their stability we identify regular and chaotic phases.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 2 Postscript figure

    A influência do ambiente físico e social no bem-estar de leitões desmamados.

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    Nitrogen fertilization (15 NH4 NO3) of palisadegrass and residual effect on subsequent no-tillage corn.

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    ABSTRACT - Nitrogen is required in large amounts by plants and their dinamics in corn and perennial forages intercropped is little known. This study analyzed the efficiency of nitrogen fertilization (15NH4NO3) applied after corn grain harvest to palisadegrass (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu) in intercrops sown at two times, as well as the N residual effect on the subsequent corn crop. The field experiment was performed in Botucatu, São Paulo State, in southeastern Brazil, on a structured Alfisol under no-tillage. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design in a split plot scheme with four replications. The main plots consisted of two intercropping systems (corn and palisadegrass sown together and palisadegrass sown later, at corn top-dressing fertilization). The subplots consisted of four N rates (0, 30, 60, and 120 kg ha-1 N). The subplots contained microplots, in which enriched ammonium nitrate (15NH4NO3) was applied at the same rates. The time of intercrop sowing affected forage dry matter production, the amount of fertilizer-derived N in and the N use efficiency by the forage plants. Nitrogen applied in autumn to palisadegrass intercropped with corn, planted either at corn sowing or at N top-dressing fertilization, increased the forage yield up to a rate of 60 kg ha-1 The amount of fertilizer-derived N by the forage plants and the fertilizer use efficiency by palisadegrass were highest 160 days after fertilization for both intercrop sowing times, regardless of N rates. Residual N did not affect the N nutrition of corn plants grown in succession to palisadegrass, but increased grain yield at rates of 60 and 120 kg ha-1 N, when corn was grown on palisadegrass straw from the intercrop installed at corn fertilization (top-dressing). Our results indicated that the earlier intercropping allowed higher forage dry matter production. On the other hand, the later intercrop allowed a higher corn grain yield in succession to N-fertilized palisadegrass. RESUMO - O nitrogênio é requerido em grandes quantidades pelas plantas e sua dinâmica no consórcio entre milho e forrageiras tropicais perenes é pouco conhecida. Objetivou-se avaliar a eficiência de utilização da adubação nitrogenada (15NH4NO3) no capim-marandu (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu), proveniente de duas épocas de consórcios com o milho, realizadas após a colheita da cultura granífera, bem como o efeito residual no milho cultivado em sucessão. O experimento foi conduzido na Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas da UNESP em Botucatu, SP, em Nitossolo Vermelho sob sistema plantio direto. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados em parcelas subdivididas. As parcelas foram constituídas pelas épocas de consórcio: milho e capim-marandu semeados simultaneamente; e capim-marandu semeado na adubação de cobertura do milho. As subparcelas foram compostas pelas doses de 30, 60 e 120 kg ha-1 de N, aplicadas no capim-marandu após a colheita da cultura do milho. Nas subparcelas, foram alocadas microparcelas para aplicação de nitrato de amônio enriquecido (15NH4NO3) nessas mesmas doses. A época de implantação do consórcio influenciou a produção de massa de matéria seca da forrageira, a quantidade de N na planta proveniente do fertilizante e a eficiência de utilização do N pelas plantas forrageiras. A aplicação de N no outono no capimmarandu, implantado por meio do consórcio com o milho, tanto na semeadura quanto na adubação nitrogenada de cobertura, proporcionou aumento de produtividade da forrageira até a dose de 60 kg ha-1. Os maiores acúmulos de N e a eficiência de utilização do fertilizante pelo capim-marandu, oriundo de ambas as épocas de consórcio, ocorreram aos 160 dias após a fertilização, independentemente das doses de N. O residual das doses de N, aplicadas no capimmarandu, não interferiu na nutrição nitrogenada do milho em sucessão, porém incrementou a produtividade de grãos nas doses de 60 e 120 kg ha-1 de N, quando o cereal foi cultivado sobre palhada proveniente do consórcio implantado na adubação de cobertura do milho. Com base nos resultados, pode-se inferir que a implantação antecipada do consórcio proporciona maior produtividade de massa de matéria seca da forrageira, enquanto quando implantado mais tarde propicia maior produtividade de grãos do milho em sucessão à forrageira adubada com N

    Realization of Rectangular Artificial Spin Ice and Direct Observation of High Energy Topology

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    In this letter, we have constructed and experimentally investigated frustrated arrays of dipoles forming two-dimensional artificial spin ices with different lattice parameters (rectangular arrays with horizontal and vertical lattice spacings denoted by aa and bb respectively). Arrays with three different ratios γ=a/b=2\gamma =a/b = \sqrt{2}, 3\sqrt{3} and 4\sqrt{4} are studied. Theoretical calculations of low-energy demagnetized configurations for these same parameters are also presented. Experimental data for demagnetized samples confirm most of the theoretical results. However, the highest energy topology (doubly-charged monopoles) does not emerge in our theoretical model, while they are seen in experiments for large enough γ\gamma. Our results also insinuate that magnetic monopoles may be almost free in rectangular lattices with a critical ratio γ=γc=3\gamma = \gamma_{c} = \sqrt{3}, supporting previous theoretical predictions

    A bacia hidrográfica como unidade de estudo no desenvolvimento de um projeto de educação ambiental em uma escola pública de São Carlos, SP.

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    0 presente trabalho objetivou introduzir em uma Escola da Rede Pública Estadual a discussão de temas ambientais inseridos em Educação Ambiental, incluindo aspectos dos corpos d'agua, poluição, relevo, fauna e flora. A unidade de estudo foi a Microbacia Hidrográfica do Córrego Lazarini, situada na Cidade de São Carlos, área de domínio da Escola Estadual "Professor José Juliano Neto", onde as condições locais apresentam-se ecologicamente alteradas, já com acentuada degradado do solo e poluição dos cursos d'agua, merecendo atenção das autoridades municipais. Na delimitação desta área foi utilizada uma Carta Temática sobre Uso e Ocupação do Solo, Altimetria e Hidrografia, com escala de 1:10.000. Foi possível localizar os bairros, as nascentes que pertencem a malha hídrica e os pontos de coleta de água. Para a análise de água foi utilizado um Kit experimental fornecido pela Universidade de São Paulo, que possibilitou a avaliação dos parâmetros: oxigênio dissolvido, pH, condutividade, compostos nitrogenados (amônia), coliformes fecais, umidade relativa e temperatura. Os resultados das coletas realizadas, confirmaram a hipótese do impacto antrópico na área, indicando que a qualidade da água apresenta-se inadequada para consumo. 0 trabalho serviu como fator de motivação para a consciência, sob a necessidade de cuidados com o meio ambiente