8 research outputs found

    Assessment of the health risk associated with exposure to heavy metals present in particulate matter deposition in the Małopolska Province

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the content of trace elements in deposited particulate matter and to estimate the health risk to Kraków inhabitants, caused by the exposure to heavy metals in particulate matter deposition. The qualitative and quantitative assessments of selected heavy metals in deposited particulate matter have been carried out in the city of Kraków (Małopolska, southern Poland, 5 measuring points) for seven months, between February and September 2017. A comparative study was conducted at the same time in Małopolska (5 measuring points). The deposited particulate matter was collected gravitationally, using measurement plates covered with aluminum foil and paraffin jelly. The largest deposition of particulate matter was found in May and June. The highest amount of deposited particulate matter and metals present in it was determined in Kraków. The Hazard Quotient (HQ) evaluation for non-carcinogenic effect showed low risk for each metal. In the case of lead in particulate matter, the carcinogenic risk value did not reach 10−6 hence this risk is acceptable. The total carcinogenic risk for all routes of exposure to cadmium was higher, indicating the risk of cancer in children and adults, with children more exposed. However, the carcinogenic risk for cadmium was also acceptable. The study showed that the problem of poor air quality concerns not only the city of Kraków, but also the entire Małopolska region. Elevated metal concentrations in particulate matter indicate the need for monitoring it in the air


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    Rak piersi występuje po 50 roku życia ale nie oznacza to, że nie może pojawić się wcześniej. Obserwuje się wzrost zachorowalność na ten nowotwór w krajach uprzemysłowionych.CEL BADAŃ: Głównym celem badań było ukazanie poziomu świadomości kobiet na temat profilaktyki raka piersi i czynników ryzyka. Praca miała również na celu pokazanie znajomości objawów choroby.MATERIAŁY I METODY BADAWCZE: Grupę badawczą stanowiły kobiety w wieku: 20- 30 lat; 30- 40 lat; 40- 50 lat; 50- 60 lat i powyżej 60 roku życia, które zgłaszały się na wizytę do lekarza rodzinnego. Jako metodę badawczą zastosowano sondaż diagnostyczny. Wykorzystano autorski kwestionariusz ankiety.WYNIKI: przeprowadzone badania wykazały, że kobiety objęte badaniem mają niską wiedzę na temat profilaktyki raka piersi, nie badają się lub badają się źle, nie znają podstawowych czynników ryzyka, nie potrafią w pełni określić objawów choroby.WNIOSKI: Kobiety należy edukować i zachęcać do korzystania z badań profilaktycznych mających na celu wczesne wykrycie raka piersi. Takie postępowanie w znacznym stopniu przyczyni się do wcześniejszego wykrycia choroby i w związku z tym zwiększy przeżywalność.The breast cancer usually develops among people who are fifty but it does not mean that it can appear earlier.THE AIM OT THE RESEARCH: The main aim of the research was to show the level of awareness among the women concerning the breast cancer prevention and the other risk factors. In this thesis I also wanted to show what knowledge of the disease symptoms people have.THE MATERIALS AND THE RESEARCH METHODS: The research group consisted of the women who were in their thirties, forties, fifties, sixties and older visiting their family doctors. I used a diagnostic survey as a research method. I also prepared my own questionnaire.THE RESULTS: The researches, which were conducted, showed that the women have little knowledge of the breast cancer prevention. They do not examine themselves or they do it in a wrong way. They do not know the basic risk factors and they cannot fully define the disease symptoms. THE MOTIONS: The women must be educated and encouraged to take part in the preventive screenings aimed at early detecting the breast cancer. In such a way the disease can be detected early and because of that the survival will be increased

    Poetic Texts in Polish Heritage Language Classes

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    The use of poetic texts in heritage Polish composition classes offers a resourceful, motivating, and original way of learning the language and culture, primarily by mastering writing skills and understanding Poland’s rich and complex culture. Moreover, poetic texts give an aesthetical beauty and moral values, and the students discover universal truths during their readings and discussions. A chosen poem, such as Adam Mickiewicz’s “Lelije” (Lilies), Teofil Lenartowicz’s “Złoty kubek” (A Golden Cup), or Bolesław Leśmian’s “Urszula Kochanowska” (Ursula Kochanowska), is presented in class for listening exercises, reading, recitation, discussion, and especially creative writing. The students are introduced to the captivating genre of poetry and learn about the cultural and historical content of this work. Then, they write their poem or a composition on the introduced theme. The assessment consists of the student’s originality, the content of the paper, the organization of the paper, and the employment of correct grammatical sentence structure and vocabulary. Consequently, poetic texts immersed in Polish intertextual space are open and may be read in many ways, beyond their initial context, presenting many fascinating interpretations and offering many intellectual attractions. A poem is an excellent learning source for the creativity stage in the art of writing, transmuting elements of the past Polish culture and literature in modern language classes. Students write their own intriguing stories, focusing on their knowledge of the language, and using resourcefulness and creativity

    Ballads in the Polish Heritage Composition Class

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    Adam Mickiewicz's "Lilije," Miron Białoszewski "Lilie," and Agnieszka Kuciak's "Ballada elektroniczna" in a Polish heritage composition class

    Fairy Tales in Polish Advanced Heritage Composition Classes

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    PowerPoint on the use of Bolesław Leśmian's Fairy Tales in Polish Advanced Heritage Composition Classes

    Kolędowo/Caroling in Polish Language Classroom

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    Kolędowo/Caroling in Polish Language Classroom focuses on the cultural awareness linked to the celebration of Christmas in Poland by playing lyrics and viewing clips of traditional and modernized versions of Polish Christmas carols, sharing of recipes with photographs of prepared dishes for the Wigilia, and examining pictures of beautiful Christmas crèches from the region of Kraków that are theaters for traditional puppet Nativity plays. Christmas for students is a special time of the year and they enjoy talking and writing about their favorite activities during that period. Moreover, they are eager to compare their traditions celebrated at their homes to the Christmas customs from different parts of Poland and various corners of the world

    Polish Culture in Lesson 0

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    Culture and traditions constitute the essential elements in the process of Polish language education. The textbook Hurra po polsku. Podręcznik studenta by Małgorzata Małolepsza & Aneta Szymkiewicz in Lesson 0 introduces briefly Polish phonetic system and greeting expressions without offering any follow up exercises in the Hurra po polsku. Zeszyt ćwiczeń. Thus, it is an open field for Instructors of the Elementary Polish to create cultural and phonetic resources complementing Lesson 0

    The Sarmatian Review, Vol., 36, No. 2

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    In this issue: Thank You Note -- Sarmatian Review Data – LETTER -- Leonard Kress, The Wonder and Woe of Translating -- Joanna Rostropowicz Clark, City of Memory: A Bilingual Anthology of Contemporary Polish Poetry (review) -- Felicia Hardison Londré, Loose Screws: Nine New Plays from Poland (review) -- Sally Boss, Echoes of Tattered Tongues: Memory Unfolded (review) -- Harry Louis Roddy, Rising Hope: Warsaw Rising Trilogy, vol. 1 (review) -- Piotr Wilczek, Orphan Girl: A transaction, or an Account of the Entire Life of an Orphan Girl by way of Plaintful Threnodies in the Year 1685. The Aesop Episode (review) -- Agnieszka Gutthy, Literatura polska obu Ameryk: Studia i szkice–Seria pierwsza (review) – MORE BOOKS -- Eliza Orzeszkowa, Marta (excerpts), trans. by Anna Gąsienica-Byrcyn and Stephanie Kraft -- Jacek Koronacki, The West and the Rest: A Brief Account -- About the Authors -- Announcements and Note