295 research outputs found

    An Updated Algorithm Integrated With Patient Data for the Differentiation of Atypical Nevi From Early Melanomas: the idScore 2021

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    Introduction: It is well known that multiple patient-related risk factors contribute to the development of cutaneous melanoma, including demographic, phenotypic and anamnestic factors. Objectives: We aimed to investigate which MM risk factors were relevant to be incorporated in a risk scoring-classifier based clinico-dermoscopic algorithm. Methods: This retrospective study was performed on a monocentric dataset of 374 atypical melanocytic skin lesions sharing equivocal dermoscopic features, excised in the suspicion of malignancy. Dermoscopic standardized images of 258 atypical nevi (aN) and 116 early melanomas (eMM) were collected along with objective lesional data (i.e., maximum diameter, specific body site and body area) and 7 dermoscopic data. All cases were combined with a series of 10 MM risk factors, including demographic (2), phenotypic (5) and anamnestic (3) ones. Results: The proposed iDScore 2021 algorithm is composed by 9 variables (age, skin phototype I/II, personal/familiar history of MM, maximum diameter, location on the lower extremities (thighs/legs/ ankles/back of the feet) and 4 dermoscopic features (irregular dots and globules, irregular streaks, blue gray peppering, blue white veil). The algorithm assigned to each lesion a score from 0 to 18, reached an area under the ROC curve of 92% and, with a score threshold ≥ 6, a sensitivity (SE) of 98.2% and a specificity (SP) of 50.4%, surpassing the experts in SE (+13%) and SP (+9%).Conclusions: An integrated checklist combining multiple anamnestic data with selected relevant dermoscopic features can be useful in the differential diagnosis and management of eMM and aN exhibiting with equivocal features

    The Microbiology of Community-acquired Peritonitis in Children

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    BACKGROUND: microbiologic data are lacking regarding pediatric community-acquired peritonitis (CAP). METHODS: we conducted a 2-year retrospective single center study. Consecutive children undergoing CAP surgery were included. Microbiology and antimicrobial susceptibility of peritoneal isolates were analyzed. RESULTS: a total of 70 children from 3 months to 14 years of age were included. A total of 123 bacterial isolates were analyzed. Escherichia coli was the predominant aerobic organism (51% of isolates); 54.8% were susceptible to amoxicillin whereas 90.3% were susceptible to amoxicillin-clavulanate. Anaerobes accounted for 29% of isolates, and 94.3% of strains were susceptible to amoxicillin-clavulanate and 68.5% were susceptible to clindamycin. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was present in 6% of isolates and in 10% of children. The presence of E. coli resistant to amoxicillin or to amoxicillin-clavulanate was the only independent risk factor associated with postoperative peritonitis. CONCLUSION: microbiology of pediatric CAP is similar to adult CAP with a predominancy of E. coli and anaerobes. P. aeruginosa in peritoneal samples had no apparent influence on the outcome

    UVA-1 phototherapy as adjuvant treatment for eosinophilic fasciitis: in vitro and in vivo functional characterization

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    Introduction: Eosinophilic fasciitis (EF) is a rare autoimmune disease causing progressive induration of dermal, hypodermal, and muscularis fascia. The exact pathogenesis is yet to be fully understood, and a validated therapy protocol still lacks. We here aimed to realize a clinical–functional characterization of these patients. Materials and methods: A total of eight patients (five males, 45 years average) were treated with adjuvant high-dose UVA-1 phototherapy (90 J/cm), after having received the standard systemic immunosuppressive protocol (oral methylprednisolone switched to methotrexate). Body lesion mapping, Localized Scleroderma Assessment Tool (LoSCAT), Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI), High-Resolution Ultrasound (HRUS) (13-17MHz), and ultra HRUS (55–70 MHz) were performed at each examination time taking specific anatomical points. Gene expression analysis at a molecular level and in vitro UVA-1 irradiation was realized on lesional fibroblasts primary cultures. Results: The LoSCAT and the DLQI showed to decrease significantly starting from the last UVA-1 session. A significant reduction in muscularis fascia thickness (−50% on average) was estimated starting from 3 months after the last UVA-1 session and maintained up to 12 months follow-up. Tissues was detected by HRUS. The UVA-1 in vitro irradiation of lesional skin sites cells appeared not to affect their viability. Molecular genes analysis revealed a significant reduction of IL-1ß and of TGF-ß genes after phototherapy, while MMPs 1,2,9 gene expression was enhanced. Comment: These preliminary in vivo and in vitro findings suggest that UVA-1 phototherapy is a safe and useful adjuvant therapy able to elicit anti-inflammatory effects and stimulate tissue matrix digestion and remodeling at lesional sites

    Does ergometric stress test induce a procoagulative condition in patients with previous myocardial infarction

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    A regularly scheduled physical training program seems to have antithrombotic effects. Moreover, the hemostatic changes occurring in patients with coronary artery disease during acute exercise have not been clearly elucidated. Since stress testing is routinely performed in clinical cardiology, it would be helpful to assess whether patients with coronary artery disease are exposed to acute coronary thrombosis during or soon after sustained physical exercise. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of acute physical exercise (stress test by bicycle ergometer) on blood coagulation in a group of patients with previous myocardial infarction, and to determine whether the antithrombotic therapy commonly administered favorably influences hemostatic equilibrium. Our results suggest that exercise testing is not harmful to patients with previous myocardial infarction in regard to hemostasis and fibrinolysis and that antithrombotic therapy reduces postexercise increase in platelets

    The combination of dermoscopy and reflectance confocal microscopy increases the diagnostic confidence of amelanotic/hypomelanotic lentigo maligna

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    The dermoscopic diagnosis of amelanotic/hypomelanotic lentigo maligna/lentigo maligna melanoma (AHLM/LMM) may be very difficult in its early stages because of lack of pigment. Reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) is an imaging technique that is especially helpful for the diagnosis of lentigo maligna. To determine the diagnostic performances of dermoscopy and RCM in the diagnosis of AHLM/LMMs we evaluated dermoscopic and RCM images of consecutive cases of histopathologically confirmed AHLM/LMMs, amelanotic/hypomelanotic basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma (AHBCCs/AHSCCs), amelanotic/hypomelanotic benign lesions (AHBLs), and actinic keratoses (AKs) from five participating centers. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, predictive values, and level of diagnosis confidence were calculated for both diagnostic procedures. Both dermoscopy and RCM showed diagnostic performance >97% in the diagnosis of AHLM/LMMs versus AHBCC/AHSCCs and their combination slightly improved diagnostic performance, with accuracy increasing from 98.0% to 99.1%. Similarly, RCM in combination with dermoscopy showed a tiny increase in the diagnostic performance in the diagnosis of AHLM/LMMs versus AHBLs (accuracy increased from 87.2% to 88.8%) and versus AKs (accuracy increased from 91.4% to 93.4%). Although the increase in diagnostic performance due to RCM was modest, the combination of dermoscopy and RCM greatly increased the level of confidence; high confidence in the diagnosis of AHLM/LMMs versus AHBLs increased from 36.2% with dermoscopy alone to 76.6% with dermoscopy plus RMC. Based on our results, dermoscopy and RCM should be complementary to improve not only diagnostic accuracy but also the level of diagnostic certainty in the diagnosis of AHLM/LMMs

    Amelanotic/hypomelanotic lentigo maligna: Dermoscopic and confocal features predicting diagnosis

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    Background: Amelanotic/hypomelanotic lentigo maligna and lentigo maligna melanoma (AHLM/LMM) may be very difficult to diagnose at an early stage. Objectives: To quantify the predictive value of dermoscopic and reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) features for AHLM/LMM. Methods: Dermoscopic and RCM images of histopathologically diagnosed AHLM/LMM, amelanotic/hypomelanotic benign lesions (AHBL), and amelanotic/hypomelanotic basal and squamous cell carcinomas (AHBCC/AHSCC) of the head and neck from consecutive patients were retrospectively collected and blindly evaluated by three observers to assess presence or absence of dermoscopic and RCM criteria. Results: Overall, 224 lesions in 216 patients including LM/LMM (n = 55, 24.6%), AHBL (n = 107, 47.8%) and AHBCC/AHSCC (n = 62, 27.7%) were analysed. Multivariable analysis showed that milky-red areas (OR = 5.46; 95% CI: 1.51–19.75), peripheral light brown structureless areas (OR = 19.10; 4.45–81.96), linear irregular vessels (OR = 5.44; 1.45–20.40), and asymmetric pigmented follicles (OR = 14.45; 2.77–75.44) at dermoscopy, and ≥3 atypical cells in five fields (OR = 10.12; 3.00–34.12) and focal follicular localization of atypical cells at dermo-epidermal junction (DEJ) (OR = 10.48; 1.10–99.81) at RCM were significantly independent diagnostic factors for AHLM/LMM vs. AHBL. In comparison with AHBCC/AHSCC, peripheral light brown structureless area (OR = 7.11; 1.53–32.96), pseudonetwork around hair follicles (OR = 16.69; 2.73–102.07), and annular granular structures (OR = 42.36; 3.51–511.16) at dermoscopy and large dendritic (OR = 6.86; 3.15–38.28) and round pagetoid cells (OR = 26.78; 3.15–227.98) at RCM led to a significantly increased risk of diagnosing AHLM/LMM. Conclusions: Amelanotic/hypomelanotic lentigo maligna and lentigo maligna melanoma may have the same dermoscopic features of AHM on other body sites, such as milky red areas, peripheral light brown structureless areas and linear irregular vessels. These features, asymmetric pigmented follicles and at RCM ≥ 3 atypical cells in five fields and focal follicular extension of atypical cells at DEJ may help in recognizing AHLM/LMM even when LM conventional features (e.g., obliteration of hair follicles under dermoscopy and large pagetoid cells under RCM) are absent or present only in very small areas of the lesion

    Vascular complications of prosthetic inter-vertebral discs

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    Five consecutive cases of prosthetic inter-vertebral disc displacement with severe vascular complications on revisional surgery are described. The objective of this case report is to warn spinal surgeons that major vascular complications are likely with anterior displacement of inter-vertebral discs. We have not been able to find a previous report on vascular complications associated with anterior displacement of prosthetic inter-vertebral discs. In all five patients the prosthetic disc had eroded into the bifurcation of the inferior vena cava and the left common iliac vein. In three cases the aortic bifurcation was also involved. The fibrosis was so severe that dissecting out the arteries and veins to provide access to the relevant disc proved impossible. Formal division of the left common iliac vein and artery with subsequent repair was our solution. Anterior inter-vertebral disc displacement was associated with severe vascular injury. Preventing anterior disc displacement is essential in disc design. In the event of anterior displacement, disc removal should be planned with a Vascular Surgeon